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PDF, 1.2 MB - Pfleiderer AG PDF, 1.2 MB - Pfleiderer AG

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50 being focused: being better Personnel development seminars run by qualified experts are used to assess suitability for higher responsibility. After all assessments have been completed, managers taking part are given feedback about the results of the assessment. Depending on the results, managers are then short-listed for promotion. Additional promotion measures are agreed with all managers assessed. 4. Selection for Senior Management When selecting managers for senior executive functions, candidates are chosen according to how they benchmark against the Management Guidelines, and whether they fulfill the particular requirements of the job. Provided they are suitable, candidates who have been short-listed are given preference. 5. Qualification Scheme Multi-stage qualification schemes based on the Management Guidelines have been run since autumn 2000. These are bundled in the Pfleiderer Management College which deals with human resources management, as well as the Pfleiderer General Management Scheme which covers such topics as “business administration of business units and business processes”. In 2002, more than 250 managers took part in these seminars. 6. PRIMA: Managing Projects Intelligently Pfleiderer’s Project Management qualification drive started in 2002 is designed to enable managers and employees to work more effectively with projects. Apart from this, we are establishing and developing a group of highly qualified project leaders for various types of projects. We are also developing, introducing and using instruments suitable for a wide range of projects. Project management is more than just a method of working – it is a special management form, and thus an integral part of the future management culture, enabling us to react flexibly to problems as they arise. Well-trained project managers are capable of dealing even more effectively and intelligently with cross-functional tasks. At the same time, deadlines and cost targets are met more easily, also through the intelligent use of external service providers. While these skills are being developed, we are reducing external consultancy services and making much better use of the Company’s internal know-how. In other words, we are moving Pfleiderer forward towards its place in the knowledge-based society. During the period under review, we held information events for management and project staff, analyzed current project management and conceived training and consultancy courses.

management report personnel report pfleiderer ag 51 Cultural Activities and Social Involvement In Germany, Pfleiderer is involved regionally in the social and cultural life of the towns and cities where its production sites are located. The promotion of city marketing, smaller festivals or sporting events – these all make a location more attractive, as well as being to Pfleiderer’s advantage as an employer in the region. It is particularly important that industry provides support, especially for smaller towns and cities that are outside the catchment area of major cities offering massive training and cultural opportunities. For example, in 2002 Pfleiderer provided support to a children’s home in the region, and supported the “Bayern Rundfahrt”, a cycling race around Bavaria, a local event which has taken place in Neumarkt for the last 23 years. In what has become a tradition over the last seven years, in 2002 Pfleiderer again sponsored the Oberpfalz Regional Competition “Jugend forscht” – a competition where schoolchildren throughout Germany compete for the most innovative research idea. Over the last few years, Pfleiderer has pioneered the idea of opening up the competition to company trainees. The result of this is “Azubi forscht”, with four separate Pfleiderer trainee teams taking part in 2002, two of which won awards. One of the teams went on the federal competitions to win the Special Award by the Federal of the Metal-Working Industry, awarded by the Federal President. Pfleiderer contributes around 35,000 euros annually to the “Jugend forscht” competition. The youngest winners of “Jugend forscht” are given an opportunity to come to the Pfleiderer Training Camp. This is an opportunity for young people to see what working life looks like and where they can try to put their research ideas into practice. The Company also cooperates with local schools in helping school-leavers start working life. Pfleiderer is also involved in the war against drug abuse. Here we have set up and supported working groups, as well as holding information events dealing with the dangers of addition.

50 being focused: being better<br />

Personnel development seminars run by qualified experts are used to assess suitability<br />

for higher responsibility. After all assessments have been completed, managers taking part are<br />

given feedback about the results of the assessment. Depending on the results, managers are<br />

then short-listed for promotion. Additional promotion measures are agreed with all managers<br />

assessed.<br />

4. Selection for Senior Management<br />

When selecting managers for senior executive functions, candidates are chosen according to<br />

how they benchmark against the Management Guidelines, and whether they fulfill the particular<br />

requirements of the job. Provided they are suitable, candidates who have been short-listed are<br />

given preference.<br />

5. Qualification Scheme<br />

Multi-stage qualification schemes based on the Management Guidelines have been run since<br />

autumn 2000. These are bundled in the <strong>Pfleiderer</strong> Management College which deals with<br />

human resources management, as well as the <strong>Pfleiderer</strong> General Management Scheme which<br />

covers such topics as “business administration of business units and business processes”. In<br />

2002, more than 250 managers took part in these seminars.<br />

6. PRIMA: Managing Projects Intelligently<br />

<strong>Pfleiderer</strong>’s Project Management qualification drive started in 2002 is designed to enable<br />

managers and employees to work more effectively with projects. Apart from this, we are<br />

establishing and developing a group of highly qualified project leaders for various types of<br />

projects. We are also developing, introducing and using instruments suitable for a wide range<br />

of projects.<br />

Project management is more than just a method of working – it is a special management<br />

form, and thus an integral part of the future management culture, enabling us to react flexibly<br />

to problems as they arise.<br />

Well-trained project managers are capable of dealing even more effectively and intelligently<br />

with cross-functional tasks. At the same time, deadlines and cost targets are met more<br />

easily, also through the intelligent use of external service providers. While these skills are being<br />

developed, we are reducing external consultancy services and making much better use of<br />

the Company’s internal know-how. In other words, we are moving <strong>Pfleiderer</strong> forward towards<br />

its place in the knowledge-based society.<br />

During the period under review, we held information events for management and project<br />

staff, analyzed current project management and conceived training and consultancy courses.

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