PDF, 3.2 MB - Pfleiderer AG

PDF, 3.2 MB - Pfleiderer AG PDF, 3.2 MB - Pfleiderer AG

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1. Selling expenses 2. Other operating income/other operating expenses 3. Net interest V. Notes to the Statement of Income The selling expenses of 121,636 thousand euros (2003: 113,577 thousand euros) include freight out of 52,031 thousand euros (2003: 46,748 thousand euros). Jan. 1 – Jan. 1 – ‘000 euros Dec. 31, 2004 Dec. 31, 2003 Other operating income 48,609 26,152 Other operating expenses 37,455 10,053 Total 11,154 16,099 Other operating income/other operating expenses include the proceeds from the dilution gain of 22,699 thousand euros from the increase in capital in Poland. They also include proceeds of 3,588 thousand euros from the reversal of specific and lump-sum allowances for doubtful accounts. Foreign exchange gains of 3,070 thousand euros are also reported here. The expenses mainly result from provisions of 16,998 thousand euros for closure costs for the Rheda-Wiedenbrück site, expenses of 5,257 thousand euros for allocations to accruals and foreign exchange losses of 4,688 thousand euros. Jan. 1 – Jan. 1 – ‘000 euros Dec. 31, 2004 Dec. 31, 2003 Other interest and similar income 5,745 7,875 Interest and similar expenses 24,361 24,937 Total –18,616 –17,062 Other interest and similar income primarily includes interest income on invested funds. The interest expense results from financial liabilities, interest in connection with hedging transactions and expenses of 3,820 thousand euros from the dissolution of interest swaps. VI. Notes to the Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows The cash and cash equivalents in the cash flow statement comprise the sum of the balance sheet items, liquid funds and securities classified as current assets. Interest payments in the fiscal year 2004 amounted to 19,707 thousand euros (2003: 21,039 thousand euros). Payments for taxes on income amounted to 11,587 thousand euros (2003: 14,185 thousand euros). 104

1. Contingent liabilities VII. Other Disclosures Contingent liabilities are recognized below at nominal values: million euros Dec. 31, 2004 Dec. 31, 2003 Guarantees and letters of comfort 32.7 10.7 Warranty obligations 1.4 29.1 Discounted notes 0.0 0.9 The Group has provided the purchasers with guarantees on a customary scale in connection with various business disposals. The Company does not currently expect any significant claims under these guarantees. Long-term supply obligations to a power plant operator at fixed prices exist in the Business Segment Engineered Wood. A possible risk to the earnings as a result of these prices is deemed improbable. Furthermore, credit institutions have issued guarantees in favor of customers, suppliers and other contractual partners of the Group totaling of 41.8 million euros (2003: 40.5 million euros), and corresponding guarantee lines are available. These mainly comprise guarantees under warranties and guarantees in connection with the contingent liabilities from disinvestments. No accruals have been set up for the above contingent liabilities, because the probability that the risks will occur is deemed to be low. The Group provides warranties for certain products. The amount of the potential warranty claims is based on the sales of these products and the records relating to past warranty claims. Under a factoring program for the financing of trade receivables of 30.3 million euros, Pfleiderer AG is liable for the verity of the receivables sold. The receivables sold are covered in full by commercial credit insurance, so that a claim from this is not expected. ‘000 euros Balance as of January 1, 2004 0 Warranties issued during the reporting period 2,769 Claims during the past business year 0 Balance as of December 31, 2004 2,769 Accruals for warranty obligations developed as following during the past business year: The application of FIN 45 does not result in any further disclosable matters. 105 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS/NOTES PFLEIDERER GROUP

1. Selling expenses<br />

2. Other operating<br />

income/other<br />

operating expenses<br />

3. Net interest<br />

V. Notes to the Statement of Income<br />

The selling expenses of 121,636 thousand euros (2003: 113,577 thousand euros) include freight<br />

out of 52,031 thousand euros (2003: 46,748 thousand euros).<br />

Jan. 1 – Jan. 1 –<br />

‘000 euros Dec. 31, 2004 Dec. 31, 2003<br />

Other operating income 48,609 26,152<br />

Other operating expenses 37,455 10,053<br />

Total 11,154 16,099<br />

Other operating income/other operating expenses include the proceeds from the dilution gain<br />

of 22,699 thousand euros from the increase in capital in Poland. They also include proceeds<br />

of 3,588 thousand euros from the reversal of specific and lump-sum allowances for doubtful accounts.<br />

Foreign exchange gains of 3,070 thousand euros are also reported here. The expenses<br />

mainly result from provisions of 16,998 thousand euros for closure costs for the Rheda-Wiedenbrück<br />

site, expenses of 5,257 thousand euros for allocations to accruals and foreign exchange<br />

losses of 4,688 thousand euros.<br />

Jan. 1 – Jan. 1 –<br />

‘000 euros Dec. 31, 2004 Dec. 31, 2003<br />

Other interest and similar income 5,745 7,875<br />

Interest and similar expenses 24,361 24,937<br />

Total –18,616 –17,062<br />

Other interest and similar income primarily includes interest income on invested funds. The<br />

interest expense results from financial liabilities, interest in connection with hedging transactions<br />

and expenses of 3,820 thousand euros from the dissolution of interest swaps.<br />

VI. Notes to the Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows<br />

The cash and cash equivalents in the cash flow statement comprise the sum of the balance<br />

sheet items, liquid funds and securities classified as current assets.<br />

Interest payments in the fiscal year 2004 amounted to 19,707 thousand euros (2003:<br />

21,039 thousand euros). Payments for taxes on income amounted to 11,587 thousand euros<br />

(2003: 14,185 thousand euros).<br />


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