Saheeh Seerah Al Albaanee English

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{Verily, He Who has given you (O Muḥammad) the Qur’aan (i.e. ordered you to act on<br />

its laws and to preach it to others) will surely bring you back to the Ma`aad (place of<br />

return).} [Surah al-Qasas (28): 85]<br />

(Ibn Katheer said): Meaning: the One Who has commanded you to put this Qur’aan into<br />

practice and to propagate among mankind, will surely bring you back to the home of<br />

the Hereafter, where he will be asked about the Prophethood he was entrusted with,<br />

as <strong>Al</strong>laah تعاىل said:<br />

‏﴿فَوَرَبِّكَُُلَنَس أَلَنَّه م ‏ُُأَعم ‏َعِنيَُُ*ُعَمَّاُكَان واُيَع مَل ونَُ﴾‏<br />

{So, by your Lord (O Muḥammad), We shall certainly call all of them to account. For<br />

all that they used to do.} [Surah al-Ḥijr (15): 92-93]<br />

The Aayaat and Aḥaadeeth in this regards are numerous, and we have discussed this in<br />

detail in our “Tafseer” (Ibn Katheer). We have addressed this at length in commenting<br />

on the Aayah of Surah al-Shu`araa’: {And warn, (O Muḥammad), your closest kindred},<br />

and have quoted ample Aḥaadeeth regarding that. [One may refer to it.]<br />

Narrated Ibn `Abbaas ‏ُاهلل ‏ُعنهما ‏:رضي “One day the Prophet ﷺ ascended al-Ṣafaa<br />

mountain and shouted: ❝Oh Ṣabaaḥaah!❞ <strong>Al</strong>l the Quraish gathered around him and<br />

said: “What is the matter?” He ﷺ said: ❝Look, if I told you that an enemy is going<br />

to attack you in the morning or in the evening, would you not believe me?❞ They<br />

said: “Yes, we will believe you.” He ﷺ said: ❝I am a warner to you in face of a<br />

terrible punishment.❞ On that Abu Lahab said: “May you perish! Is it for this thing<br />

that you have gathered us?” So <strong>Al</strong>laah revealed:<br />

‏﴿تَبَّت ‏ُُيَدَاُأَبِ‏ ‏َُُلََب ‏ُُوَتَبَُّ﴾‏<br />

{Perish the two hands of Abu Lahab, and perish he!} [Surah al-Masad (111): 1] 191<br />

191 Musnad Aḥmad (883, 2801, 8402, 8726, 10725, 15914, 20605, ), Ṣaḥeeḥ al-Bukhaaree (1394, 2753, 3525,<br />

3526, 3527, 4770, 4771, 4801, 4971, 4972, 4973) and Ṣaḥeeḥ Muslim (204-348, 205-350, 206-351, 207-353, 208-<br />

355, 208-356)<br />

[TN: This has been narrated from Ibn `Abbaas, `<strong>Al</strong>ee, `Aaishah, Abu Hurairah, Qabeesah Ibn Mukhaariq, Zuhair Ibn<br />

`Amr al-Hilaalee ‏.رضيُاهللُعنهم Few of these narrations will be mentioned next.]<br />

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