Saheeh Seerah Al Albaanee English

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forbade us to do anything immoral, to tell lies, to misuse the wealth of orphans, or to<br />

slander chaste women. He instructed us to worship <strong>Al</strong>laah alone and not associate<br />

anything with Him (in worship); he enjoined us to pray, give Zakaah, and Fast.” And he<br />

enumerated for him all aspects of Islaam.<br />

Ja`far added: “So we believed in him and trusted him, following him in all that which he<br />

brought from <strong>Al</strong>laah. So we worshiped <strong>Al</strong>laah alone and without associating any<br />

partners with Him. We considered as forbidden that which he forbade, and we<br />

considered as permissible that which he allowed. But our people turned against us, they<br />

tortured us and put us to trials, and tried to make us give up our religion and go back to<br />

worshiping idols instead of worshiping <strong>Al</strong>laah, and to have us again consider<br />

permissible the abominations we had previously allowed (during our days of ignorance).<br />

But when they turned violent against us and persecuted us, besiege us, and prevented<br />

us from practicing our religion, we came to your land, and chose you above all others.<br />

We sought your protection and hoped that we would not be harmed in your land, O<br />

king.”<br />

She (Umm Salamah) said: “<strong>Al</strong>-Najaashee said to them: ‘Do you have with you anything<br />

which he brought (from <strong>Al</strong>laah)?’ Ja`far recited to him a passage from Surah Maryam<br />

and by <strong>Al</strong>laah, al-Najaashee wept until his beard was soaked. And his bishops ‏,(كهيعص)‏<br />

also wept until their books became wet when they heard what he recited to them.”] 243<br />

Then al-Najaashee said: ‘These words and what Moosaa ‏(عليهُالسالم)‏ brought came from<br />

the same lamp. Pass on, (you have been) rightly guided.’ (Then he addressing the two<br />

said): ‘By <strong>Al</strong>laah! I we will never hand them over to you and I will not give you any<br />

satisfaction.’ Umm Salamah said: “When we left his presence. `Amr Ibn al-`Aaṣ said: ‘By<br />

<strong>Al</strong>laah! Tomorrow I shall return to him and tell him something that will turn them all<br />

upside down. I shall certainly tell him that they claim that the god he worships, `Eesaa<br />

Ibn Maryam, is only a slave (of <strong>Al</strong>laah).’” She said: “`Abdullaah Ibn Rabee`ah, who was<br />

the more reasonable of the two men towards us, said: ‘Don’t do it, even if they have<br />

opposed us, they are related to us and have certain rights over us.’ But (Amr) insisted:<br />

‘By <strong>Al</strong>laah! I will do it.’”<br />

She said: “Then he (`Amr) came to al-Najaashee the next day and said to him: ‘O king!<br />

They say terrible things about `Eesaa Ibn Maryam. Send for them and question them<br />

about it.’ So he sent for them to ask them about that. Nothing like that had happened<br />

243 And here ends the narration through the chain of Ziyaad, and this is what Ibn Hishaam reported in his “al-<br />

<strong>Seerah</strong>” (1/359-360), and the additions are from him.<br />

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