Saheeh Seerah Al Albaanee English

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In Ṣaḥeeḥ al-Bukhaaree, from the Ḥadeeth of Ibn `Abbaas رضيُاهللُعنهما that the Prophet<br />

said: ❝The first lady to use a girdle was the mother of Ismaa`eel. 69 She used a ﷺ<br />

girdle so that she might hide her tracks from Saarah. Ibraaheem brought her and her<br />

son Ismaa`eel while she was suckling him, to a place near the Ka`bah under a tree on<br />

the spot of Zamzam, at the highest place in the Masjid. During those days there was<br />

nobody in Makkah, nor was there any water. So, he made them sit over there and<br />

placed near them a leather bag containing some dates, and a small water-skin<br />

containing some water, and set out homeward. Ismaa`eel’s mother followed him<br />

saying: “O Ibraaheem! Where are you going, leaving us in this valley where there is<br />

no person whose company we may enjoy nor is there anything (to enjoy)?” She<br />

repeated that to him many times, but he did not look back at her. Then she asked<br />

him: “Has <strong>Al</strong>laah ordered you to do so?” He said: “Yes.” She said: “Then He تعالى will<br />

not neglect us”, and returned while Ibraaheem proceeded onwards, and on reaching<br />

the Thaniyah where they could not see him, he faced the Ka`bah, and raising both<br />

hands, invoked <strong>Al</strong>laah saying the following prayers:<br />

‏﴿رَّبَّنَاُإِِنُُِّأَس كَنت ‏ُُمِنُذ رِّيَّتُُِبِوَادُُغَريُُِذِيُزَر ع ‏ُُعِندَُُبَي تِكَُُال م حَرَّمُُِرَبَّنَاُلِي قِيم واُالصَّالَ‏ ةَُُفَاج عَل ‏ُُأَف ئِدَةُُمِّنَُُ‏<br />

النَّاسُُِتَه وِيُإِلَي هِم ‏ُُوَار ز ق ه مُمِّنَُُالثَّمَرَاتُُِلَعَلَّه م ‏ُُيَش ك ر ونَُ﴾‏<br />

{O our Lord! I have made some of my offspring dwell in a valley without cultivation,<br />

by Your Sacred House (Ka`bah at Makkah) in order, O our Lord, that they may offer<br />

prayer perfectly. So fill some hearts among men with love towards them, and (O<br />

<strong>Al</strong>laah) provide them with fruits, so that they may give thanks.} [Surah Ibraaheem<br />

(14): 37] 70<br />

69 Her name was Ḥaajar.<br />

70 [TN: Ibraaheem عليهُالسالم began his supplication, saying:<br />

‏﴿وَإِذُُقَالَُُإِب رَاهِيمُُرَبُُِّاج عَلُُهَىذَاُال بَلَدَُُآمِن اُوَاج ن ب نُُِوَبَنَُُِّ‏ أَن ‏ُنَّع ب دَُُاِّل ‏َص نَامَُ﴾‏<br />

{And (remember) when Ibraaheem said: “O my Lord! Make this city (Makkah) one of peace and security, and<br />

keep me and my sons away from worshiping idols.”} [Surah Ibraaheem (14): 35]<br />

In his explanation of `Aqeedah al-Tahaawiyyah Shaikh al-Fawzaan, May <strong>Al</strong>laah increase his status, commented:<br />

This is one of the best sayings of the author (i.e. al-Tahaawee), <strong>Al</strong>laah have Mercy on him. For when he<br />

mentioned this great and sensitive issues (regarding Islaam, Imaan, and Kufr), he asked <strong>Al</strong>laah for steadfastness<br />

(upon His religion). That <strong>Al</strong>laah does not misguide him along with those whom He had misguided. This<br />

(supplication) is from his (Imaam al-Tahaawee’s) understanding (of the religion) and his wisdom. A person should<br />

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