Saheeh Seerah Al Albaanee English

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Ibn Is-ḥaaq also said: The incident of `Umar’s conversion to Islaam happened after the<br />

departure of some of the Companions of the Messenger of <strong>Al</strong>laah ﷺ to Abyssinia.<br />

(Ibn Is-ḥaaq said): `Abdul Ramḥaan Ibn al-Ḥaarith Ibn `Abdullaah Ibn `Ayyaash Ibn Abee<br />

Rabee`ah, from `Abdul `Azeez Ibn `Abdullaah Ibn `Aamer Ibn Rabee`ah, [from his<br />

father] 262 (`Abdullaah Ibn `Aamer), that his mother, `Umm `Abdullaah, Bint Abee<br />

Ḥathmah رضيُاهللُعنها said: “By <strong>Al</strong>laah! We were preparing to depart for Abyssinia; `Aamer<br />

had gone out to get something which we needed. At that time `Umar came along and<br />

stopped – at that time he was still a polytheist (Mushrik).” She added: “We had<br />

suffered violence and harm from him. He said: ‘So you are leaving then, Umm<br />

`Abdullaah?’ She said: ‘Yes! We are leaving for one of <strong>Al</strong>laah’s land – for you have<br />

harmed us and maltreated us – (and we will stay there) till <strong>Al</strong>laah provides for us a way<br />

out.’ He said: ‘May <strong>Al</strong>laah be with you!’” She added: “I saw in him a gentleness which I<br />

had never seen before. And then he left, and it seemed to me that our departure had<br />

saddened him.” She said: “When `Aamer arrived with our things, I said to him: ‘O Abu<br />

`Abdullaah, only if you were to see `Umar just now, and his kindness and his concern for<br />

us!’ He (`Aamer) said: ‘Do you hope that he will accept Islaam?’ I said: ‘Yes (I do)!’ He<br />

replied: ‘That man you saw won’t accept Islaam till the donkey of al-Khaṭṭaab accepts<br />

Islaam!’ She said: “He (`Amr) said this in despair at him because of what was seen of his<br />

263 264<br />

harshness and cruelty against Islaam.”<br />

262 (Shaikh al-<strong>Al</strong>baanee said): In many instances where this narration is mentioned, the phrase: “from his father”,<br />

is missing, and it is necessary to point this out because of two reasons. First: Because the narration clearly<br />

mentions that she is the mother of `Abdullaah (Umm `Abdullaah), (and she is the grandmother of) `Abdul `Azeez<br />

and not his mother. Secondly: Ibn Abee Ḥaatim recorded in his biography about `Abdul `Azeez that he narrated<br />

from his father. And Ibn Is-ḥaaq and Sammaak Ibn Ḥarb have reported from `Abdul `Azeez. And this is what Ibn<br />

Ḥajar has favored as well in “al-Lisaan”. This is why I have graded this narration as “Qawiy” (strong).<br />

263 [TN: The cruelty of `Umar was well known, not even his own sister, Faatimah Bint al-Khaṭṭaab, and his brotherin-law<br />

were spared by him.<br />

Narrated Qais: I heard Sa`eed Ibn Zaid Ibn `Amr Ibn Nufail رضيُاهللُعنهم ا saying to the people: “If you but saw me and<br />

`Umar's sister tied and forced by `Umar to abandon Islaam while he was not yet a Muslim. And if the mountain of<br />

Uḥud were to collapse for the evil which you people have done to `Uthmaan, it would have the right to do that.”<br />

[Ṣaḥeeḥ al-Bukhaaree (3862, 3867, 6942)]<br />

Sa`eed Ibn Zaid was the son of Zaid Ibn `Amr Ibn Nufail and he was among the early converts to Islaam. The detail<br />

about his conversion has already preceded in chapter no. 8]<br />

264 [TN: Imaam Aḥmad also reported with this chain in “Faḍhaa’il al-Ṣaḥaabah” (371a) and Shaikh Waṣee-ullaah<br />

`Abbaas graded its chain as “Ḥasan”.]<br />

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