Saheeh Seerah Al Albaanee English

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said: ‘O king, I had purchased a slave from the marketplace and paid his price, but<br />

those who sold him to me have taken him away and are not returning me my money.’<br />

So this was the first test for al-Najaashee’s wisdom and justice. He said: ‘Either you<br />

return his money or give him back his slave so that he returns with what is his.’ They<br />

replied: ‘Rather, we will return his money.’” So `Urwah said: ‘This is why he had said:<br />

‘<strong>Al</strong>laah did not take from me a bribe when He restored my kingdom to me, so why<br />

should I take a bribe to go against Him (concerning them)? And He (<strong>Al</strong>laah) did not<br />

listen to the people concerning me, so why should I listen to them and go against<br />

Him?’’ 246<br />

246 I (al-<strong>Al</strong>baanee) say: The Ḥadeeth in its complete length is mentioned in “al-<strong>Seerah</strong>” of Ibn Hishaam, from his<br />

route on the authority of Ziyaad al-Bakkaa’ee from Ibn Is-ḥaaq which was mentioned earlier, with some<br />

statements preceding, and some succeeding others and some were omitted. Abu Nu`aim also reported this in his<br />

“al-Dalaa’il” (81-84) from a different route from Ibn Is-ḥaaq. Imaam Aḥmad also reported this in his “Musnad”<br />

(1740, 22498), but excluding the narration of al-Zuhree from `Urwah from `Aaishah. And its chain is “Ḥasan” and<br />

its narrators are all reliable, from the narrators of “Ṣaḥeeḥain”. <strong>Al</strong>-Haithamee said in “al-Majma`” (6/27): “It was<br />

narrated by Imaam Aḥmad and its narrators are all of the level of “Ṣaḥeeḥ” except for Ibn Is-ḥaaq, and he was<br />

clear that he heard this narration (from al-Zuhree).”<br />

[TN: In “al-Ṣaḥeeḥah (3190), Shaikh al-<strong>Al</strong>baanee said: The statement of the Prophet ‏:ﷺ ❝In the land of al-<br />

Ḥabashah (Abyssinia) is a king who does not allow anyone living under his domain to be oppressed. So go there<br />

to his land till <strong>Al</strong>laah provides for you some relief and solution to your trouble.❞, was reported by al-Baihaqee<br />

in “al-Sunan al-Kubraa” (17734) with a concise narration, and the complete narration with its full length is in “al-<br />

Dalaa’il” (2/301).<br />

This narration is also in “al-<strong>Seerah</strong>” (1/343) of Ibn Hishaam, “on the authority of Ibn Is-ḥaaq, that he said:…”, and<br />

he narrated the Ḥadeeth without mentioning the chain, with the wording: ❝Only if you were to travel to the<br />

land of al-Ḥabashah, for there is a king who does not oppress anyone (living there) with him, and it is the land<br />

of the truthful. So go there to his land till <strong>Al</strong>laah provides for you relief and a way out of what you are going<br />

through.❞<br />

‏,ﷺ Imaam Aḥmad also reported this in his “Musnad” (1740, 22498), but without the statement of the Prophet<br />

and I (al-<strong>Al</strong>baanee) say that its chain is “Jayyid” (excellent). – end of quote from al-Ṣaḥeeḥah.<br />

The complete narration as reported in Musnad of Imaam Aḥmad is as follows:<br />

It was narrated that Umm Salamah ‏,رضيُاهللُعنها the daughter of Abu Umayyah Ibn al-Mugheerah and the wife of the<br />

Prophet ‏,ﷺ said: “When we came to the land of Abyssinia, we stayed under the protection of the best<br />

supporter, al-Najaashee, and we felt safe to practice our religion and we worshiped <strong>Al</strong>laah without being<br />

bothered or hearing anything we disliked. When news of that reached Quraish, they decided to send two tough<br />

men to al-Najaashee concerning us and to give al-Najaashee gifts of some of the goods of Makkah. Among the<br />

goods of Makkah that he liked best was leather, so they collected a great deal of leather and they did not leave<br />

any of his bishops except that he was given a gift. Then they sent that with `Abdullaah Ibn Abee Rabee`ah Ibn al-<br />

Mugheerah al-Makhzoomee and `Amr Ibn al-`Aaṣ Ibn Waa’il al-Sahmee, and they (Quraish) told them what to do.<br />

They said to them: ‘Give to each bishop a gift before you speak to al-Najaashee concerning them (the Muslims),<br />

then give al-Najaashee his gifts, then ask him to hand them over to you before he speaks to them.’” She said:<br />

“They set out and came to al-Najaashee when we were in the best land and under the best supporter, and they<br />

did not come to any bishop except they gave him his gift before they spoke to al-Najaashee. And they said to each<br />

bishop: ‘Some foolish young men of ours have come to the land of the king; they have left the religion of their<br />

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