Saheeh Seerah Al Albaanee English

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{And be not in haste (O Muḥammad) with the Qur’aan before its revelation is<br />

completed to you, and say: “My Lord! Increase me in knowledge.”} [Surah TaHa (20):<br />

114]<br />

And the saying of <strong>Al</strong>laah ‏:تعاىل {Move not your tongue concerning (the Qur’aan, O<br />

Muḥammad) to make haste therewith. It is for Us to collect it}, meaning: in your<br />

chest.<br />

{and to give you the ability to recite it}, meaning: to recite it (as it was revealed to<br />

you).<br />

{And when We have recited it to you}, meaning: when our Angel has recited it to you.<br />

{then follow you its (the Qur’aan’s) recital}, meaning: listen to it and contemplate. 165<br />

{then it is for Us (<strong>Al</strong>laah) to make it clear to you.}, this is similar to <strong>Al</strong>laah’s saying:<br />

{and say: “My Lord! Increase me in knowledge.”}. 166<br />

Narrated Sa`eed Ibn Jubair: Ibn `Abbaas رضيُاهللُعنهما in the explanation of the statement<br />

of <strong>Al</strong>laah ‏:تعاىل {Move not your tongue concerning (the Qur’aan) to make haste<br />

therewith.}, said: “<strong>Al</strong>laah’s Messenger ﷺ used to bear the revelation with great<br />

trouble and used to move his lips (quickly) with the Inspiration.” Ibn `Abbaas moved his<br />

lips saying: “I am moving my lips in front of you as <strong>Al</strong>laah’s Messenger ﷺ used to<br />

move his.” Ibn `Abbaas added: “So <strong>Al</strong>laah revealed: {Move not your tongue concerning<br />

(the Qur’aan) to make haste therewith. It is for Us to collect it and to give you (O<br />

Muḥammad) the ability to recite it}, which means that <strong>Al</strong>laah will make him (the<br />

Prophet) remember the portion of the Qur’aan which was revealed at that time by heart<br />

and recite it. The statement of <strong>Al</strong>laah: {And when we have recited it to you (O<br />

Muḥammad through Jibreel) then you follow its (Qur’aan’s) recital}, means “listen to<br />

it and be silent.” {Then it is for Us (<strong>Al</strong>laah) to make it clear to you}, means: “Then it is<br />

(for <strong>Al</strong>laah) to make you recite it (and its meaning will be clear by itself through your<br />

tongue).” Afterwards, <strong>Al</strong>laah’s Messenger ﷺ used to listen to Jibreel whenever he<br />

came and after his departure, he used to recite it as Jibreel had recited it.” 167<br />

165 [TN: In his Tafseer, Ibn Katheer said: “listen to it then recite it as he taught you to recite it.”]<br />

166 [TN: And In his Tafseer, Ibn Katheer said: “after memorizing it and reciting it, We will explain it to you, clarify it<br />

and inspire you with its meaning according to what We intended and legislated.”]<br />

167 Ṣaḥeeḥ al-Bukhaaree (5, 4927, 4928, 4929, 5044, 7524) and Ṣaḥeeḥ Muslim (448-147, 448-148)<br />

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