Dance of Abundance 2


116 Secrets of a Fairy Godmother “Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face.” ~Victor Hugo~

Chapter 4: The Latitude of Gratitude 117 Chapter 4: The Latitude of Gratitude This chapter offers you another significant Fairy Godmother secret. This secret may seem rather benign at first, but don’t let something so simple escape your serious attention. Another one of the secrets about the way the Universe operates is knowing how important it is to express gratitude. Not just an occasional “thank you” about an occasional this or that, but Gratitude all the time for everything that’s in your life right now. Often, when I introduce this subject with clients, they say to me, “I’m always giving gratitude, I Know about that.” However, what I want to address here is a deeper moment-by-moment use and acknowledgement of Gratitude for everything. Do you remember that time when you were driving your car on the highway, and all of a sudden you saw the flashing red and blue lights in your rearview mirror? A policeman on a motorcycle, or perhaps it was an officer in a squad car, pulled you over and you sat there on the shoulder of the road waiting for the inevitable.

116 Secrets <strong>of</strong> a Fairy Godmother<br />

“Laughter is the sun<br />

that drives winter<br />

from the human face.”<br />

~Victor Hugo~

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