Saheeh Seerah Al Albaanee English

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(Ibn Katheer said): The chain of this narration is “Jayyid Qawiy” (extremely strong), and<br />

its narrative is “Ḥasan”. And in this narration, it mentions that Abu Moosaa was one of<br />

those who had migrated from Makkah to Abyssinia, even though the same was not<br />

mentioned in other reports. And <strong>Al</strong>laah knows best.<br />

Abu Nu`aim reported in his “al-Dalaa’il” from Abu Moosaa رضيُاهللُعنه that he said: “The<br />

Prophet ﷺ instructed us to depart with Ja`far Ibn Abu Ṭaalib to Abyssinia. This<br />

information reached Quraish, so they sent `Amr Ibn al-`Aaṣ and `Umaarah Ibn al-<br />

Waleed (in our pursuit), and collected a gift for al-Najaashee. When they came to him,<br />

they presented al-Najaashee with the gift, which he accepted, and they prostrated<br />

before him. Then `Amr Ibn al-`Aaṣ said: ‘Some people from our land have abandoned<br />

our religion and they have come to your land.’ <strong>Al</strong>-Najaashee said to them: ‘In my<br />

country?’ They said: ‘Yes!’ So he (al-Najaashee) sent for us. So Ja`far said to us: ‘None of<br />

you should speak, for I will be your spokesman today.’ So we were brought in the<br />

presence of al-Najaashee when he was seated on his throne, with `Amr Ibn al-`Aaṣ to<br />

his right and `Umaarah to his left, with the priests seated in two ranks. `Amr said to<br />

him: ‘(Look!) They will not prostrate to you.’ When we reached them, some of his<br />

priests and monks hurried towards us and said: ‘Prostrate to the king!’ Ja`far replied:<br />

‘We do not prostrate (to anyone) except to <strong>Al</strong>laah ‏ُوجل ‏’.عز <strong>Al</strong>-Najaashee said to him:<br />

‘Well, what is this all about?’ Ja`far replied: ‘<strong>Al</strong>laah has sent among us His Messenger,<br />

عليهُالسالم and he is the (appointed) Messenger, the one about whom `Eesaa Ibn Maryam<br />

gave the glad tidings to come after him, whose name would be Aḥmad. He (the<br />

Messenger) commanded us to worship <strong>Al</strong>laah (alone) and to not commit Shirk<br />

(associating partners to Him in worship), to establish the Salaah, and to give the<br />

Zakaah, and he commanded us to do good and abstain from what is forbidden.’ <strong>Al</strong>-<br />

Najaashee was impressed with his speech. When `Amr saw this, he said: ‘May <strong>Al</strong>laah<br />

protect the king! They disagree with you regarding `Eesaa Ibn Maryam.’ <strong>Al</strong>-Najaashee<br />

said: ‘And what does your companion (i.e. the Messenger ‏(ﷺ say about `Eesaa Ibn<br />

Maryam?’ Ja`far said: ‘He says about him what <strong>Al</strong>laah تعاىل had stated: ‘He (`Eesaa) is a<br />

Spirit (Rooh) created by <strong>Al</strong>laah, and His Word; he was born to the Virgin (Maryam)<br />

whom no man had approached (i.e. sexually), and in whom there had been no child.’’<br />

<strong>Al</strong>-Najaashee picked up a stick from the ground and raised it up, saying: ‘O group of<br />

priests and monks! By <strong>Al</strong>laah, these people do not add so much as the weight of this<br />

(stick) to what we say about `Eesaa Ibn Maryam. Welcome to you and greetings to him<br />

from whom have you come. I testify that he is indeed the Messenger of <strong>Al</strong>laah, and it is<br />

he about whom `Eesaa Ibn Maryam gave the glad tidings. Where it not for the duties of<br />

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