Saheeh Seerah Al Albaanee English

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Chapter 12: The Bid`ah invented by Quraish by calling themselves as<br />

al-Ḥums 77<br />

“Ḥums” means: “stubborn and strictly religious”. Quraish were so called because they<br />

exaggerated in the sanctity of al-Ḥaram (The Sanctuary) and exceeded the limits. And<br />

because of this, they made it binding upon themselves not to go to `Arafah (which was<br />

outside of the boundaries of al-Ḥaram). They used to say: “We are the people of al-<br />

Ḥaram and the inhabitants of the House of <strong>Al</strong>laah.” So they would not go to `Arafah, in<br />

adherence to this corrupt innovation of theirs, even though they knew well that it was<br />

part of the pilgrimage which was enjoined by Ibraaheem ‏ُالسالم ‏.عليه And they used to<br />

prevent the pilgrims – those who came for Ḥajj or `Umrah – from eating except the<br />

food that was prepared by Quraish, and they used to prevent them from doing the<br />

Ṭawaaf around the Ka`bah except in the clothes provided by them. So if one of these<br />

pilgrims did not find clothes provided by al-Ḥums, he would do the Ṭawaaf naked, even<br />

if it happened to be a woman. So the woman who did the Ṭawaaf naked used to place<br />

her hand over her private parts and recite: “Today some or all of it will appear, and<br />

whatever may appear I do not make is permissible.”<br />

‏,ﷺ Ibn Is-ḥaaq said: They continued in these practices until <strong>Al</strong>laah sent Muḥammad<br />

and revealed to him the Qur’aan, and refuted them in the things that which they<br />

innovated, saying:<br />

‏﴿ث ‏َُُّأَفِيض واُمِن ‏ُُحَي ث ‏ُُأَفَُاضَُُالنَّاس ‏ُُوَاس تَغ فِر واُاللَّهَُُُۖإِنَُُّاللَّهَُُغَف ور ‏ُُرَّحِ‏ يمُ﴾‏<br />

{Then depart from the place whence all the people depart}, meaning: depart from<br />

`Arafah from where the majority of the people depart.<br />

{and ask <strong>Al</strong>laah for His Forgiveness. Truly, <strong>Al</strong>laah is Oft-Forgiving, Most-Merciful.}<br />

[Surah al-Baqarah (2): 199]<br />

And we (Ibn Katheer) have already mentioned that the Prophet ﷺ used to stay in<br />

`Arafah (on the Day of `Arafah with the other pilgrims), even before he received<br />

‏.ﷺ Revelation. This is from the guidance and protection of <strong>Al</strong>laah for him<br />

77 [TN: The meaning and some narrations were already mentioned in chapter 8, and how they refused to go to<br />

`Arafah during Ḥajj because it was outside the boundaries of al-Ḥaram (the Sanctuary).]<br />

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