Saheeh Seerah Al Albaanee English

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Chapter 32: Persecution of the early Muslims<br />

Ibn Is-ḥaaq said: Thereafter, the Quraish became aggressive and began persecuting<br />

those who believed and followed the Prophet ‏.ﷺ Every tribe persecuted the Muslims<br />

within them. They imprisoned them and punished them with beatings, deprived them<br />

of food and drink, and putting them out on the burning hot grounds of Makkah when<br />

the heat was the most extreme. Those who were defenseless (and had no tribal<br />

support) were put to trials in their Deen, and due to the extreme torture that they had<br />

suffered some of them gave in, while the others remained firm upon their Deen.<br />

We already mentioned the narration of `Abdullaah Ibn Mas`ood رضيُاهللُعنه that he said:<br />

“The first people to declare their Islaam publicly were seven: The Messenger of <strong>Al</strong>laah,<br />

Abu Bakr, `Ammaar and his mother Sumayyah, Suhaib, Bilaal and Miqdaad. With regard<br />

to the Messenger of <strong>Al</strong>laah, <strong>Al</strong>laah protected him through his paternal uncle Abu<br />

Ṭaalib. With regard to Abu Bakr, <strong>Al</strong>laah protected him through his people. As for the<br />

rest, the idolaters seized them and made them wear coats of chain-mail and exposed<br />

them to the intense heat of the sun. There was none of them except he (under<br />

coercion) did what they wanted them to do, except for Bilaal. He did not care what<br />

happened to him for the sake of <strong>Al</strong>laah, and his people did not care what happened to<br />

him. Then they gave him to the children who took him around in the streets of Makkah<br />

while he was saying: ‘Ahad, Ahad (One, One).’” 212<br />

And it is reported from Jaabir ‏:رضيُاهللُعنه The Prophet ﷺ passed by `Ammaar and his<br />

family while they were being persecuted and he ﷺ said: ❝O family of `Ammaar and<br />

family of Yaasir! Receive the glad tidings, for your promised place is the Paradise.❞<br />

213<br />

212 Musnad Aḥmad (3832) and Sunan Ibn Maajah (150) and graded as “Ḥasan” by Shaikh al-<strong>Al</strong>baanee. <strong>Al</strong>-Ḥaakim<br />

also reported it in “al-Mustadrak” (5238) and said it is “Ṣaḥeeḥ”, and al-Dhahabee agreed with him, but Shaikh al-<br />

<strong>Al</strong>baanee said: It only reaches to the level of “Ḥasan” because of `Aaṣim Ibn Abee al-Nujood, as they differed<br />

about him.<br />

213 (Shaikh al-<strong>Al</strong>baanee said): “al-Mustadrak” of al-Ḥaakim (5666), from the route of Abu Zubair from Jaabir, and<br />

he said: “It is “Ṣaḥeeḥ as per the condition of Muslim”, and al-Dhahabee agreed with him. And it is as they have<br />

said, except that Abu Zubair is a Mudallis (i.e. a narrator who misses out or masks the identity of his immediate<br />

authority in order to strengthen his Isnaad), and he narrated this using: “`An” عن)‏ “from”, as opposed to “so-andso<br />

told us” or “I heard so-and-so say” etc.). Ibn Sa`d also reported this in “al-Ṭabaqaat al-Kubraa” (3/249) from the<br />

same route but the name of Jaabir رضيُاهللُعنه is omitted. <strong>Al</strong>-Haithamee also reported it in his “al-Majma`” (9/293)<br />

and said: “It was reported by al-Ṭabaraanee in “al-Awsat” and its narrators are of the level of “Ṣaḥeeḥ” except for<br />

Ibraaheem Ibn `Abdul `Azeez al-Muqawwim, and he is reliable.” He then mentioned a similar narration from<br />

`Ammaar as supporting chain and said: “It was reported by al-Ṭabaraanee and its narrators are reliable.”<br />

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