Saheeh Seerah Al Albaanee English

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‘From among all these, you (only) chose me to be killed?’ He ﷺ replied: ❝Yes,<br />

because you had spat on my face.❞ Then <strong>Al</strong>laah تعاىل revealed:<br />

‏﴿وَيَو مَُيَعَضُُّالظَّالِ‏ ‏ُعَلَىُيَدَي هُِيَق ول ‏ُيَاُلَي تَنِ‏ ‏ُاَتََّذ ت ‏ُمَعَُالرَّس ولِ‏ ‏ُسَبِيال ‏ُ*ُيَاُوَي لَّتَىُلَي تَُنِ‏ ‏ُلَ‏ ‏ُأََتَِّذ ‏ُف الَ‏ ن اُ‏<br />

خَلِيال ‏ُ*ُلَّقَد ‏ُأَضَلَّنِ‏ ‏ُعَنُِالذِّك رُِبَع دَُإِذ ‏ُجَاءَِنِ‏ ‏ُُۖوَكَانَُالشَّي طَان ‏ُلِْل ‏ُِنسَانُِخَذ وّل ﴾<br />

{And (remember) the Day when the Ẓhaalim (wrong-doer) will bite at his hands, he<br />

will say: “Oh! Would that I had taken a path with the Messenger! Ah! Woe to me!<br />

Would that I had never taken so-and-so as a friend! He indeed led me astray from the<br />

Reminder (this Qur’aan) after it had come to me. And Shaiṭaan is ever a deserter to<br />

man in the hour of need.”} [Surah al-Furqaan (25): 27-29<br />

(Shaikh al-<strong>Al</strong>baanee said): This was reported by Ibn Mardawaih and Abu Nu`aim in “al-<br />

Dalaa’il” with a “Ṣaḥeeḥ” chain, from the route of Sa`eed Ibn Jubair, from Ibn `Abbaas,<br />

as al-Suyooṭee had mentioned in “al-Durr al-Manthoor” (5/68). 285<br />

ﷺ also narrated: The Quraish promised the Messenger of <strong>Al</strong>laah رضيُاهللُعنه Ibn `Abbaas<br />

that they will give him so much wealth that he will become the wealthiest man in<br />

Makkah, and will marry him to as many women as he wants. And they said: ‘O<br />

Muḥammad, this is for you from our side in replacement that you should stop insulting<br />

our gods, and you should not criticize them anymore. But if you do not wish this, then<br />

we have only one (last) proposal left for you, in which there is a mutual benefit - for<br />

285 [TN: This is how al-Suyooṭee had reported in “al-Durr al-Manthoor” and it is an error on his part, and Shaikh al-<br />

<strong>Al</strong>baanee relied on him for this narration. The narration from the route of Sa`eed Ibn Jubair, from Ibn `Abbaas is<br />

not reported in “al-Dalaa’il” of Abu Nu`aim. What Abu Nu`aim has narrated in his “al-Dalaa’il” (401), is from his<br />

route, from Muḥammad Ibn Marwaan, from Muḥammad Ibn al-Saaib (in the original it is: al-Musayyib, but it is a<br />

mistake), from Abu Ṣaaleh, from Ibn `Abbaas ‏,رضيُاهللُعنه and there is more detail to this narration from this route.<br />

Furthermore, after quoting the same narration from al-Suyooṭee, Shaikh Muqbil said: “I was not able to find the<br />

chain of this narration. But In “Musannaf” of `Abdul Razzaaq (9731) and in the “Tafseer” of Ibn Jareer, there is a<br />

similar incident mentioned, but it is “Mursal”, and in place of `Uqbah Ibn Abu Mu`ait it is mentioned Ubay Ibn<br />

Khalaf. And `Abdul Razzaaq also connected this narration in his “Tafseer” (2085, 2086), but from the route of<br />

`Uthmaan al-Jazaree, from Miqsam, the freed slave of Ibn `Abbaas, from Ibn `Abbaas*. But in its chain is<br />

`Uthmaan al-Jazaree and his narrations are not taken as evidence. At the moment, we will stop from grading this<br />

narration (which is reported by al-Suyooṭee) because al-Suyooṭee رمحه ‏ُاهلل was Mutasaahil (lenient in grading the<br />

Aḥaadeeth).” [Ṣaḥeeḥ al-Musnad min Asbaab al-Nuzool (1/171-172)]<br />

* Even the narration reported by `Abdul Razzaaq in his “Tafseer” is “Mursal”. Miqsam did not narrate it from Ibn<br />

`Abbaas, and that was an error from Shaikh Muqbil. As for `Uthmaan al-Jazaree, Imaam Aḥmad said about him:<br />

“He narrated “Munkar” Aḥaadeeth, and it is claimed that he had lost his book.”, and Abu Ḥaatim and al-<br />

Haithamee said about him: “Unknown”.]<br />

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