Saheeh Seerah Al Albaanee English

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Yunus Ibn Bukair narrated from Ibn Is-ḥaaq, that al-Zuhree informed us, on the<br />

authority of Abu Bakr Ibn `Abdul Ramḥaan Ibn Ḥaartih Ibn Hishaam, from Umm<br />

Salamah رضيُاهللُعنها (the wife of the Prophet ‏,(ﷺ that she said: “When Makkah became<br />

constringent and confined, and the Companions of the Messenger of <strong>Al</strong>laah ﷺ were<br />

being persecuted and tortured and were being afflicted in their Deen and being<br />

compelled to renounce their religion, and when the Messenger of <strong>Al</strong>laah ﷺ could<br />

not defend them, while the Messenger of <strong>Al</strong>laah ﷺ was under the protection of his<br />

people and his uncle so that no harm could reach him which his Companions were<br />

going through. He ﷺ said to them: ❝In the land of al-Ḥabashah (Abyssinia) is a king<br />

who does not allow anyone living under his domain to be oppressed. So go there to<br />

his land till <strong>Al</strong>laah provides for you some relief and solution to your trouble.❞ So we<br />

went there in successive groups and rejoined upon reaching there. We found good<br />

hospitality and protection, we felt safe to practice our religion, and did not fear any<br />

oppression. When Quraish saw that we have found a safe haven, they were outraged<br />

and agreed to send someone to al-Najaashee, so that he expels us from his land and<br />

returns us to them (the Quraish). So they sent `Amr Ibn al-`Aaṣ and `Abdullaah Ibn Abee<br />

Rabee`ah. They collected gifts for al-Najaashee and for all his generals, (courtiers and<br />

high officials). There was not a man except that they brought for him a gift. They (the<br />

Quraish) said to them: ‘Give to each general a gift before you speak among them, then<br />

give al-Najaashee his gifts. And if it is possible for you to have him hand them over to<br />

you without him speaking to them, then do so.’ They set out and came to al-Najaashee,<br />

and they did not come to any general except that they gave him his gift and said to<br />

each one of them: ‘We have only come to this king (of yours) concerning some foolish<br />

young men of ours (who have come to this land); they have abandoned the religion of<br />

their people and they have not entered your religion, [they have invented a religion<br />

that neither we nor you recognize]. Their people have sent us so that the king sends<br />

them back to their people. So, when we speak to the king concerning them, advise him<br />

to hand them over to us.’ They (the generals) agreed to it. They then presented the<br />

gifts to al-Najaashee, and from the gifts of Makkah that he liked the most were leather<br />

products.” (They presented to him a mare, a gown and a silk garment).<br />

ﷺ came, she (Asmaa’) said: ‘O <strong>Al</strong>laah’s Prophet, `Umar has said such-and-such.’ He ﷺ So when the Prophet<br />

said (to Asmaa’): ❝What did you say to him?❞ Asmaa’ said: ‘I told him such-and-such.’ The Prophet ﷺ said:<br />

❝He (i.e. `Umar) has not got more right than you people over me, as he and his companions have (the reward<br />

of) only one migration, and you, the people of the boat, have (the reward of) two migrations.❞ Asmaa’ later on<br />

said: ‘I saw Abu Moosaa and the other people of the boat coming to me in successive groups, asking me about this<br />

narration,, and to them, nothing in the world was more cheerful and greater than what the Prophet ﷺ had said<br />

about them.’ Abu Burdah (the sub-narrator) added: Asmaa’ said: ‘I saw Abu Moosaa requesting me to repeat this<br />

narration again and again.’ [Ṣaḥeeḥ al-Bukhaaree (4230, 4231) and Ṣaḥeeḥ Muslim (2502-169, 2503)]]<br />

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