Saheeh Seerah Al Albaanee English

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{And your Lord creates what He wills and chooses} [Surah al-Qasas (28): 68]<br />

And He تعاىل divided His creation into different species and genders.<br />

So, these were two of his uncles who were Kaafir, Abu Ṭaalib and Abu Lahab. But the<br />

former (Abu Ṭaalib) would be in the shallow part of the Hellfire while the latter would<br />

be in the lowest depths of the Hellfire. And about the latter, <strong>Al</strong>laah تعاىل revealed a Surah<br />

in His Book, which is recited on the pulpits (during Friday sermons and in prayers), and<br />

while giving admonition, guaranteeing that…<br />

‏﴿سَيَص لَىُُنَار اُذَاتََُُلََب ‏ُُ*ُوَام رَأَت هُُمحََّالَةَُُاحل ‏َطَبُِ﴾‏<br />

{He will be burnt in a Fire of blazing flames! And his wife too, who carries wood<br />

(thorns of Sadan which she used to put on the way of the Prophet ‏,ﷺ or use to<br />

slander him).} [Surah al-Masad (111): 3-4]<br />

Imaam Aḥmad and al-Baihaqee 199 reported from Abu al-Zinaad that a man called<br />

Rabee`ah Ibn `Abbaad from the tribe of Banee al-Deel – who had been an idol<br />

worshiper in the Jaahiliyyah but later accepted Islaam – said to him: “I saw the Prophet<br />

with my own very eyes, in the time of pre-Islaamic ignorance, in the market of ‏,ﷺ<br />

Dhul-Majaaz and he was saying: ❝O people! Say: ‘Laa ilaaha illallaah’ and you will<br />

prosper.❞ The people were gathered all around him, while behind him stood a with a<br />

mean-looking, squint-eyed man with two plaits in his hair. He was saying: ‘Verily, he is a<br />

lying Saabi’ee (i.e. an apostate who has abandoned the religion of his forefathers)!’ This<br />

man was following him (the Prophet ‏(ﷺ around wherever he went. So, I asked who<br />

was he and they (the people) said: ‘This is his uncle, Abu Lahab.’“<br />

199 Musnad Aḥmad (16023, 19004) and al-Ṭabaraanee in “al-Kabeer” (4582) from the route of `Abdul Ramḥaan<br />

Ibn Abu al-Zinaad, from his father, from Rabee`ah, the chain of this narration is “Jayyid” (excellent). Then both of<br />

them reported from another route from Rabee`ah with something similar, which will be quoted next. It also has a<br />

supporting chain, from the narration of Taariq Ibn `Abdullaah al-Muhaaribee, which was reported by Ibn Sa`d<br />

(6/42), Ibn Ḥibbaan (6562), and al-Ḥaakim in “al-Mustadrak” (4219), and he said: It is “Ṣaḥeeḥ”, and al-Dhahabee<br />

agreed with him.<br />

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