Saheeh Seerah Al Albaanee English

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And in the Ṣaḥeeḥain, from the (long) Ḥadeeth of Anas Ibn Maalik رضيُاهللُعنه regarding<br />

the incident of al-Israa’ (the Prophet’s night journey from Masjid al-Ḥaraam to Masjid<br />

al-Aqsa) – which will be mentioned later on – there is another incident of cut opening<br />

of the chest on that night, and that it was washed with Zamzam water. There is no<br />

contradiction in these two narrations, as the incident of cutting open of the chest<br />

happened twice: once during the childhood of the Prophet ‏,ﷺ and the other during<br />

the night of al-Israa’, in preparation for his ﷺ ascension to be in the company of the<br />

most exalted group (i.e. the angels) and to meet his Lord عزُوجل and be in His<br />

presence.<br />

سبحانهُوُ‏ تعاىل<br />

The purpose (here is to mention) the blessings of the Prophet ﷺ which were<br />

bestowed upon Ḥaleemah al-Sa`diyyah and her family while he was still an infant.<br />

Moreover, he ﷺ returned (to the people of) Hawaazin their families who were taken<br />

as the captives of war (by the Muslims) after the battle which took place (between<br />

them and the Muslims). This incident happened a month after the conquest of Makkah.<br />

They had appealed to the Prophet ﷺ through their relationship with him through<br />

breastfeeding. So he ﷺ freed the captives, taking pity on them, and treating them<br />

with kindness. This will be discussed in detail later on, In shaa <strong>Al</strong>laah. 26<br />

Muḥammad Ibn Is-ḥaaq said concerning the incident of Hawaazin, on the authority of<br />

`Amr Ibn Shu`aib, on the authority of his father, that his grandfather said: “We were<br />

with the Messenger of <strong>Al</strong>laah ﷺ in Ḥunain, after we had taken their wealth and<br />

(their families) as captives, the people of Hawaazin send their delegates and they had<br />

‏!ﷺ (now) accepted Islaam (and became Muslims). They said: ‘O Messenger of <strong>Al</strong>laah<br />

We are (from your) family and relatives, and you know well what calamity has befallen<br />

us. Have mercy on us, may <strong>Al</strong>laah have mercy on you.’ Their spokesperson, Zuhair Ibn<br />

Ṣard, stood up and said: ‘O Messenger of <strong>Al</strong>laah ‏!ﷺ Among the captives under the<br />

thatched are those who are your maternal aunts and your nurses who looked after you.<br />

The reality is that the Aḥaadeeth regarding the “cutting open of the chest” are authentic, and there is no doubt<br />

about them, (and no one doubts them) except for those who have weak Imaan (Faith) or who have no Imaan (in<br />

the first place). As for the defect he is claiming, there is no truth to it except for mere claims, and just for<br />

distracting (or entertaining) the readers.<br />

قدرُ‏ هللا ‏ُوماُشاءُ‏ - book passed away before he could complete his task of checking the entire رمحهُاهلل [TN: The Shaikh 26<br />

or other books on the Prophet’s biography ‏”السريةُالنبوية“‏ One can refer to the original book of Imaam Ibn Katheer ‏.فعل<br />

to read more about this incident.]<br />

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