Saheeh Seerah Al Albaanee English

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none can alter the Words (Decisions) of <strong>Al</strong>laah. Surely there has reached you the<br />

information (news) about the Messengers (before you).} [Surah al-An`aam (6): 34]<br />

And <strong>Al</strong>laah تعاىل said:<br />

‏﴿إِنَّاُكَفَي نَاكَُُال م س تَه زِئِنيَُ﴾‏<br />

{Truly! We will suffice you against the mockers.} [Surah al-Ḥijr (15): 95]<br />

Sufyaan (al-Thawree) reported from Ja`far Ibn Iyyaas, from Sa`eed Ibn Jubair, that Ibn<br />

`Abbaas رضي ‏ُاهلل ‏ُعنهما said regarding the “mockers”: “They were al-Waleed Ibn al-<br />

Mugheerah, al-Aswad Ibn `Abd Yaghooth al-Zuhree, al-Aswad Ibn al-Muṭṭalib, Abu<br />

Zam`ah, al-Ḥaarith Ibn `Ayṭal, and al-`Aaṣ Ibn Waa’il al-Sahmee. So Jibreel came to the<br />

ﷺ complained to him about them. Then he ﷺ and he ‏,ﷺ Messenger of <strong>Al</strong>laah<br />

pointed towards al-Waleed, so Jibreel gestured towards his fingertips and said: ‘You (O<br />

Muḥammad) have been sufficed against him.’ Then he ﷺ pointed towards al-Aswad<br />

Ibn al-Muṭṭalib and Jibreel gestured towards his eyes, 314 saying: ‘You have been sufficed<br />

against him.’ Then he ﷺ pointed towards al-Ḥaarith Ibn `Ayṭal and Jibreel gestured<br />

towards his stomach, saying: ‘You have been sufficed against him.’ Then al-`Aaṣ Ibn<br />

Waa’il passed by and Jibreel gestured towards the sole of his foot, saying: ‘You have<br />

been sufficed against him.’ As for al-Waleed, he later stopped by a man from (the tribe<br />

of) Khuzaa`ah who was mounting feathers on an arrow for him, but the arrow struck<br />

his fingers and severed them. As for al-Aswad Ibn `Abd Yaghooth, he had ulcers<br />

growing out of his head, and he died because of them. As for al-Aswad Ibn al-Muṭṭalib,<br />

he went blind. The cause of that was that he once mounted under a gum tree and<br />

began calling out: ‘O my son, can’t you defend me? I am dead!’ His companions said:<br />

‘We do not see anything!’ But he kept saying: ‘O my son, can’t you protect me? I am<br />

perishing! I have been pricked with the thorns in my eyes!’ They said: ‘We do not see<br />

anything!’ He kept repeating the same until his eyes were blind. As for al-Ḥaarith Ibn<br />

`Ayṭal, he was afflicted with yellow bile in his stomach until his excrement emerged<br />

from his mouth and he died because of that. And as for al-`Aaṣ Ibn Waa’il, one day a<br />

thorn entered his foot 315 and caused it to be filled (with pus), and he died because of<br />

that.”<br />

314 (Shaikh al-<strong>Al</strong>baanee said): Originally, the word “neck” is mentioned, and the correction has been made from<br />

“Durr al-Manthoor” of al-Suyooṭee.<br />

315 (Shaikh al-<strong>Al</strong>baanee said): Originally, the word “head” is mentioned, and the correction has been made from<br />

“al-Durr” and “Majma` al-Zawaaid” (11113).<br />

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