Saheeh Seerah Al Albaanee English

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Ibn `Abbaas رضيُاهللُعنهما narrated: “One day (`Uqbah Ibn) Abu Mu`ait 284 used to sit with<br />

the Prophet ﷺ in Makkah and did not annoy him, for he was a soft man. As for the<br />

rest of the Quraish, whenever they used to sit with the Prophet ‏,ﷺ they used to<br />

annoy him. (`Uqbah Ibn) Abu Mu`ait had a friend who was absent, as he had gone to al-<br />

Shaam. The Quraish (spread the rumor) that Abu Mu`ait has abandoned his religion<br />

(and became a Muslim). When his friend returned from al-Shaam one night, he said to<br />

his wife: ‘What has Muḥammad done in my absence?’ She replied: ‘The matter has<br />

become worse than before.’ He asked: ‘What did my friend, (`Uqbah Ibn) Abu Mu`ait,<br />

do?’ She replied: ‘He has abandoned his religion.’ The whole night he was miserable.<br />

When it was morning, (`Uqbah Ibn) Abu Mu`ait visited him. (`Uqbah Ibn) Abu Mu`ait<br />

greeted him, but he did not respond. Abu Mu`ait said: ‘What is the matter with you<br />

that you don’t respond to my greetings?’ He said: ‘How can I respond to your greeting<br />

while you have abandoned your religion!’ He asked: ‘Did the Quraish kindle this (fire<br />

against me)?!’ He replied: ‘Yes.’ So he asked: ‘What should I do to free myself of this<br />

blame?’ He said: ‘You should go to his gathering and spit at his face and insult him in<br />

the worst manner possible.’ So he did that. After the Prophet ﷺ had wiped his face,<br />

he turned towards him and said: ❝If I find you outside the mountains of Makkah, I<br />

will smite your neck.❞ So when it was the day of Badr and his associates went out (for<br />

fighting), `Uqbah refused to join them. They persuaded him to join them. He replied:<br />

“This man (i.e. Muḥammad) has promised me that were he to find me outside the<br />

mountains of Makkah, he would smite my neck.’ They said: ‘Should we be defeated,<br />

you have a red camel on which you can flee and he will not be able to catch you.’ So he<br />

went out with them. When <strong>Al</strong>laah تعاىل defeated the Mushriks, his camel got stuck in the<br />

soft part of land, and he was among the seventy captives that were captured (on that<br />

day). (`Uqbah Ibn) Abu Mu`ait was then brought to the Prophet ‏.ﷺ `Uqbah said:<br />

“Mursal” form; they did not mention that he narrated it from `<strong>Al</strong>ee*, and al-Tirmidhee said: “This is more<br />

correct.” Meaning: Ibn Mahdee and Yahya Ibn Aadam both narrated from Sufyaan, from Abee Is-ḥaaq, from<br />

Naajiyah. But Ibn Katheer reported it (in his “Tafseer”) from the route of Sufyaan reaching `<strong>Al</strong>ee*, and that is the<br />

first narration which al-Tirmidhee reported, and it is strengthened by the narration which al-Ḥaakim mentioned<br />

from the route of Israa’eel, from Abee Is-ḥaaq, from Naajiyah, from `<strong>Al</strong>ee. And it is for this reason that al-Ḍhiyaa’<br />

al-Deen al-Maqdisee reported it in “al-Mukhtaarah”.<br />

*[TN: In the original footnote, in both these places, it is mentioned as Ibn `Abbaas instead of `<strong>Al</strong>ee, which was<br />

incorrect. Moreover, in his checking of Sunan al-Tirmidhee, Shaikh al-<strong>Al</strong>baanee graded both the chains as<br />

“Ḍha`eef”. See “Ṣaḥeeḥ wa Ḍha`eef Sunan al-Tirmidhee”]<br />

284 [TN: Originally it was mentioned as Abu Mu`ait in “al-Durr al-Manthoor” of al-Suyooṭee, and the correction<br />

was made as per the narration mentioned earlier from Ibn Is-ḥaaq. Shaikh al-<strong>Al</strong>baanee said: What is apparent is<br />

that Abu Mu`ait is the Kunyah of `Uqbah. And this narration is a supporting evidence to what has been preceded<br />

from the narration of Ibn Is-ḥaaq]<br />

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