Saheeh Seerah Al Albaanee English

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<strong>Al</strong>-Baihaqee further said: Abu Moosaa had witnessed the incident which took place<br />

between Ja`far and al-Najaashee, and he was also one of those who reported this. (See<br />

the earlier narration).<br />

And he also said: Perhaps the sub-narrator was using his imagination when he reported<br />

it with the wording: “The Prophet ﷺ instructed us to depart…” and <strong>Al</strong>laah knows<br />

best. 239<br />

‏:رضيُاهللُعنه This is how Imaam al-Bukhaaree reported it in his “Ṣaḥeeḥ” from Abu Moosaa<br />

“We received the news of the departure of the Prophet ﷺ (to al-Madeenah) while<br />

couldn’t attend the رضي ‏ُاهلل ‏ُعنه to al-Madeenah. She passed away during the battle of Badr and `Uthmaan ﷺ<br />

battle as he was instructed by the Prophet ﷺ to take care of her during her sickness. 2) Some like Ibn Mas`ood<br />

3) Badr. had already migrated to al-Madeenah but before the battle of ﷺ returned after the Prophet رضيُاهللُعنه<br />

And the others like Ja`far Ibn Abu Ṭaalib and Abu Moosaa al-Ash`aree رضيُاهللُعنهما returned after the conquest of<br />

Khaibar.<br />

Jaabir Ibn `Abdullaah رضيُاهللُعنهما said: When Ja`far Ibn Abu Ṭaalib رضيُاهللُعنه returned from Abyssinia, the Messenger<br />

of <strong>Al</strong>laah ﷺ said: ❝I do not know what I should rejoice about more, the conquest of Khaibar or the return of<br />

Ja`far?❞<br />

Shaikh al-<strong>Al</strong>baanee said in his checking of “Fiqh al-<strong>Seerah</strong>”: This Ḥadeeth is “Ḥasan” and it was reported by al-<br />

Ḥaakim in “al-Mustadrak” (4249). <strong>Al</strong>-Ṭabaraanee reported in al-Kabeer (1469) as a “Mursal” (hurried or<br />

disconnected) narration from al-Sha`bee, and its chain (till al-Sha`bee) is “Ṣaḥeeḥ”. In another narration, al-<br />

Ḥaakim in al-Mustadrak (4941) has connected this from a different route that al-Sha`bee narrated from Jaabir,<br />

but in its chain is some weakness and this is why al-Dhahabee said in “al-Talkhees”: “What is correct is that this is<br />

a “Mursal” narration.” This has another route, al-Baihaqee reported it, as was mentioned in “al-Bidaayah”<br />

(4/206), from Abu al-Zubair from Jaabir, but in its chain is someone who I do not know. It has further supporting<br />

chain from the Ḥadeeth of Abu Juhaifah, reported by al-Ṭabaraanee in “al-Sagheer” (30) and “al-Kabeer” (1470)<br />

but its chain is “Ḍha`eef” (Weak). See “al-Majma`” (9/272) of al-Haithamee for more benefits. In the end, the<br />

Ḥadeeth with all the different routes is “Qawiy” (Strong), and al-Ḥaakim had graded it as “Ṣaḥeeḥ”. [Fiqh al-<br />

<strong>Seerah</strong> (1/379)]]<br />

239 I (al-<strong>Al</strong>baanee) say: “The possibility that this was the imagination of the sub-narrator is most likely, especially<br />

when in the chain there is one (Abu Is-ḥaaq) who got mixed-up, as was mentioned earlier. But al-Ḥaafiẓh said in<br />

“al-Fatḥ” (7/189): “It is possible to reconcile (these different wordings), perhaps Abu Moosaa first migrated (from<br />

Yemen) to Makkah and accepted Islaam. Then the Prophet ﷺ instructed him to migrate with those who were<br />

migrating to Abyssinia. He (Abu Moosaa) perhaps then went to the land of his people (Yemen), which is opposite<br />

to Abyssinia, towards its east. When the news that the Prophet ﷺ and his Companions have settled in al-<br />

Madeenah reached him, he and those from his people who had accepted Islaam migrated towards al-Madeenah.<br />

But the wind outburst took their ship towards Abyssinia. And this is what might have happened, and this way, two<br />

reports are reconciled. This is what is relied upon, and <strong>Al</strong>laah knows best. This is why Abu Moosaa said: “We<br />

received the news of the migration of the Prophet ﷺ (to al-Madeenah) while we were in Yemen”, (i.e. he is<br />

referring to news that reached him about the Prophet’s migration to al-Madeenah) and not referring to the news<br />

‏”…ﷺ of the advent of the Prophet<br />

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