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Paying Agent and Listing Agent, Domiciliary, Administrative Agent and Registrar Agent The Management Company has undertaken to provide the Company with certain administration services, including general administration as well as bookkeeping and maintenance of all accounts of the Company, the periodic determination of the Net Asset Value per Share, the preparation and filing of the Company’s financial reports and the liaison with the Auditors. In addition, the Management Company will under the terms of the Management Company Services Agreement act as corporate, domiciliary agent and Registrar Agent for the Company. The Management Company has delegated the above mentioned functions to State Street Bank Luxembourg S.A. pursuant to the Administrative Agency, Domiciliary, Corporate and Paying Agency, Listing Agency and Registrar and Transfer Agency Agreement dated 29 th August 2006 as amended. The agreement was concluded for an unlimited duration and may be terminated as provided therein. STATE STREET BANK LUXEMBOURG S.A. is a public limited company (“société anonyme”) incorporated under the laws of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. It was incorporated in Luxembourg on 19 th January 1990 and presently exists for an unlimited period of time. Its registered office is in Luxembourg at 49, Avenue J.F. Kennedy. Its share capital amounted to EUR 65,000,812.50 on 31 st December 2010. Auditors PricewaterhouseCoopers S.à r.l Luxembourg has been appointed as the Company’s auditors. Its appointment is subject to approval at each Annual General Meeting. Documents Available for Inspection Copies of this document and of the following documents (together with a certified translation thereof where relevant) are available for inspection during usual business hours on any weekday (Saturday and public holidays excepted) at the registered office of the Company, 49, Avenue J. F. Kennedy, L-1855 Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the offices of the Registrar Agent and at the offices of the distributors agents in other countries: i the Articles of Incorporation; ii the contracts referred to in the above section “Management and Administration of the Company”; iii the relevant part of the law of 10 th August 1915 on commercial companies as amended and the Law of 2010 under which the Company is incorporated; iv the Semi-Annual Report (unaudited) and the audited Annual Report; v the Key Investor Information Documents. Copies of the Articles of Incorporation and the latest available reports may also be obtained from the registered office of the Company. It is the intention of the Company to update its Prospectus regularly. Investors are recommended to ensure they have the latest edition. A brief description of the strategy put in place by the Management Company for determining when and how voting rights attached to instruments held in the Company’s portfolio are to be exercised shall be made available to investors in particular by way of the website II - INVESTMENT OBJECTIVES AND POLICIES The investment objective of the Company is to achieve a certain level of current income through investing in a diversified range of securities throughout the markets of the world in accordance with the Sub-Funds’ investment objectives as described below as well as in each Appendix. Each Sub-Fund is classified in one of the following categories: 350

The Equity Sub-Funds: their objective is to achieve long-term capital growth, measured in the relevant Reference Currency, from actively managed portfolios of listed equity and equity-related securities or of derivative instruments on such securities. The income yields of the Equity Sub-Funds are of secondary importance. The investment policies of each of the Equity Sub-Funds are structured so as to offer investors a clear choice of risk/reward profile. The Equity Sub-Funds are managed by management teams being part of AXA Investment Managers expertises “AXA Framlington” and/or “AXA Rosenberg”. The Bond Sub-Funds: their objective is to achieve a mix of income and capital growth measured in the relevant Reference Currency by investing in fixed and floating rate securities as identified by the objective of each Sub-Fund. The Bond Sub-Funds are managed by management teams being part of AXA Investment Managers expertise “AXA Fixed Income”. The Mixed Sub-Funds: their objective is to achieve medium or long term capital and income growth measured in the relevant Reference Currency, by investing in a diversified portfolio of equities, bonds and ancillary cash as identified by the specific objective of each Sub-Fund. The income yields of the Mixed Sub-Funds are of secondary importance. The investment policy of each Mixed Sub-Fund is structured so as to offer investors a clear choice of risk/reward profile. The Mixed Sub-Funds are managed by management teams being part of AXA Investment Managers expertises “AXA Framlington” and/or “AXA Rosenberg” and/or “AXA Fixed Income”. The Liquidity Sub-Funds: their objective is to provide low income but stable value, by investing exclusively in high quality short-term negotiable debt securities within their respective currency areas. The Liquidity Sub-Funds normally achieve a lower rate of return over the long term than Equities Sub-Funds and Bond Sub-Funds. The Liquidity Sub- Funds are managed by management teams being part of AXA Investment Managers expertise “AXA Fixed Income”. In order to meet the aims of each Sub-Fund, it is intended in normal circumstances to maintain a policy of being invested in the relevant assets. Unless otherwise specified in the Appendices, each Sub-Fund may for hedging and/or efficient portfolio management purposes, also expose itself to such assets through the use of derivative instruments within the limits set forth in the section "Investment Restrictions" and employ techniques and instruments relating to Transferable Securities and Money Market Instruments as more fully described in the section “Special Investment and Hedging Techniques and Instruments”. There can be no assurance that the Company's or Sub-Funds’ investment will be successful or that the investment objectives of the Company or Sub-Funds will be achieved. Please refer to the section “General Risk Considerations” and to the relevant sections in the above Appendices for further risk considerations relating to any Sub-Fund. III - RISK MANAGEMENT PROCESS In accordance with the Law of 2010 and the applicable regulations, the Company shall use a risk-management process which enables it to assess the exposure of each Sub-Fund to market, liquidity and counterparty risks, and to all other risks, including operational risks, which are material for the Sub-Funds. As part of the risk management process, the Company uses the commitment approach to monitor and measure the global exposure of each Sub-Fund unless otherwise provided for under the relevant Appendix. This approach measures the global exposure related to positions on financial derivatives instruments (“FDIs”) and other efficient portfolio management techniques which may not exceed the total net value of the portfolio of the relevant Sub-Fund. The internal auditor of the Company and the Management Company will verify the aforesaid procedures and the management control framework. IV - GENERAL RISK CONSIDERATIONS As for any financial investment, potential investors should be aware that the value of the assets of the Sub-Funds may strongly fluctuate. The Company does not guarantee Shareholders that they will not suffer losses resulting from their investments. Equity Sub-Funds are generally more volatile than Bond Sub-Funds and Mixed Sub-Funds but may also achieve greater returns. Investors should be aware that equity-linked securities may comprise warrants and should refer below for risk considerations linked to warrants. All Sub-Funds are potentially exposed to the general risk referred below. Risks generated by the use of hedging and income enhancement strategies may also apply to all Sub-Funds. For specific risk considerations relating to any Sub-Fund, please refer to the “Special Risk Considerations” section. 351

Paying Agent and Listing Agent, Domiciliary, Administrative Agent and Registrar Agent<br />

The Management Company has undertaken to provide the Company with certain administration services, including<br />

general administration as well as bookkeeping and maintenance of all accounts of the Company, the periodic<br />

determination of the Net Asset Value per Share, the preparation and filing of the Company’s financial reports and the<br />

liaison with the Auditors.<br />

In addition, the Management Company will under the terms of the Management Company Services Agreement act as<br />

corporate, domiciliary agent and Registrar Agent for the Company.<br />

The Management Company has delegated the above mentioned functions to State Street Bank Luxembourg S.A.<br />

pursuant to the Administrative Agency, Domiciliary, Corporate and Paying Agency, Listing Agency and Registrar and<br />

Transfer Agency Agreement dated 29 th August 2006 as amended. The agreement was concluded for an unlimited<br />

duration and may be terminated as provided therein.<br />

STATE STREET BANK <strong>LUXEMBOURG</strong> S.A. is a public limited company (“société anonyme”) incorporated under the<br />

laws of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. It was incorporated in Luxembourg on 19 th January 1990 and presently<br />

exists for an unlimited period of time. Its registered office is in Luxembourg at 49, Avenue J.F. Kennedy. Its share<br />

capital amounted to EUR 65,000,812.50 on 31 st December 2010.<br />

Auditors<br />

PricewaterhouseCoopers S.à r.l Luxembourg has been appointed as the Company’s auditors. Its appointment is<br />

subject to approval at each Annual General Meeting.<br />

Documents Available for Inspection<br />

Copies of this document and of the following documents (together with a certified translation thereof where relevant)<br />

are available for inspection during usual business hours on any weekday (Saturday and public holidays excepted) at<br />

the registered office of the Company, 49, Avenue J. F. Kennedy, L-1855 Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg,<br />

the offices of the Registrar Agent and at the offices of the distributors agents in other countries:<br />

i the Articles of Incorporation;<br />

ii the contracts referred to in the above section “Management and Administration of the Company”;<br />

iii the relevant part of the law of 10 th August 1915 on commercial companies as amended and the Law of<br />

2010 under which the Company is incorporated;<br />

iv the Semi-Annual Report (unaudited) and the audited Annual Report;<br />

v the Key Investor Information Documents.<br />

Copies of the Articles of Incorporation and the latest available reports may also be obtained from the registered office<br />

of the Company.<br />

It is the intention of the Company to update its Prospectus regularly. Investors are recommended to ensure they have<br />

the latest edition.<br />

A brief description of the strategy put in place by the Management Company for determining when and how voting<br />

rights attached to instruments held in the Company’s portfolio are to be exercised shall be made available to<br />

investors in particular by way of the website<br />


The investment objective of the Company is to achieve a certain level of current income through investing in a<br />

diversified range of securities throughout the markets of the world in accordance with the Sub-Funds’ investment<br />

objectives as described below as well as in each Appendix.<br />

Each Sub-Fund is classified in one of the following categories:<br />


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