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PDF, 3.2 MB - Pfleiderer AG PDF, 3.2 MB - Pfleiderer AG

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Investor Relations Activities Individual and open communication with institutional and private investors is a cornerstone of Pfleiderer’s communications policy. In view of the changes in shareholder structure during fiscal 2004, numerous national and international roadshows were held in which the Board of Management explained our corporate strategy. Frequent communication with the capital market takes place, with regular events for analysts and telephone calls in which the Company’s quarterly figures are presented, as well as individual talks with investors and analysts held. The most important contact with our private shareholders is made during the Annual General Meeting. Around 600 shareholders attended the AGM on June 15, 2004, representing around 33.36 percent of capital stock. Resolutions on the Agenda (ratification of the actions of the Board of Management and the Supervisory Board, authorization to acquire treasury stock) were adopted by a majority vote of 99 percent. The General Meeting also appointed KPMG Deutsche Treuhand-Gesellschaft Aktiengesellschaft Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft, Berlin/Frankfurt, as the Company’s new external auditor. 58

Post-Closure Report/Outlook Pfleiderer Engineered Wood and Pfleiderer track systems both cautious about domestic business Further improvements in sales and earnings figures expected in 2005 General Economic Conditions Leading German economic research institutes are forecasting that GDP in 2005 will grow between 0.8 percent (Institute for Global Economic Research at the University of Kiel/IfW) and 1.3 percent (Institute for Economic Research Halle/IWH and the Rhineland Westphalia Institute for Economic Research/RWI). According to the HWWA Institute for Economic Research in Hamburg, the economic recovery which started in 2004 will continue in 2005, but there will not be “a major upturn”. Exports will continue to be the economy’s main motor, but potential here will probably much weaker than in 2004. The German furniture industry expects a slight improvement in 2005. According to the Association of German Furniture Manufacturers (VDM), sales should improve slightly, in particular through exports. However, the positive view of the Association of German Furniture Manufacturers is by no means universal. Overall, Pfleiderer expects domestic sales for Pfleiderer Engineered Wood to stabilize. Similarly, the Business Unit East, with its activities in Poland and Russia, is likely to profit from growth in these economies as their markets continue to expand. As far as Pfleiderer Infrastructure Technology is concerned, investment planning by Deutsche Bahn and international infrastructure providers will be decisive in 2005. Reduced government spending on infrastructure in Germany and lower expectations for operating results by Deutsche Bahn mean that capital expenditure is likely to be limited. Information from these sources indicates that spending will be restricted to existing projects. New projects are being postponed until after 2009. On the other hand, spending by international infrastructure providers on the construction and expansion of high-speed rail links is expected to remain constant, due to the long-term planning involved. Procurement How procurement conditions for Pfleiderer Engineered Wood change is very much depends on economic growth and how industry develops in the specific markets involved. In principle, the bundling of procurement activities for all sites in 2005 is also expected to have positive effects on purchase prices. 59 MANAGEMENT REPORT POST-CLOSURE REPORT/OUTLOOK

Investor Relations Activities<br />

Individual and open communication with institutional and private investors is a cornerstone of<br />

<strong>Pfleiderer</strong>’s communications policy. In view of the changes in shareholder structure during fiscal<br />

2004, numerous national and international roadshows were held in which the Board of Management<br />

explained our corporate strategy. Frequent communication with the capital market takes<br />

place, with regular events for analysts and telephone calls in which the Company’s quarterly<br />

figures are presented, as well as individual talks with investors and analysts held.<br />

The most important contact with our private shareholders is made during the Annual General<br />

Meeting. Around 600 shareholders attended the <strong>AG</strong>M on June 15, 2004, representing around<br />

33.36 percent of capital stock. Resolutions on the Agenda (ratification of the actions of the<br />

Board of Management and the Supervisory Board, authorization to acquire treasury stock) were<br />

adopted by a majority vote of 99 percent. The General Meeting also appointed KPMG Deutsche<br />

Treuhand-Gesellschaft Aktiengesellschaft Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft, Berlin/Frankfurt, as<br />

the Company’s new external auditor.<br />


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