Apocalypse World 2nd Ed

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Deep brain scan [brainer] 31, 185, weird.<br />

Deep insights [savvyhead] 59, 198, weird.<br />

Direct brain-whisper projection [brainer] 31, 186, weird.<br />

Divine Protection [hocus] 51, 194, armor.<br />

Do something under re [basic] 66, 136 [advanced] 265, hot.<br />

Escape a hunter [battle, subterfuge] 175, cool.<br />

Everybody eats, even that guy [maestro d’] 55, 195, hot.<br />

Eye on the door [driver] 39, 189, cool.<br />

Fingers in every pie [maestro d’] 55, 195, hot.<br />

Fortunes [hocus] 51, 193, followers.<br />

Frenzy [hocus] 51, 193, weird.<br />

Fuck this shit [gunlugger] 43, 191, hard.<br />

Fucking thieves [chopper] 35, 188, hard, gang.<br />

Fucking wacknut [hocus] 51, 194, weird.<br />

Give 1-barter to someone [peripheral, barter] 160, barter for hot.<br />

Go aggro on someone [basic] 66, 138 [advanced] 265, hard.<br />

Go into a holding’s market [peripheral, barter] 160, sharp.<br />

Heal another character’s harm [peripheral, harm & healing] 159, Hx.<br />

Healing touch [angel] 23, 183, weird.<br />

Help or interfere [basic] 66, 150, Hx.<br />

Hunt prey [battle, subterfuge] 175, cool.<br />

Hypnotic [skinner] 63, 199, hot.<br />


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