Saheeh Seerah Al Albaanee English

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Chapter 26: Mentioning of Hamza’s conversion to Islaam<br />

[TN: Nothing authentic is mentioned regarding this.] 184<br />

184 [TN: Due to the weakness of the narration, Shaikh al-<strong>Al</strong>baanee had omitted this chapter in his “Ṣaḥeeḥ al-<br />

<strong>Seerah</strong>”. Since, the narration is famous and widespread, it was mentioned here to highlight the reason for its<br />

weakness.<br />

Ibn Katheer mentioned in “al-<strong>Seerah</strong>”: Yunus Ibn Bukair reported from Muḥammad Ibn Is-ḥaaq that a man from<br />

the tribe of Aslam – a man with fine memory - informed him that Abu Jahl blocked the path of the Messenger of<br />

<strong>Al</strong>laah at al-Ṣafaa and, and reviled and cursed him, inflicting insults on his religion. Hamzah Ibn `Abdul Muṭṭalib<br />

ُ was informed about this, who then went up to Abu Jahl and, standing right there over him, gave him a عنه<br />

رضيُ‏ هللا<br />

terrible beating with his bow on the head that fractured his skull. Some men from Quraish, from the tribe of<br />

Banee Makhzoom approached Hamzah to help Abu Jahl against him. They said to Hamzah: ‘So, we see that you<br />

are abandoning (the religion of your father) then!’ Hamzah replied: ‘And who is going to stop me? When I now<br />

see clearly and can testify that he is the Messenger of <strong>Al</strong>laah ‏,ﷺ and that what he says is the truth. I will not<br />

retract, so you just go on and stand in my way, if you are serious!’ Abu Jahl then said: ‘Leave Abu `Umaarah alone.<br />

By <strong>Al</strong>laah, I did really badly insult his nephew.’ When Hamzah accepted Islaam, Quraish knew that the Messenger<br />

of <strong>Al</strong>laah ﷺ had gained strength and was protected, and so they refrained from doing what they used to do to<br />

him previously. Then Hamzah recited some lines of poetry.<br />

Ibn Is-ḥaaq added: Then Hamzah went home where Shaiṭaan came to him and said: ‘You are one of the chiefs of<br />

Quraish, and you have followed this apostate and have abandoned the religion of your forefathers! Death is<br />

better for you than what you have done!’ Hamzah then addressed his inner self, saying: ‘O <strong>Al</strong>laah! If what I have<br />

done was right, then make me believe it in my own heart! Or else, find me some way out of my predicament!’ He<br />

then spent a night worse than he ever had before due to the whisperings of the Shaiṭaan. Next morning he went<br />

to the Messenger of <strong>Al</strong>laah ﷺ and said to him: ‘O nephew! I have fallen into a trap from which I don’t know<br />

how to escape. I don’t know whether continuing as I am is wiser for me, or whether it is a terrible mistake. Please<br />

talk to me. O nephew, I really need you to talk to me.’ So the Messenger of <strong>Al</strong>laah ﷺ went over to him and<br />

talked and preached to him, telling him both what frightened and cheered him. <strong>Al</strong>laah placed Imaan in his heart<br />

because of what he was told by the Messenger of <strong>Al</strong>laah ‏.ﷺ Hamzah therefore said: ‘I do truly testify that you<br />

are telling the truth. O nephew! Make your faith public, I would not like to own what is under the sky while<br />

keeping to my former religion.’ So Hamzah was one of those through whom <strong>Al</strong>laah fortified this religion. – end of<br />

quote from “al-<strong>Seerah</strong>”<br />

This was also reported by al-Ḥaakim (4878) from the route of Yunus Ibn Bukair, from Ibn Is-ḥaaq, from a man<br />

from the tribe of Aslam – a man with fine memory - informed him; and from the route of al-Ḥaakim, al-Baihaqee<br />

reported it in “al-Dalaa’il”. The chain of this narration is “Mu`ḍhal Ḍha`eef” (weak because of omission of two or<br />

more consecutive narrators from the chain of narration) as it is apparent. <strong>Al</strong>-Ṭabaraanee also reported a similar<br />

narration in “al-Kabeer” (2926), from the route of Ibn Is-ḥaaq, from Ya`qoob Ibn `Utbah Ibn al-Mugheerah Ibn al-<br />

Akhnas, the ally of Banee Zahrah, except that the narration by al-Ḥaakim is more complete. <strong>Al</strong>-Haithamee said in<br />

“al-Majma`” (9/267): “This was reported by al-Ṭabaraanee in a “Mursal” form, and its narrators are reliable.”<br />

The unknown man from the chain of al-Ḥaakim is not Ya`qoob Ibn `Utbah that is named in the chain of al-<br />

Ṭabaraanee because, Ya`qoob is from Banee Zahrah (tribe) while the unknown man is from the tribe of Aslam.<br />

Moreover, this Ya`qoob is from Atbaa` al-Taabi`een (followers of the students of the Companions). So, even<br />

though Ya`qoob is reliable, this narration is “Mu`ḍhal” (as at least two consecutive narrators are missing).]<br />

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