Saheeh Seerah Al Albaanee English

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[Shaikh al-<strong>Al</strong>baanee’s addendum]<br />

Asmaa’ Bint Abu Bakr رضيُاهللُعنهما said: “When the Aayah:<br />

‏﴿تَبَّت ‏ُُيَدَآُأَبُُِ‏ ُ ‏َلََب ‏ُُوَتَبَُّ﴾‏<br />

{Perish the two hands of Abu Lahab and perish he!} was revealed, the one-eyed<br />

woman Umm Jameel (the wife of Abu Lahab) came with a stone pestle in her hand,<br />

screaming: ‘What was sent to us is somebody blameworthy, or, we reject somebody<br />

blameworthy (Abu Musa - one of the narrators - said, it is I who am not sure what was<br />

said): we shun his religion and disobey whatever he commands!’ The Messenger of<br />

<strong>Al</strong>laah ﷺ was sitting with Abu Bakr by his side. Abu Bakr رضيُاهللُعنه said: ‘This woman<br />

has come and I am afraid she will see you.’ The Prophet ﷺ said: ❝Certainly she will<br />

not see me.❞ Then he ﷺ recited Qur’aan through which he was protected from<br />

her:<br />

‏﴿وَإِذَاُقَرَأ تَُُال ق رءَانَُُجَعَل نَاُبَي نَكَُُوَبَني ‏َُُالَّذِينَُُّلَُُي ؤ مِن ونَُُبِاّلٌّخِ‏ رَةُُِحِ‏ جَاب اُمَّس ت ور ا﴾‏<br />

more complete and longer than this one, which is reported from another route going to `<strong>Al</strong>ee. But I avoided<br />

quoting that narration because it is not according to my condition, as in its chain is someone whose name has not<br />

been mentioned (i.e. Majhool), and in its Matn (text) is something which is objectionable. Then he (Ibn Katheer)<br />

mentioned from another route from Ibn Jareer “al-Taareekh” (2/319-321), and in its chain is a “Shee`ee<br />

Khadhdhaab” (a liar Shi`a). He (Ibn Katheer) also reported from the route of Ibn Abee Ḥaatim, and in its chain are<br />

two “Weak Shi`as”. This is why the narrations differ, as some of them have exaggerated in the text. One narration<br />

adds: ❝Which of you will settle my debts for me, and be my successor for my family?❞ (i.e. where I to die<br />

while carrying out this duty). (`<strong>Al</strong>ee) said: ‘I will, O Messenger of <strong>Al</strong>laah!’ Then he (Ibn Katheer) said: “For this<br />

narration, there is a supporting chain, which has already been mentioned. And Imaam Aḥmad reported in his<br />

Musnad from the route of `Abbaad Ibn `Abdullaah al-Asadee (883), and another from the route of Rabee`ah Ibn<br />

Naajid (1371), both from `<strong>Al</strong>ee, similar to what we have reported or as a supporting to it. And <strong>Al</strong>laah knows best.”<br />

I (Shaikh al-<strong>Al</strong>baanee) say: (Between the narrations of `Abbaad and Rabee`ah) the narration of Rabee`ah is better<br />

of the two in regards to the chain of narration, and that is the one I have mentioned, but it cannot be used as a<br />

supporting evidence (to what Ibn Katheer had mentioned), because this narration (of Rabee`ah) is brief in<br />

comparison to what the author (Ibn Katheer) had reported. Even the narration of `Abbaad, which the author is<br />

referring to, is also brief. Apart from that, `Abbaad is “Ḍha`eef” (Weak), and this (weak) narration also mentions<br />

the phrase: ❝and will be my successor among my family?❞ Some of these Shi`as have interpolated saying: “and<br />

my successor after me.” This is from their fabrication and lies, which I have already clarified in “al-Ḍha`eefah”<br />

(4932). [TN: Shaikh also discussed this in “al-Ṣaḥeeḥah” (4/344)]<br />

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