Saheeh Seerah Al Albaanee English

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drinking it. We used to have a gathering place at al-Hazwarah where the men from Quraish used to meet. One<br />

night I went out looking for my drinking partners but found not one of them there. So I told myself, I should go off<br />

to a wine dealer named so-and-so to get some for myself to drink. But I could not find him. So I told myself, I<br />

might as well go to the Ka`bah and circumambulate it seven or seventy times. So I went to al-Masjid (al-Ḥaraam)<br />

and there I saw the Messenger of <strong>Al</strong>laah ﷺ offering the Salaah. When he prayed, he would face towards al-<br />

Shaam, placing the Ka`bah between himself and it. The spot he prayed at was between the two corners, al-Aswad<br />

(Black Stone) and al-Yamaanee. When I saw him, I told myself, I might just as well spend the evening listening to<br />

Muḥammad. If I came too close to him to listen I might scare him. So I approached him from the side of al-Ḥijr,<br />

passing beneath its covering and walking slowly, while the Messenger of <strong>Al</strong>laah ﷺ continued standing there in<br />

prayer, reciting the Qur’aan. Eventually, I stood facing towards him with nothing there between us but the<br />

covering of the Ka`bah. When I heard the Qur’aan, my heart was touched by it, I wept and Islaam entered in me. I<br />

stayed where I was until the Messenger of <strong>Al</strong>laah ﷺ had finished his Salaah and departed. Whenever he would<br />

depart, he would pass by the house of Ibn Abu Ḥusain, whose dwelling happened to be at Daar al-Raqttaa’, which<br />

was owned by Mu`aawiyah. I followed him until, as he went between the house of `Abbaas and that of Ibn Az-har,<br />

I caught up with him. When he heard my voice he recognized me and thought I had followed him only to harm<br />

him. So he told me to keep away, and said: ❝O Ibn al-Khaṭṭaab! What brings you here at this hour?❞ I replied:<br />

‘I have come to believe in <strong>Al</strong>laah, in His Messenger, and in what has come down from <strong>Al</strong>laah.’ The Messenger of<br />

<strong>Al</strong>laah ﷺ then praised <strong>Al</strong>laah and thanked Him for this, and said: ❝<strong>Al</strong>laah has guided you, O `Umar!❞ He then<br />

touched my chest and supplicated (that <strong>Al</strong>laah) keeps me firm (upon the Deen). After that, I left and the<br />

Messenger of <strong>Al</strong>laah went inside his house.<br />

Ibn Is-ḥaaq then said: <strong>Al</strong>laah knows best which of these versions really happened.<br />

[This is another narration which Shaikh al-<strong>Al</strong>baanee omitted because of its weakness.<br />

Shaikh Waṣee-ullaah `Abbaas said in his checking of “Faḍhaa'il al-Ṣaḥaabah” (374): “The chain of this narration is<br />

“Ḍha`eef” (weak) due to the break up (interruption) in its chain. Furthermore, there is Tadlees (saying ambiguous<br />

words to give the wrong impression or masking the identity of his immediate authority in order to strengthen his<br />

Isnaad) by Ibn Abee Najeeh. Abu Nu`aim also reported something similar but short in his “al-Ḥilyah” (1/39) from<br />

the route of Abu Bakr Ibn Abee Shaibah, from Abu al-Zubair, from Jaabir ‏.رضيُاهللُعنه But Abu al-Zubair is a Mudallis<br />

(i.e. one who gives the wrong impression that he had heard it from the narrator) and he narrated using the<br />

phrase “`An” عن)‏ “from”, as opposed to “so-and-so told us” or “I heard so-and-so say” etc.) –end of quote from<br />

Shaikh Waṣee-ullaah.]<br />

The third narration: Regarding the conversion of `Umar رضي اهلل عنه and the recitation of Surah al-Ḥaaqqah:<br />

Shuraih Ibn `Ubaid narrated that `Umar Ibn al-Khaṭṭaab هللا ُ عنه ُ said: “I went out looking for the Messenger of<br />

<strong>Al</strong>laah ﷺ before I became Muslim, and I found that he had reached the al-Masjid (al-Ḥaraam) before me. I<br />

stood behind him and he started to recite Surah al-Ḥaaqqah, and I was amazed by the way in which the Qur’aan<br />

was composed. I said: ‘By <strong>Al</strong>laah, this man is a poet as the Quraish said.’ Then he ﷺ recited:<br />

ؤضي<br />

‏﴿إِنَُّه ‏ُلَقَو ل ‏ُرَس ول ‏ُكَرِمي ‏ُ*ُوَمَاُه وَُبِقَو لِ‏ ‏ُشَاعِر ُُۖ قَلِيال ‏ُمَّاُت ؤ مِن ونَ﴾‏<br />

{That this is verily the word of an honored Messenger [i.e. Jibreel which he has brought from <strong>Al</strong>laah]. It is not<br />

the word of a poet, little is that you believe!} [Surah al-Ḥaaqqah (69): 40-41]<br />

I said: ‘He is a soothsayer.’ He ﷺ recited:<br />

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