Dance of Abundance 2


18 Secrets of a Fairy Godmother Within my grasp, the fields and peaks once so distant… I was far away and now I am closer.

Chapter 1: Inside the Vibe 19 to you, will show you my vulnerability, and it will also show you the strength I drew from my vulnerability. I’m sharing this with you because I have a pretty good idea that you’re on the same path I was on, which means you’re coming up along the same path I’m on now. It’s not a secret so much as it’s a confidence I’m sharing with you. There was a time, before I earned my Fairy Godmother credentials, when I was under tremendous emotional stress. It was one of those experiences that bring you to your knees. You know what I mean? Have you had one of these experiences, too? I bet you have. My heart goes out to you if you’re having one of those experiences right now. Well, let me tell you, without question, what you’re experiencing now will pass, absolutely. This, too, shall pass… Here is what I wish you to know. One of the dearest books in my library is a book called The Abundance Book. The author of the book is John Randolph Price. It’s not a very big book, rather slender in fact, but it’s one of those books that hold the key to unlimited success.

18 Secrets <strong>of</strong> a Fairy Godmother<br />

Within my grasp,<br />

the fields and peaks once so distant…<br />

I was far away and now I am closer.

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