Saheeh Seerah Al Albaanee English

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Chapter 25: The mentioning of those who were the foremost in<br />

accepting Islaam<br />

Ibn Is-ḥaaq reported on the authority of Iyyaas Ibn `Afeef, from his father (`Afeef), and<br />

`Afeef was the half-brother of al-Ash`ath, from the same mother. `Afeef said: “I used to<br />

be a trader and came to Mina during the Ḥajj season. <strong>Al</strong>-`Abbaas Ibn `Abdul-Muṭṭalib<br />

was also a trader, so I came to him for trading purposes.” `Afeef further said: “While we<br />

were together, a man came out of the tent and began offering the Salaah (prayer)<br />

while facing in the direction of the Ka`bah; then a woman came out and began to pray<br />

(with him), then a young boy emerged and began to pray with him.” I said: “O al-<br />

رضيُاهللُ‏ `Abbaas! What is this religion? I don’t know what religion this is!” He (al-`Abbaas<br />

he claims that <strong>Al</strong>laah has sent him ‏,(ﷺ)‏ said: “This is Muḥammad Ibn `Abdullaah ‏(عنه<br />

(as a Messenger) and that the treasures of Kisraa (Persia) and Caesar will be conquered<br />

by him, and this woman is his wife, Khadeejah Bint Khuwailid, who believed in him, and<br />

this young boy is his cousin, `<strong>Al</strong>ee Ibn Abu Ṭaalib, who also believed in him.” `Afeef said:<br />

“Oh, I much I wish I had accepted Islaam on that day, for I would have been the<br />

fourth.” 169<br />

In another narration, `Afeef said: “A man came out of a nearby tent and looked at the<br />

sun. When he saw that the sun had declined, he began offering the Salaah.”…then he<br />

mentioned how Khadeejah stood there behind him (praying).<br />

Ibn Jareer reported from his chain, on the authority of Yahya Ibn `Afeef, that `Afeef<br />

said: “During the Jaahiliyyah (pre-Islaamic days of ignorance) I came to Makkah and<br />

visited al-`Abbaas Ibn `Abdul-Muṭṭalib. When the sun rose and hung high in the sky –<br />

and I was looking at the Ka`bah at that time – a young man approached (the Ka`bah)<br />

and glanced at the sky, then he faced the Ka`bah and stood facing in that direction.<br />

169 (Shaikh al-<strong>Al</strong>baanee said): This narration is not in the book: “<strong>Seerah</strong> al-Nabawiyyah” of Ibn Hishaam. Rather,<br />

this is from his (Ibn Hishaam’s) narration on the authority of Ziyaad Ibn `Abdullaah al-Bakkaa’ee, from Ibn Is-ḥaaq<br />

which was mentioned in his introduction. As for this narration, then it is from the narrations of Yunus Ibn Bukair,<br />

from Ibn Is-ḥaaq, as Ibn Katheer had mentioned in his original book. And from this route, Ibn Jareer had reported<br />

it in his “Taareekh” (2/311), but this Chain is “Ḍha`eef” (Weak). Iyyaas Ibn `Afeef is “Majhool” (unknown). <strong>Al</strong>-<br />

Dhahabee pointed this out when he said: “No one reported from him except for his son, Ismaa`eel.” And this<br />

Ismaa`eel is (like his father, i.e. “Majhool”). But even after this, Ibn Ḥibbaan mentioned both of them (as reliable<br />

narrators) in his book “al-Thiqaat” (as Ibn Ḥibbaan was well known for his leniency). Anyhow, this narration has a<br />

follow-up (i.e. there is another narration to support its meaning) which has also been reported by Ibn Jareer. See<br />

the next narration.<br />

[TN: This was also reported in Musnad Aḥmad (1787)]<br />

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