Saheeh Seerah Al Albaanee English

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father: ‘O father! Who was that man who drove away the people that were fighting<br />

with you in Makkah, on the day you accepted Islaam?’ He replied: ‘That, my son, was<br />

al-`Aaṣ Ibn Waa’il al-Sahmee, [the father of `Amr Ibn al-`Aaṣ].’”<br />

The chain of this narration is “Jayyid Qawiy” (extremely strong). 266 It also points to the<br />

delay in `Umar’s conversion to Islaam. This is because `Abdullaah Ibn `Umar<br />

participated in the battle of Uḥud for the first time when he was fourteen years old.<br />

The battle of Uḥud occurred in the third year after Hijrah. He was at the age of<br />

discrimination on the day his father accepted Islaam, an event that must have occurred<br />

some four years before the Prophet’s migration to al-Madeenah. And that is some nine<br />

years after the beginning of the mission of the Prophet ‏.ﷺ And <strong>Al</strong>laah knows best.<br />

[Shaikh al-<strong>Al</strong>baanee’s addendum]<br />

Narrated Ibn `Umar رضيُا هللُعنهما : The Messenger of <strong>Al</strong>laah ﷺ supplicated: ❝O <strong>Al</strong>laah!<br />

Honor Islaam through the dearest of these two men to you: Through Abu Jahl or<br />

through `Umar Ibn al-Khaṭṭaab.❞ He (Ibn `Umar) said: “And the dearest of them to<br />

Him was `Umar.”<br />

Reported by al-Tirmidhee in his “Sunan” (3681), and he said: “The Ḥadeeth is “Ḥasan-<br />

Ṣaḥeeḥ””. 267 <strong>Al</strong>so reported by Ibn Sa`d in “al-Ṭabaqaat al-Kubraa” (3/202), al-Ḥaakim in<br />

266 I (al-<strong>Al</strong>baanee) say: It was reported by al-Ḥaakim in “al-Mustadrak” (4493), from the route of Ibn Is-ḥaaq, and<br />

he said: “It is “Ṣaḥeeḥ as per the condition of Muslim””, and al-Dhahabee agreed with him. And what adds to the<br />

strength of this narration is what al-Bukhaaree reported in his “Ṣaḥeeḥ” (3864), from the route of Zaid Ibn<br />

`Abdullaah Ibn `Umar, from his father, who said: “While `Umar was at home in a state of fear, there came al-`Aaṣ<br />

Ibn Waa’il al-Sahmee, Abu `Amr, wearing an embroidered cloak and a shirt having silk hems. He was from the<br />

tribe of Banee Sahm who were our allies during the Jaahiliyyah (pre-Islaamic period of ignorance). <strong>Al</strong>-`Aaṣ said to<br />

`Umar: ‘What is wrong with you?’ He said: ‘Your people claim that they would kill me if I become a Muslim.’ <strong>Al</strong>-<br />

`Aaṣ said: ‘Nobody will harm you after I have given protection to you.’ So, al-`Aaṣ went out and met the people<br />

streaming in the whole valley; he said: ‘Where are you going?’ They said: ‘We want Ibn <strong>Al</strong>-Khaṭṭaab who has<br />

embraced Islaam.” <strong>Al</strong>-`Aaṣ said: ‘There is no way for anybody to touch him.’ So the people retreated.”<br />

In another narration, a-Bukhaaree reported in his “Ṣaḥeeḥ” (3865) that Ibn `Umar رضيُاهللُعنهما said: “When `Umar<br />

embraced Islaam, all the (disbelieving) people gathered around his home and said: ‘`Umar has embraced Islaam.’<br />

At that time I was still a boy and was on the roof of my house. There came a man wearing a cloak of Dibaaj (i.e. a<br />

kind of silk) and said: ‘`Umar has embraced Islaam. Nobody can harm him for I am his protector.’ I then saw the<br />

people going away from `Umar and I asked who the man was, and they said: ‘<strong>Al</strong>-`Aaṣ Ibn Waa’il.’”<br />

[TN: The Ḥadeeth under discussion was also graded as “Ḥasan” by Shaikh Waṣee-ullaah `Abbaas in his checking of<br />

“Faḍhaa'il al-Ṣaḥaabah” (372b).]<br />

267 [TN: Shaikh al-<strong>Al</strong>baanee رمحهُاهلل graded this Ḥadeeth as “Ṣaḥeeḥ” in his checking of Sunan al-Tirmidhee.<br />

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