Saheeh Seerah Al Albaanee English

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In another narration, `Abdullaah Ibn `Abbaas رضيُاهللُعنهما reported: “A person from the<br />

Anṣaar who was amongst the Companions of <strong>Al</strong>laah’s Messenger ﷺ reported to me:<br />

As we were sitting during the night with <strong>Al</strong>laah’s Messenger ‏,ﷺ a meteor shot gave a<br />

dazzling light. <strong>Al</strong>laah’s Messenger ﷺ said: ❝What did you say in the Jaahiliyyah<br />

(pre-Islaamic days of ignorance) when there was such a shot (of meteor)?❞ They<br />

said: “<strong>Al</strong>laah and His Messenger know best (the actual position), but we, however, used<br />

to say that that very night a great man had been born or a great man had died.”<br />

Whereupon <strong>Al</strong>laah’s Messenger ﷺ said: ❝(These meteors) are neither shot at the<br />

death of anyone nor on the birth of anyone. Rather, when our Lord عز وجل decrees a<br />

matter, He is glorified by the bearers of the Throne. Then He is glorified by the<br />

inhabitants who are below them, then those below them, until such glorification<br />

reaches them who are in the heaven of this world. Then those who are near the<br />

bearers of the Throne ask these bearers of the Throne: ‘What your Lord has said?’<br />

And they accordingly inform them what He says. Then the dwellers of heaven seek<br />

information from them until this information reaches the heaven of the world. In this<br />

process of transmission (the Jinn snatches) what he manages to overhear and he<br />

carries it to his friends. And when the Angels see the jinn they attack them with<br />

meteors. What they narrated as they heard it is true, but they distort it and add lies<br />

to it.❞ 152<br />

[Shaikh al-<strong>Al</strong>baanee’s addendum]<br />

Narrated Abu Hurairah ‏ُاهلل ‏ُعنه ‏:رضي <strong>Al</strong>laah’s Prophet ﷺ said: ❝When <strong>Al</strong>laah decrees<br />

some order in the heaven, the angels flutter their wings indicating complete<br />

surrender to His saying which sounds like chains being dragged on the rock. And<br />

152 Ṣaḥeeḥ Muslim (2229-124) and Sunan al-Tirmidhee (3224)<br />

[TN: Regarding the stars and meteors (or shooting stars), <strong>Al</strong>laah تعاىل said:<br />

‏﴿وَلَقَد ‏ُُزَيَّنَّاُالسَّمَاءَُُالدُّن يَاُِبَِصَابِيحَُُوَجَعَل نَاهَاُر ج وم اُلِّلشَُّيَاطِنيُِ﴾‏<br />

{And indeed We have adorned the nearest heaven with lamps, and We have made such lamps (as) missiles to<br />

drive away the Shayaaṭeen (devils)…} [Surah al-Mulk (67): 5]<br />

Imaam <strong>Al</strong>-Bukhaaree رمحهُاهلل recorded in his “Ṣaḥeeḥ” that Qataadah رمحهُاهلل said: “<strong>Al</strong>laah created the stars for three<br />

purposes: (1) As ornaments of the heavens; (2) As missiles against the devils; (3) As signposts for the guidance of<br />

travelers. Whoever interprets otherwise is mistaken. Such a person is to lose his reward (on the Day of<br />

Resurrection) and takes upon himself that which is outside his knowledge.”]<br />

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