Saheeh Seerah Al Albaanee English

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Chapter 42: The severe famine<br />

<strong>Al</strong>-Baihaqee mentioned at this point the supplication which the Prophet ﷺ made<br />

against Quraish when they disobeyed him, resulting in seven years similar to the seven<br />

‏.عليهُالسالم years of Yusuf<br />

And what he mentioned is similar to that which has been reported in the “Ṣaḥeeḥain”,<br />

that Ibn Mas`ood رضيُاهللُعنه said: “Five things have passed: <strong>Al</strong>-Lizaam, the defeat of the<br />

Romans, the mighty grasp (punishment), (the splitting of) the moon, and the smoke.” 320<br />

In another narration, Ibn Mas`ood said: “When the Quraish disobeyed <strong>Al</strong>laah’s<br />

Messenger ﷺ and refrained from accepting Islaam, he ﷺ supplicated <strong>Al</strong>laah<br />

saying: ❝O <strong>Al</strong>laah! Help me against them by sending seven years of (famine) like<br />

those of Yusuf.❞ So they were afflicted with such a severe year of famine that they<br />

were destroyed therein and ate dead animals and bones [in another narration: and<br />

skin]. They started seeing something like smoke between the sky and the earth<br />

(because of severe hunger). Abu Sufyaan then came (to the Prophet ‏(ﷺ and said: ‘O<br />

Muḥammad! You came to order us for to keep good relations with kith and kin, and<br />

your kinsmen have now perished, so please invoke <strong>Al</strong>laah (to relieve them).’” Then Ibn<br />

Mas`ood recited:<br />

‏﴿فَار تَقِب ‏ُيَو مَُتَأ تِ‏ ‏ُالسَّمَاء ‏ُبِد خَان ‏ُمُّبِني ‏ُ*ُيَغ شَىُالنَّاسَ‏ ‏ُُۖهَىذَاُعَذَاب ‏ُأَلِيم ‏ُ*ُرَّبَّنَاُاك شِ‏ ف ‏ُعَنَّاُال عَذَابَ‏ ُ<br />

إِنَّاُم ؤ مِنُونَُ*ُأََّنَّىَُلَ‏ م ‏ُالذِّك رَىُوَقَد ‏ُجَاءَه م ‏ُرَس ول ‏ُمُّبِني ‏ُ*ُث ‏َُّتَوَلَّو اُعَن ه ‏ُوَقَال واُم عَلَّم ‏ُّمَّ‏ ن ون ‏ُ*ُإِنَّاُكَاشِ‏ ف وُ‏<br />

ال عَذَابِ‏ ‏ُقَلِيال ‏ُُۖإِنَّك م ‏ُعَائِد ونَ﴾‏<br />

{Then wait you for the Day when the sky will bring forth a visible smoke. Covering the<br />

people, this is a painful torment. (They will say): “Our Lord! Remove the torment<br />

from us, really we shall become believers!” How can there be for them an admonition<br />

(at the time when the torment has reached them), when a Messenger explaining<br />

things clearly has already come to them? Then they had turned away from him<br />

(Muḥammad) and said: “The one taught (by a human being), a madman!” Verily, We<br />

shall remove the torment for a while. Verily! You will revert.} [Surah al-Dukhaan (44):<br />

10-15]<br />

320 Ṣaḥeeḥ al-Bukhaaree (4767, 4820, 4825) and Ṣaḥeeḥ Muslim (1211-131, 2798-41)<br />

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