Saheeh Seerah Al Albaanee English

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Ḥaleemah al-Sa`diyyah:<br />

Ibn Is-ḥaaq reported that a Companion of the Prophet ﷺ said: O Messenger of<br />

<strong>Al</strong>laah ‏!ﷺ Tell us about yourself. He ﷺ said: ❝Yes, I am the answer to the prayer<br />

of my father, Ibraaheem ( السالم ), and the glad tidings of `Eesa ( ‏,(عليه and when<br />

السالم<br />

عليه<br />

my mother became pregnant with me, she saw (a vision) that something, as if a light,<br />

came out of her and illuminated the palaces in the land of Syria. I was breastfed in<br />

the tribe of Banee Sa`d Ibn Bakr. While I was (playing) with my (foster) brother<br />

behind our house where we used to pasture our sheep and goats, two men<br />

approached me. They were wearing white clothes and were carrying a basin of gold<br />

filled with ice. They took hold of me and cut open (my chest up to) my abdomen and<br />

took out the heart. Then they cut opened my heart and extracted a black blood-clot<br />

out of it and cast it away. Then they washed my heart and my chest with that ice till it<br />

was cleansed. Then one of them said to his companion: “Weigh him against ten<br />

This is how Imaam Ibn Katheer reported with the additional wording of al-Bukhaaree, except that the mentioning<br />

of the thumb and fingers are not from the “Ṣaḥeeḥ”, but this is found in the narration of al-Ismaa`eelee, as<br />

mentioned by Ibn Ḥajar.<br />

But I (al-<strong>Al</strong>baanee) have removed this addition as it does not fulfill our condition. Firstly: It is a “Mursal” narration.<br />

Secondly: Even if we find the chain to be uninterrupted, the person who saw the dream is still “Majhool”<br />

(unknown), and there is no proof for his statement. Thirdly: It is a dream, and it has no value (i.e. it is not<br />

considered as evidence), especially when it is about this Kaafir, Abu Lahab, about whom <strong>Al</strong>laah said:<br />

‏﴿تَبَّت ‏ُُيَدَاُأَبِ‏ ‏َُُلََب ‏ُُوَتَبَُّ﴾‏<br />

{Perish the two hands of Abu Lahab, and perish he!} [Surah al-Masad (111): 1]<br />

And this is why Ibn Ḥajar said: This narration indicates that a Kaafir may benefit from his good deeds in the<br />

Hereafter, but this opposes the apparent meaning of the Qur’aan, as <strong>Al</strong>laah تعاىل said:<br />

‏﴿وَقَدِم نَاُإِىلَىُُمَاُعَمِل واُمِن ‏ُُعَمَل ‏ُُفَجَعَل نَاهُُهَبَاءُُمَّنث ور ا﴾‏<br />

{And We shall turn to whatever deeds they (disbelievers, polytheists, sinners, etc.) did, and We shall make such<br />

deeds as scattered floating particles of dust.} [Surah al-Furqaan (25): 23]<br />

I (Ibn Ḥajar) respond by saying, firstly: this is “Mursal” narration of `Urwah and he did not mention the name of<br />

the person who informed him of this. Even if we were to accept that the chain is uninterrupted; what is being<br />

narrated is only a dream and it cannot be used as evidence (against the established Text). Moreover, the one who<br />

had the dream, it is not clear if he had accepted Islaam at that time, and so he counted as evidence. Secondly:<br />

even if we assume that it is acceptable, it can be based on what the Prophet ﷺ said specifically about Abu<br />

Ṭaalib that the punishment was lessened for him and that he was removed from the depths of Hell to its shallow<br />

parts. [Fatḥ al-Baaree (9/145)]<br />

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