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At the Shareholder’s request, the Company may elect to pay redemption proceeds in kind, having due regard to all applicable laws and regulations and to all shareholders’ interest. In such case of payment in kind, the auditor of the Company shall deliver, if applicable, an audit report in accordance with applicable laws. Any costs incurred in connection with a redemption in kind of securities shall be borne by the relevant shareholder. Seed Money Shares of a Sub-Fund may be held (i) by a French fund in which AXA Investment Managers is a majority shareholder (hereinafter the "AXA IM Fund") and/or (ii) by companies which are part of the AXA group of companies and/or (iii) by investment funds which are managed by investment management companies in which AXA IM group directly or indirectly holds a shareholding ("AXA IM Group Managed Funds") for the purposes of building a track record or a specific marketing action on the Sub-Fund. AXA IM Fund and/or companies of the AXA group and/or AXA IM Group Managed Funds may, at any time, choose to redeem their Shares in the Sub-Fund which may result in a material decrease in the total assets of the Sub-Fund and/or a restructuring of the Sub-Fund including but not limited to restructuring causing the winding up of the Sub- Fund or its merger with another fund. Specific rules have been established by the Management Company with a view to preserve an equal treatment between the Shareholders of the Sub-Fund and will be applied in such case. The foregoing does not prevent shares of a Sub-Fund from being held by other investors including external seed investors. Suspension of the Calculation of the Net Asset Value and the Offering, Redemption and Conversion of Shares The Company may suspend temporarily the determination of the Net Asset Value, and the issue, redemption and conversion of the Shares of the relevant Sub-Fund a during any period when any Regulated Market, stock exchange in an Other State or any Other Regulated Market on which a material part of a Sub-Fund’s investments for the time being are quoted, is closed, otherwise than for ordinary holidays, or during which dealings are substantially restricted or suspended; b during the existence of any state of affairs which constitutes an emergency as a result of which disposal or valuation of investments of the relevant Sub-Fund by the Company is not reasonably practicable; or c during any breakdown in the means of communication normally employed in determining the price or value of any of the investments attributable to any Sub-Fund or the current prices on any market or stock exchange; or d during any period when remittance of moneys which will or may be involved in the realisation of, or in the payment for, any of the investments attributable to any Sub-Fund is not possible; or e during any period where in the opinion of the Directors there exist unusual circumstances where it would be impracticable or unfair towards the Shareholders to continue dealing with Shares of any Sub-Fund; or f following the suspension of the calculation of the net asset value per share/unit the issue, redemption and/or the conversion of shares/units at the level of a master fund in which a Sub-Fund invests in its quality as feeder fund of such master fund; g in case of a decision to liquidate the Company, on or after the day of publication of the first notice convening the general meeting of Shareholders for this purpose. The Company shall cease the issue, allocation, conversion, repurchase and redemption of the Shares forthwith upon the occurrence of an event causing it to enter into liquidation or upon the order of the Regulatory Authority. Shareholders having requested a conversion repurchase or redemption of their Shares will be notified in writing of any such suspension within seven days of their request and will be promptly notified upon termination of such suspension. The suspension as to any Sub-Fund will have no effect on the calculation of the Net Asset Value and the issue, conversion and redemption of the Shares of any other Sub-Fund. Reporting All conversions and redemptions will be acknowledged by a contract note. Institutional and Professional Investors 374

Institutional Investors as well as professional and other investors of a similar standing either subscribing for or redeeming the Shares in the Company on the basis of the Prospectus, hereby agree that where they receive the incorrect number of Shares or the incorrect amount of redemption proceeds as a result of an error in the calculation of the Net Asset Value per Share the following will apply. They will be deemed to have unknowingly benefited from an error in the calculation of the Net Asset Value per Share and in such circumstances will reimburse all amounts unduly received or pay any amounts that should have been paid if there had not been such an error of the Net Asset Value per Share. XII - HOW TO TRANSFER SHARES Shareholders wishing to transfer some or all of the Shares registered in their names should submit to the Registrar Agent a standard stock transfer form or other appropriate documentation. No stamp duty is payable on transfer Investors are reminded that any transfer of Shares held in Euroclear or Clearstream must be notified immediately to the Registrar Agent. The Registrar Agent is available to receive requests for the subscription, conversion and redemption of Shares on each Business Day between the hours of 9:00 and 17:00 (Luxembourg time) which requests will be dealt with according to time of receipt as described hereabove. XIII - DIVIDENDS Distribution Shares may pay a dividend to their holders. In such case, dividends shall be paid out of the investment income gains and/or realized capital gains, or out of any other funds available for distribution. Nevertheless, no distribution may be made as a result of which the total net assets of the Company would fall below the equivalent in the Reference Currency of the Company of the minimum amount of the net assets of UCIs as required by Luxembourg law. Capitalisation Shares capitalise income. Dividends are declared by the Directors and approved by the Shareholders. The Directors may determine annually, after the end of the relevant accounting year, if and to what extent the Company will pay dividends out of the net investment income, net capital gains available for distribution, or capital. Interim dividends may be paid if and when decided by the Directors in compliance with applicable law. Any dividend payments will be confirmed in writing to the holders of Distribution Shares. Dividend payment will be made by bank transfer. Investors may request exceptionally on the Application Form that their dividends be paid to them in a particular currency to the extent the Management Company agrees to do so. Since dividends are declared in the Reference Currency of the relevant Class, the Management Company will arrange for all dividends to be paid in the single currency selected. Any foreign exchange will normally be transacted shortly before the date of payment. Investors should be aware that the amount of currency involved and the time at which such foreign exchange is transacted will affect the rate of exchange. No liability can be accepted by the Custodian, the Registrar Agent or the Company for any losses arising from adverse currency fluctuations. Unless otherwise specifically requested on the Application Form, dividends will be reinvested in further Shares of the same Class within the same Sub-Fund and Shareholders will be advised of the details by a contract note. Holders of Shares held in Euroclear or Clearstream are not able to have their dividends reinvested. Dividends will be paid to Euroclear or Clearstream which will account for these amounts to the relevant Shareholders. XIV - DATA PROTECTION In accordance with the provisions of the law of 2 nd August 2002 on the protection of persons with regard to the processing of personal data, the Company has to inform Shareholders that their personal data is kept by means of a computer system. The Company collects stores and processes by electronic or other means the data supplied by Shareholders at the time of their subscription for the purpose of fulfilling the services required by the Shareholders and complying with its legal obligations. The data processed includes the name, address and invested amount of each Shareholder (the “Personal Data”). The investor may, at his/her/its discretion, refuse to communicate the Personal Data to the Company. In this case, however, the Company may reject his/her/its request for subscription of Shares in the Company. 375

At the Shareholder’s request, the Company may elect to pay redemption proceeds in kind, having due regard to all<br />

applicable laws and regulations and to all shareholders’ interest. In such case of payment in kind, the auditor of the<br />

Company shall deliver, if applicable, an audit report in accordance with applicable laws. Any costs incurred in<br />

connection with a redemption in kind of securities shall be borne by the relevant shareholder.<br />

Seed Money<br />

Shares of a Sub-Fund may be held (i) by a French fund in which <strong>AXA</strong> Investment Managers is a majority shareholder<br />

(hereinafter the "<strong>AXA</strong> IM Fund") and/or (ii) by companies which are part of the <strong>AXA</strong> group of companies and/or (iii) by<br />

investment funds which are managed by investment management companies in which <strong>AXA</strong> IM group directly or<br />

indirectly holds a shareholding ("<strong>AXA</strong> IM Group Managed Funds") for the purposes of building a track record or a<br />

specific marketing action on the Sub-Fund.<br />

<strong>AXA</strong> IM Fund and/or companies of the <strong>AXA</strong> group and/or <strong>AXA</strong> IM Group Managed Funds may, at any time, choose<br />

to redeem their Shares in the Sub-Fund which may result in a material decrease in the total assets of the Sub-Fund<br />

and/or a restructuring of the Sub-Fund including but not limited to restructuring causing the winding up of the Sub-<br />

Fund or its merger with another fund. Specific rules have been established by the Management Company with a view<br />

to preserve an equal treatment between the Shareholders of the Sub-Fund and will be applied in such case.<br />

The foregoing does not prevent shares of a Sub-Fund from being held by other investors including external seed<br />

investors.<br />

Suspension of the Calculation of the Net Asset Value and the Offering, Redemption and Conversion of<br />

Shares<br />

The Company may suspend temporarily the determination of the Net Asset Value, and the issue, redemption and<br />

conversion of the Shares of the relevant Sub-Fund<br />

a during any period when any Regulated Market, stock exchange in an Other State or any Other Regulated<br />

Market on which a material part of a Sub-Fund’s investments for the time being are quoted, is closed,<br />

otherwise than for ordinary holidays, or during which dealings are substantially restricted or suspended;<br />

b during the existence of any state of affairs which constitutes an emergency as a result of which disposal or<br />

valuation of investments of the relevant Sub-Fund by the Company is not reasonably practicable; or<br />

c during any breakdown in the means of communication normally employed in determining the price or value of<br />

any of the investments attributable to any Sub-Fund or the current prices on any market or stock exchange; or<br />

d during any period when remittance of moneys which will or may be involved in the realisation of, or in the<br />

payment for, any of the investments attributable to any Sub-Fund is not possible; or<br />

e during any period where in the opinion of the Directors there exist unusual circumstances where it would be<br />

impracticable or unfair towards the Shareholders to continue dealing with Shares of any Sub-Fund; or<br />

f following the suspension of the calculation of the net asset value per share/unit the issue, redemption and/or<br />

the conversion of shares/units at the level of a master fund in which a Sub-Fund invests in its quality as feeder<br />

fund of such master fund;<br />

g in case of a decision to liquidate the Company, on or after the day of publication of the first notice convening<br />

the general meeting of Shareholders for this purpose.<br />

The Company shall cease the issue, allocation, conversion, repurchase and redemption of the Shares forthwith upon<br />

the occurrence of an event causing it to enter into liquidation or upon the order of the Regulatory Authority.<br />

Shareholders having requested a conversion repurchase or redemption of their Shares will be notified in writing of<br />

any such suspension within seven days of their request and will be promptly notified upon termination of such<br />

suspension.<br />

The suspension as to any Sub-Fund will have no effect on the calculation of the Net Asset Value and the issue,<br />

conversion and redemption of the Shares of any other Sub-Fund.<br />

Reporting<br />

All conversions and redemptions will be acknowledged by a contract note.<br />

Institutional and Professional Investors<br />


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