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PDF, 3.2 MB - Pfleiderer AG PDF, 3.2 MB - Pfleiderer AG

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SFAS 13 lists the following criteria: The lease transfers ownership of the property to the lessee at the end of the lease term. The lease contains a bargain purchase option to purchase the leased property for considerably less than its fair value. The lease term is equal to 75 percent or more of the estimated economic life of the leased property. The present value at the beginning of the lease term of the future minimum lease payments equals or exceeds 90 percent of the fair value of the leased property. All other leases in which the Group is the lessee must be treated as operating leases, with the consequence that the lease payments are expensed as incurred. Stock-Based Compensation On the basis of SFAS 123 (Accounting for Stock-Based Compensation), the Company has decided to value the stock options that have been granted in accordance with the intrinsic value based method in compliance with Accounting Principles Board Opinion 25 (Accounting for Stock Issued to Employees) and related interpretations. In accordance with APB 25, the difference between the market price of the Company’s shares at the date of issue of the option and the exercise price of the subscription price that has been granted is recorded in the personnel expenses. The option available under SFAS 148 (Accounting for Stock-Based Compensation – Transition and Disclosure) that was published in December 2002 on transition to the fair value method has not been applied. The following table provides information on the personnel expenses and the impact that application of the fair values prescribed by SFAS 123 would have had on earnings (after taxes) and earnings per share. Dec. 31, 2004 Dec. 31, 2003 Earnings after minority interests and taxes Less: Personnel expenses for stock-based compensation ‘000 euros 33,860 –45,762 in accordance with the fair value method ‘000 euros –945 –893 Pro forma earnings ‘000 euros 32,915 –46,655 Earnings per share euros 0.79 –1.07 Pro forma earnings per share euros 0.77 –1.09 Earnings per share (diluted) euros 0.79 –1.07 Pro forma earnings per share (diluted) euros 0.77 –1.09 80

Accruals for Pensions and Similar Obligations Accruals for pensions and similar obligations are measured in accordance with the projected unit credit method. A minimum obligation is recognized in some cases, i.e. an amount in excess of the pension obligations recognized as expense in the past. If no intangible asset has to be recognized or if there are additional obligations exceeding the amount of the intangible asset, the amount is offset against equity. Unrealized actuarial gains and losses are amortized in accordance with the terms of the specific pension plan, but at a maximum over the remaining period of service or the life expectancy of the beneficiaries. Other Accruals Accruals, including accruals for environmental protection measures resulting from legal claims, local authority regulations or another basis, are set up at the date when it is probable that they have been incurred and their amount can be reasonably estimated, i.e. when a legal obligation exists. Changes to these estimates are recorded in the period in which the change occurs. While the Company is unable to estimate the impact of future laws, the Group assumes that a final ruling on these matters will not have a significant impact on the consolidated financial statements. Advertising Expenses Expenses for advertising and sales promotion are recognized as expense at their inception. In the past financial year, expenses for advertising and sales promotion amounted to 3,872 thousand euros compared with 5,780 thousand euros in the previous year. The expenses fell compared with the previous year, because the launch of a new brand and selling concept in the Business Segment Engineered Wood had resulted in higher costs in 2003. Research and Development Costs Research and development costs are expensed as incurred. Deferred Taxes Deferred tax assets and liabilities are set up for all temporary differences between the tax base and the consolidated balance sheet and for tax loss carryforwards (“temporary concept”). The tax rates to be applied are the enacted tax rates that will apply in the periods in which the temporary differences are expected to reverse. The impact of changes in tax laws on deferred tax assets and liabilities is recognized in income in the period in which the changes are enacted. Deferred tax assets are only recognized if it is probable that the related tax benefits will be realized. When estimating the recoverability of deferred tax assets, the Company considers whether there is a more than 50 percent chance that they will be realized. 81 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS/NOTES PFLEIDERER GROUP

Accruals for Pensions and Similar Obligations<br />

Accruals for pensions and similar obligations are measured in accordance with the projected<br />

unit credit method. A minimum obligation is recognized in some cases, i.e. an amount in excess<br />

of the pension obligations recognized as expense in the past. If no intangible asset has to be<br />

recognized or if there are additional obligations exceeding the amount of the intangible asset,<br />

the amount is offset against equity. Unrealized actuarial gains and losses are amortized in<br />

accordance with the terms of the specific pension plan, but at a maximum over the remaining<br />

period of service or the life expectancy of the beneficiaries.<br />

Other Accruals<br />

Accruals, including accruals for environmental protection measures resulting from legal claims,<br />

local authority regulations or another basis, are set up at the date when it is probable that they<br />

have been incurred and their amount can be reasonably estimated, i.e. when a legal obligation<br />

exists.<br />

Changes to these estimates are recorded in the period in which the change occurs. While the<br />

Company is unable to estimate the impact of future laws, the Group assumes that a final ruling<br />

on these matters will not have a significant impact on the consolidated financial statements.<br />

Advertising Expenses<br />

Expenses for advertising and sales promotion are recognized as expense at their inception. In<br />

the past financial year, expenses for advertising and sales promotion amounted to 3,872 thousand<br />

euros compared with 5,780 thousand euros in the previous year. The expenses fell compared<br />

with the previous year, because the launch of a new brand and selling concept in the Business<br />

Segment Engineered Wood had resulted in higher costs in 2003.<br />

Research and Development Costs<br />

Research and development costs are expensed as incurred.<br />

Deferred Taxes<br />

Deferred tax assets and liabilities are set up for all temporary differences between the tax base<br />

and the consolidated balance sheet and for tax loss carryforwards (“temporary concept”). The tax<br />

rates to be applied are the enacted tax rates that will apply in the periods in which the temporary<br />

differences are expected to reverse. The impact of changes in tax laws on deferred tax assets and<br />

liabilities is recognized in income in the period in which the changes are enacted. Deferred tax<br />

assets are only recognized if it is probable that the related tax benefits will be realized.<br />

When estimating the recoverability of deferred tax assets, the Company considers whether there<br />

is a more than 50 percent chance that they will be realized.<br />

81<br />


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