Saheeh Seerah Al Albaanee English

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also reported a similar narration in “al-Ṭabaqaat al-Kubraa” (3/267) from the route of al-Qaasim Ibn `Uthmaan al-<br />

Basree, from Anas. This al-Qaasim is “Ḍha`eef”” –end of quote from Shaikh Waṣee-ullaah.<br />

b) The Second narration, from the route of al-Qaasim Ibn `Uthmaan al-Basree, was also reported by al-Ḥaakim in<br />

“al-Mustadrak” (6897), Ibn al-Jawzee in “Manaaqib `Umar”.<br />

Imaam al-Dhahabee mentioned: “al-Bukhaaree said about al-Qaasim Ibn `Uthmaan al-Basree: “He narrates things<br />

which no one else has narrated.” I (al-Dhahabee) say: “The narration regarding the conversion of `Umar has been<br />

narrated by him and it is “Munkar Jiddan” (extremely rejected/denounced). [“Meezaan al-I`tidaal” (3/375)]<br />

<strong>Al</strong>-Daaraquṭnee said about al-Qaasim: “He was not strong (in memory).” <strong>Al</strong>-Haithamee said: “He is “Ḍha`eef”.”<br />

See also, “al-Ḍha`eefah” (14/75) of Shaikh al-<strong>Al</strong>baanee.<br />

c) The third narration with a similar meaning but even more concise is also reported by al-Ḥaakim in “al-<br />

Mustadrak” (6898), and by Abu Nu`aim in “al-Ḥilyah” (1/41), and by al-Bazzaar in his “Musnad” (279), from the<br />

route of Muḥammad Ibn Aḥmad Ibn Burd al-Antaakee, that Is-ḥaaq Ibn Ibraaheem al-Ḥunainee narrated, that<br />

Usaamah Ibn Zaid Ibn Aslam narrated from his father, from `Umar.<br />

The first defect, Is-ḥaaq Ibn Ibraaheem al-Ḥunainee: Abu Ḥaatim said: “I saw that Aḥmad Ibn Ṣaaleh was not<br />

pleased with his narrations.” <strong>Al</strong>-Bukhaaree said: “There is doubt regarding his narrations.” <strong>Al</strong>-Nasaa’ee said: “He is<br />

not reliable.” <strong>Al</strong>-Dhahabee said: “He has been graded as “Ḍha`eef” by the scholars.” Ibn Ḥajar also said:<br />

“Ḍha`eef”.<br />

The second defect, Usaamah Ibn Zaid Ibn Aslam: Imaam Aḥmad said: “Munkar al-Ḥadeeth” (his narrations are<br />

denounced) and “Ḍha`eef”. <strong>Al</strong>-Dhahabee said: “He has been graded as “Ḍha`eef” by the scholars.” Ibn Ḥajar also<br />

said: “Ḍha`eef” `<strong>Al</strong>ee Ibn al-Madeenee said: “<strong>Al</strong>l the children of Zaid Ibn Aslam (i.e. Usaamah, `Abdullaah and<br />

`Abdul Ramḥaan) are all not reliable.”<br />

al-Dhahabee said in “al-Talkhees”: “He (al-Ḥaakim) blundered regarding this narration, for it is “Waah Jiddan”<br />

(flimsy/extremely weak).”<br />

See also, “al-Ḍha`eefah” (14/73 & 76) of Shaikh al-<strong>Al</strong>baanee.<br />

d) The fourth narration with similar meaning but concise was also reported by al-Ṭabaraanee in “al-Kabeer”<br />

(2/97/1428), but instead of Surah TaHa, it is mentioned that `Umar heard his sister recite Surah al-`<strong>Al</strong>aq. In its<br />

chain is Yazeed Ibn Rabee`ah.<br />

Imaam al-Dhahabee mentioned: “al-Bukhaaree said about Yazeed Ibn Rabee`ah: ‘He is al-Rahbee al-Damishqee:<br />

His narrations are “Munkar” (denounced).’ And Abu Ḥaatim said: “Ḍha`eef”. <strong>Al</strong>-Nasaa’ee said: “Matrook”<br />

(abandoned). <strong>Al</strong>-Joozjaanee said: “I am afraid that his narrations are fabricated.”” [“Meezaan al-I`tidaal” (4/422)]<br />

<strong>Al</strong>-Haithamee said in “al-Majma`” (9/62): “In its chain is Yazeed Ibn Rabee`ah al-Rahbee, and he is “Matrook”<br />

(abandoned).]<br />

The second narration: Regarding the conversion of `Umar رضي اهلل عنه and his hiding behind the covering of the<br />

Ka`bah to listen to the Prophet’s recitation:<br />

Ibn Is-ḥaaq said: `Abdullaah Ibn Abee Najeeh al-Makkee informed me, from his associates: `Aṭaa’, Mujaahid and<br />

others, that regarding `Umar’s conversion to Islaam, he (`Umar) himself would say: ‘I used to be furthest away<br />

from Islaam. And in the Jaahiliyyah (pre-Islaamic days of ignorance), I used to consume a lot of wine, I loved<br />

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