Saheeh Seerah Al Albaanee English

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Chapter 28: Mentioning of Ḍhimaad’s conversion to Islaam<br />

Ibn `Abbaas رضي ‏ُاهلل ‏ُعنهما reported: “Ḍhimaad came to Makkah and he belonged to the<br />

tribe of Azd Shanoo’ah, and he used to treat people with Ruqya (in case of Jinn<br />

possession). He heard the foolish people of Makkah saying that Muḥammad ﷺ was<br />

possessed (or under the spell). Upon this he said: ‘If I see this man, perhaps <strong>Al</strong>laah will<br />

heal him at my hands.’ So he met him and said: ‘O Muḥammad, I treat people with<br />

Ruqya in case of Jinn possession, and <strong>Al</strong>laah cures at my hands whomsoever He so Wills.<br />

Do you desire (this)?’ Upon this the Messenger of <strong>Al</strong>laah ﷺ said: ❝Praise is due to<br />

<strong>Al</strong>laah, we praise Him, and seek His help. Whomsoever <strong>Al</strong>laah guides, none can lead<br />

him astray, and whomsoever He sends astray, there is none to guide him. And I bear<br />

witness that there is none worthy of worship except <strong>Al</strong>laah, alone with no partner,<br />

and I bear witness that Muḥammad is His slave and Messenger.❞ Now after this he<br />

ﷺ (Ḍhimaad) said: ‘Say these words of yours to me again.’ The Messenger of <strong>Al</strong>laah<br />

repeated these to him three times, Ḍhimaad said: ‘I have heard the words of<br />

soothsayers and the words of magicians, and the words of poets, but I have never heard<br />

such words as yours, and they are the epitome of oratory.’ He said: ‘Give me your hand<br />

so that I may pledge allegiance to you in Islaam.’ So he gave him his pledge of<br />

allegiance. The Messenger of <strong>Al</strong>laah ﷺ said: ❝And on behalf of your people.❞ He<br />

said: ‘It is on behalf of my people too.’ The Messenger of <strong>Al</strong>laah ﷺ sent an expedition<br />

and they passed by his (Ḍhimaad’s) people. The commander of the party said to his<br />

troops: ‘Did you take anything from these people?’ One man said: ‘I took a vessel for<br />

water.’ Upon this he (the commander) said: ‘Return it, for these are the people of<br />

Ḍhimaad.’” 190<br />

Soon after this, people entered into Islaam in groups, both men and women, till the<br />

matter pertaining to Islaam became widespread in Makkah, and people were talking<br />

about it.<br />

190 Ṣaḥeeḥ Muslim (868-46)<br />

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