Saheeh Seerah Al Albaanee English

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‏﴿وَمَاُأَر سَل نَاُمِنُقَب لِكَ‏ ‏ُمِنُرَّس ول ‏ُوَّلَ‏ ‏ُنَِبِ‏ ‏ٍُّإِّلَّ‏ ‏ُإِذَاَُتََنَّىُأَل قَىُالشَّي طَان ‏ُفِ‏ ‏ُأ م نِيَّتِهُِفَُيَنسَخ ‏ُاللَّه ‏ُمَاُي ل قِيُ‏<br />

الشَّي طَان ‏ُث ‏َُُّي كِمُاللَّه ‏ُآيَاتِهُُِۖوَاللَّه ‏ُعَلِيم ‏ُحَكِيم ﴾<br />

{Never did We send a Messenger or a Prophet before you, but; when he did recite the<br />

revelation or narrated or spoke, Shaiṭaan threw (some falsehood) in it. But <strong>Al</strong>laah<br />

abolishes that which Shaiṭaan throws in. Then <strong>Al</strong>laah establishes His Revelations. And<br />

<strong>Al</strong>laah is <strong>Al</strong>l-Knower, <strong>Al</strong>l-Wise.} [Surah al-Ḥajj (22): 52]<br />

Then they (some of the Mufassiroon) would refer to the story of al-Gharaaneeq.<br />

We (Ibn Katheer) preferred to refrain from mentioning it openly here lest it comes to<br />

the attention of those who are unable to understand it within context. 288 The origins of<br />

the story are, however, present in the books of “Ṣaḥeeḥ” (Aḥaadeeth).<br />

<strong>Al</strong>-Bukhaaree reported from Ibn `Abbaas ‏ُاهلل ‏ُعنهما ‏:رضي “The Prophet ﷺ performed a<br />

prostration when he finished reciting Surah al-Najm, and all the Muslims and pagans –<br />

(from) the Jinn and human beings prostrated along with him.”<br />

<strong>Al</strong>-Bukhaaree was alone in narrating it, whereas Muslim did not report it. 289<br />

288 I (al-<strong>Al</strong>baanee say): The explanation of the author (Ibn Katheer) in his “Tafseer” of the Aayah of Surah al-Ḥajj is<br />

more detailed and clear in refuting the story of al-Gharaaneeq. He (Ibn Katheer) said: “At this point, many of the<br />

Mufassireen mentioned the story of the al- Gharaaneeq, and how many of those who had migrated to Abyssinia<br />

came back when they thought that the idolaters of the Quraish had become Muslims. But these reports have<br />

come through chains of narrations which are all “Mursal” (incomplete), and I do not think that any of them have<br />

been reported with a complete chain that may be regarded as authentic. And <strong>Al</strong>lah knows best.” – end of quote<br />

from Ibn Katheer.<br />

I (al-<strong>Al</strong>baanee say): I have (verified and) affirmed that statement (of Ibn Katheer), through narrations and<br />

نصبُاجملانيقُلنسفُ“‏ book: reasoning, in a way no one has preceded me – and to the best of my knowledge – in my<br />

and it has been published (in `Arabic), it is essential that you read it. <strong>Al</strong>so, it is necessary here to warn ‏,”قصةُالغرانيق<br />

about the severe mistake made by Shaikh (Abu Zahrah – the person in whose refutation the Shaikh al-<strong>Al</strong>baanee<br />

wrote this book, see the introduction), for he has mentioned in two places in his book that Imaam al-Bukhaaree<br />

has reported this story of al-Gharaaneeq in his “Ṣaḥeeḥ”, and this is falsehood. Rather Imaam al-Bukhaaree – as<br />

will be quoted shortly – mentioned narrations but which have no connection with this (false) story.<br />

289 (Shaikh al-<strong>Al</strong>baanee said) reported by al-Bukhaaree in his “Ṣaḥeeḥ” (1071, 4862). <strong>Al</strong>-Ḥaakim (3745) also<br />

reported it and said: “It is “Ṣaḥeeḥ” as per the condition of al-Bukhaaree, but he did not report it”. This is a<br />

mistake on his (al-Ḥaakim’s) part (as al-Bukhaaree did report it). <strong>Al</strong>-Tirmidhee also reported it in his “Sunan”<br />

(575).<br />

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