Saheeh Seerah Al Albaanee English

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Chapter 35: Mentioning of `Umar’s conversion to Islaam<br />

Ibn Is-ḥaaq said: When `Amr Ibn al-`Aaṣ and `Abdullaah Ibn Abu Rabee`ah returned to<br />

Quraish, having failed to achieve their aim, i.e. bringing back the Companions of the<br />

Messenger of <strong>Al</strong>laah ‏,ﷺ and having been rudely rejected by al-Najaashee, (it was<br />

during this period) that `Umar Ibn al-Khaṭṭaab رضيُاهللُعنه accepted Islaam. He was a man<br />

known for his determination and fearless nature, capable of defending his supporters.<br />

The Companions of the Messenger of <strong>Al</strong>laah ﷺ had protection through him and<br />

through Hamza, so that they could stand up to Quraish.<br />

`Abdullaah Ibn Mas`ood رضيُاهللُعنه used to say: “We were unable to pray at the Ka`bah<br />

until `Umar accepted Islaam. When he accepted Islaam, `Umar fought the Quraish until<br />

he was able to pray at the Ka`bah, and we prayed with him.” 259<br />

I (Ibn Katheer) say: It has been established in Ṣaḥeeḥ al-Bukhaaree that Ibn Mas`ood<br />

Islaam.” 260 said: “We have been powerful since (the day) `Umar accepted رضيُاهللُعنه<br />

Ziyaad al-Bakkaa’ee said: Mis`ar Ibn Kidaam informed me, from Sa`d Ibn Ibraaheem,<br />

who said: Ibn Mas`ood رضيُاهللُعنه narrated: “`Umar’s conversion to Islaam was a (source<br />

of) victory (for the Muslims), his migration (to al-Madeenah) was a (source of) help (for<br />

them), and his reign was a (source of) mercy. We could not pray at the Ka`bah until<br />

`Umar accepted Islaam, and when he did, he fought the Quraish until he was able to<br />

pray at the Ka`bah, and we prayed with him.” 261<br />

259 This was reported by Ibn Sa`d in “al-Ṭabaqaat al-Kubraa” (3/270) with a “Ṣaḥeeḥ” chain; and it is also<br />

supported by the next narration.<br />

260 Ṣaḥeeḥ al-Bukhaaree (3684, 3863). It was also reported by al-Ḥaakim in “al-Mustadrak” (4490) and he<br />

wrongfully claimed that it was not reported in the Ṣaḥeeḥain.<br />

261 (Shaikh al-<strong>Al</strong>baanee said): This is a more complete statement of Ibn Is-ḥaaq than the previous, and it is also<br />

mentioned in “al-<strong>Seerah</strong>” of Ibn Hishaam (1/342) and its chain is “Ḥasan”, except for the disconnection between<br />

Sa`d (Ibn Ibraaheem) and Ibn Mas`ood. Ibn Sa`d also reported with this wording in “al-Ṭabaqaat al-Kubraa”<br />

(3/270), but in place of Sa`d he mentioned al-Qaasim Ibn `Abdul Ramḥaan (as a sub-narrator). But al-Ḥaakim<br />

mentioned this in his “al-Mustadrak” (4487) with a connected chain, from the route of `Aaṣim Ibn `<strong>Al</strong>ee, that al-<br />

Mas`oodee narrated, from al-Qaasim Ibn `Abdul Ramḥaan, from his father, from `Abdullaah (Ibn Mas`ood). But al-<br />

Ḥaakim only reported the second part of the narration, and said: “Its chain is “Ṣaḥeeḥ””, and al-Dhahabee agreed<br />

with him.<br />

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