Dance of Abundance 2


14 Secrets of a Fairy Godmother What I’m really wanting to do, though, is acknowledge the wonderful things, sometimes the small things, that I see and appreciate in them. In that moment, that is my only agenda. How can people possibly acknowledge their own Magnificence (self-appreciation) if someone isn’t appreciating the Good in them? Of course, it’s obvious that deflecting a compliment is a block that impedes the Flow of Abundance. When somebody sincerely compliments you and gives you that gift, that’s the Universe recognizing your value, recognizing your contribution, and this positive energy flowing toward you should be accepted, not deflected. When you deflect the Good coming your way, you are closing the door… I realize this makes good sense logically, yet emotionally most people turn aside the compliments and the praise they receive from others, unwittingly blocking the energy flow the Universe has directed toward them. So, I ask you, wouldn’t you love to be vibrating at a higher level? Wouldn’t you love to have your flow-channels open and unclogged? Wouldn’t you be excited to know that you are 100% in the Flow? Wouldn’t you be thrilled to see all the magnificent

Chapter 1: Inside the Vibe 15 “A man sees in the world what he carries in his heart.” ~ Goethe ~

Chapter 1: Inside the Vibe 15<br />

“A man sees in the world<br />

what he carries in his heart.”<br />

~ Goethe ~

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