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XXL<br />

A Nazi-‘‘euthanasia‘‘-victim:<br />



My laughter<br />

is crying<br />


english update| 06 | 2018 | 114 pages – DeepL Translator: german-english


Erna Kronshage – a Nazi-‘‘euthanasia‘‘-victim<br />

Erna Kronshage –<br />

Colored Photo-Portrait<br />

with original signature -<br />

around 1940<br />




Where lies still lie<br />

like unburied corpses<br />

there is the way of truth<br />

not easy to spot<br />

and some are still reluctant<br />

or find him too dangerous<br />

The Truth Penetrates<br />

and at the same time sends their seekers<br />

back in history<br />

and begins to tidy up<br />

with the defamations<br />

and with the hush-up<br />

of the dead<br />

A lot will hurt<br />

make things awkward<br />

but the truth is<br />

the way of necessity<br />

if the realm of freedom is not restored<br />

should remain just an empty word<br />

and only a laughing stock<br />

for enemies and for the disappointed<br />

Erich Fried –<br />

translated with DeepL<br />

from German into English

Resumes have a long memory. Personal<br />

biographies as well as the common history. The<br />

experiences stored in them can be<br />

superimposed, hushed up, suppressed or<br />

hushed up in the course of time, but not<br />

undone.<br />

Remembering is more than just taking note.<br />

Those who remember or are remembered are<br />

reminded of events and experiences of<br />

personal and collective past, whether joyful or<br />

painful.<br />

The word says that remembering concerns us<br />

internally, it concerns us. Some remembrance<br />

requires courage and perseverance. Some<br />

remembrance is a duty imposed upon us by the<br />

will to justice and truthfulness towards guilt and<br />

failure....<br />

"Thinking about past matters," writes Hannah<br />

Arendt, "means for human beings to go into the<br />

dimension of the deep, to strike roots and thus<br />

to stabilize themselves so that one is not<br />

washed away by everything possible - the spirit<br />

of the age, history or simply the temptation.<br />

Dr. Hartmut Traub, Excerpt from the speech manuscript for<br />

the memorial service for the victims of Nazi "euthanasia" on<br />

27.01. 2017 in the German Bundestag

Childhood & School<br />

Class photo - ca. 1930-32 - Erna 2 row from top left (white arrow)<br />


The birthplace:<br />

The<br />

„Mühlenkamp“<br />

Senne II - a rural<br />

community near<br />

Bielefeld<br />

(Germany) –<br />

House No. 6<br />

Photo around 1940<br />

Die Verortung: Ernas Welt<br />


Erna was born 2 weeks before Christmas - on 12 December 1922 - in Senne II (today "Sennestadt").<br />

She is the 11th and youngest child - and is "educated", and certainly “betüddelt” and spoiled, primarily by the<br />

older siblings as nestling.<br />

The Kronshage family lives on this farm, which they also manage with joint forces - their father still works 9 halfday<br />

as a carpenter in a factory.

Entrance on the right - farmstead "Mühlenkamp"<br />

visible in the background<br />

Birthplace<br />

„Mühlenkamp“<br />

today<br />

Verler Straße 76 – 33689<br />

Bielefeld-Sennestadt<br />

10<br />

The house - renovated - today

„Mühlenkamp“<br />

Hof Westerwinter<br />

Erna Kronshages little world in<br />

Senne II – with the "Mühlenkamp" as centre<br />

of life... - on today's maps and aerial photos -<br />

Nearby is the former station "Kracks“ / today<br />

train stop “Sennestadt”<br />


A 33<br />

Erna Kronshages<br />

little world:<br />

Red grid square:<br />

corresponds to the<br />

"globe" - one page<br />

before...<br />


Typical landscape of the “Senne” until the 1950s.....<br />

This postcard motif shows the typical landscape of the "old" Senne - agricultural areas are streaked with small<br />

scattered spruce forests, heathland, sand dunes, sand depressions. Until the construction of the "Sennestadt" in the<br />

early 1960s, the Senne was sparsely populated - mostly with remote small farms........ Ernas Residence Senne II<br />

was a small rural community on sandy roads - south of Bielefeld. with approx. 2,500 inhabitants …<br />


Senne II - district "Kracks" - postcard from the 20s / 30s - the church and the inn Ramsbrock - bottom right - as village "Zentrum" 14<br />


Senne II - excursion site on the southern slope of the Teutoburg Forest - with the former inn Ramsbrock - and the now crowded A2 motorway/Autobahn...<br />


On New Year's Day 1923, Erna is<br />

baptized Protestant-Lutheran in<br />

the church of Senne II by<br />

Pastor Jansen -<br />

and on 21.03.1937 (Sunday<br />

Palmarum) Erna Kronshage is<br />

confirmed in the church of<br />

Senne II by Pastor Holzapfel.<br />

The confirmation ruling was:<br />

"God is love; and he who abides in<br />

love abides in God and God in<br />

him." (1John, 4:16).<br />


Die Familie Kronshage ca. 1930<br />

The extended family Kronshage - photo around 1930<br />

Top row from left: - Johanne/“Hanna“ *1913, Martha *1911, Frieda *1909, Emma *1906, Lina *1903,<br />

Heini *1905, Willi *1917, Ewald *1919<br />

Bottom row from left: - ERNA *1922 (also image section bottom left), Anna *1902, Mama Anna<br />

*1879, Papa Adolf *1876, Adolf *1899 17

„In den Kugeln“ - In the bullets.- This painting by the painter Edgar Ende (1901-1965 - Father of the writer Michael Ende)<br />

was created in 1932 - and on the eve of the Nazi disaster, it symbolically shows the wind of the<br />

Industrial factory chimneys - and spherical cage globes around the doves of peace and around the spirit of man...-<br />

a thoroughly humid and hopeless atmosphere...

Adolf Hitler became Chancellor of the “Reich” in Germany in 1933.<br />


Planting a „Hitler oak“ at the square "Verler Dreieck" in Senne II - near the<br />

"Mühlenkamp" (see map) on May 1, 1933 - Erna is 10.5 years old - and is certainly<br />

one of them...<br />

Illustrating pictorial material

Erna attends the<br />

community school I in<br />

Senne II 1929 - 1937<br />


Illustrating pictorial material from the time:<br />

A classroom from 1935 ...<br />


Reproduction of the original school-leaving certificate for Erna Kronshage from 1937 - (grade cut 1.78) 23

Work as<br />

‘‘House<br />

daughter‘‘<br />


Erna Kronshage works at home after school as a “housedaughter<br />

in her parents‘ business”<br />

At that time, the profession of "house-daughter" was the<br />

professional title for a young woman who learned<br />

housework until marriage - an activity that was "usual"<br />

and widespread at that time.<br />

She lives in her family - for pocket money,<br />

accommodation, food and insurance - today this would<br />

probably mean: "au pair", which usually also includes<br />

childcare in the mostly foreign household.....<br />

Adolf Hitler says about the role of women in Nazi Germany in<br />

1934, among other things:<br />

“We do not consider it right for women to enter the world of<br />

men, into their main area, but we consider it natural for these<br />

two worlds to remain divorced. (...) What the man uses in<br />

heroism on the battlefield, the woman uses in eternally<br />

patient devotion, in eternally patient suffering and bearing.<br />

Every child she gives birth to is a battle she fights for the<br />

existence or otherwise of her people."<br />

Contemporary illustrative pictorial material<br />


Erna goes with the handcart to fetch the "streussel" (cowshed bedding).<br />

Erna and a little nephew...<br />

Erna Kronshage grows up to be an adult woman...<br />


The station "Kracks" - as it is still popularly<br />

known today (train stop "Sennestadt" - now<br />

demolished) - from the point of view of<br />

Kronshagen's fields<br />


illustrative visual material<br />

At the "Mühlenkamp", the bicycles of commuters who travel by train from "Kracks" station to work in the<br />

surrounding area are looked after from morning to evening... 28

Grammophone & radio "Volksempfänger" - plus the daily<br />

newspaper and a few magazines - these are the<br />

"entertainment media" of this time...<br />

Illustrating pictorial material 29

The Kronshage siblings were normal "teenagers" of their time:<br />

Ernas brother Willi plays the accordion at the Deelen door - and<br />

brother Ewald looks almost like a "James Dean" blend - Erna<br />

"adorns" herself with the military cap of one of her brothers.....<br />


But then - during the war the "Mühlenkamp" serves to "secure<br />

the food supply of the German people" in accordance with the<br />

Nazi regulations - which is why Erna Kronshage as "housedaughter"<br />

does not have to participate in other Nazi service<br />

obligations for the youth - but is also "obligated to serve"...<br />

The brothers are now soldiers, and the older sisters now have their own<br />

families. Erna is pretty much on her own - with her old parents.

Erna "fights" herself with the handcart for an oak tree in the yard:<br />

on the left of the bench seat we see the bicycles "parked" by the<br />

commuters from the station "Kracks" to Paderborn and Bielefeld...<br />


illustrative visual material<br />

The bomb trauma<br />


Illustrating pictorial material<br />

Out of the clear sky: On June 2, 1940, a lonely English airman bombed the Westerwinter<br />

estate on the opposite side of the road - 80 to 100 meters away from the Konshages...

Dieses Original-Foto<br />

zeigt das Ausmaß<br />

der Bombardierung …<br />

… eine junge Nachbarin ... a young Ernas neighbor kommt is dabei killed ums - Leben –<br />

ein junger a young Mann man dort there wird is seriously schwer injured verletzt - –<br />

die the Hofgebäude farm buildings liegen in ruins...<br />

Trümmern…<br />

This re-colored original photo<br />

shows the extent of the bombing<br />

of the neighbouring courtyard ...<br />


A nocturnal inferno -<br />

like out of the blue -<br />

It hadn't bombed before.<br />

in East Westphalia-Lippe...<br />


The bomb craters<br />

are about 80 - 120 m away<br />

from the “Mühlenkamp”:<br />

Circle of white: the "Mühlenkamp" - yellowish<br />

marked in the foreground: one of the bomb craters ...<br />

Translation of the press release from 04.06.1940:<br />

Original-Photo<br />

Bombs on a senne farmstead<br />

The sad heroic deed of a British aviator<br />

In the night to Sunday a British aviator dropped several<br />

bombs on the peaceful homestead Westerwinter in<br />

"Kracks", which hit and partially destroyed a residential<br />

house and an adjoining building. A young girl aged 22<br />

was killed and a young man seriously injured by a<br />

collapsing ceiling.

Ernas bomb trauma - out of the blue:<br />

White circles: the "Mühlenkamp" - the red dots mark the bomb impacts

I don’t want anymore - I can’t anymore... …<br />


In 1942 Erna Kronshage becomes sporadically unpunctual and<br />

resists - she rebels against her parents and refuses her<br />

cooperation - to which she is obliged.<br />

Erna no longer wants to live and work at home - she feels tired and weak and overwhelmed -<br />

and urgently needs a "break".<br />

Erna finds herself in a kind of "goal-closing panic" to miss her life and sees no development for<br />

herself.<br />

She longs for "smarter people" and for appropriate social contacts that correspond to her age<br />

and development...<br />


At that time, Ernas mother turned to the Nazi social worker, "Brown<br />

Sister" for short, because of Erna's unpunctuality and her disputes -<br />

because of the brown costume of the Nazi sisterhood, who as the<br />

"female elite troupe of the NSDAP" are to assess the respective<br />

situations with their knowledge of hereditary and racial care in order to<br />

report "behavioural abnormalities"...<br />

And this "brown sister", eager for duty, sees in Ernas' arbitrary<br />

dawdling real "behavioural abnormalities", for agriculture now has to<br />

serve the "securing the food supply of the German people" in the war,<br />

and only Ernas' unswerving duty there at home justified her exemption<br />

from other Nazi compulsory events...<br />

Erna Kronshage is therefore quoted for an examination by an official<br />

doctor (comparable today to the examination of her ability to work by<br />

the company doctor in the case of persistent unpunctuality at work...),<br />

during which she then even asks herself to be admitted to the<br />

provincial sanatorium in Gütersloh to become "fit" again - because she<br />

has already been spurred on by her sister Frieda, who was<br />

successfully restored there in only 4 weeks 3 years earlier after a "state<br />

of arousal", without any hereditary health consequences..<br />

Illustrating pictorial material:<br />

A young Brown Nazi Sister<br />

Erna now expects the same help so as not to disappoint her parents<br />

any further....<br />

And this initially confusing and seemingly naive desire to admit Ernas<br />

to this "sanatorium", which she probably literally understood in this way,<br />

is owed to the good experiences of Sister Frieda there...<br />

.<br />


Today’s explanations of the<br />

causes of sudden<br />

“insubordination” and<br />

refusals to work:<br />

• The progressive "loneliness" as formerly "betüddeltes" youngest child - as the "nest hook" of a 13-headed original family, which<br />

has now gradually shrunk to a 3-member micro-family due to war missions of the brothers and sisters and the accompanying<br />

departure of the older brothers and sisters from the parental home - with a big age and generation difference: Erna Kronshage<br />

is still under 20 years old - her parents are already 66 and 63 years old...).<br />

• The "moral dilemma": Erna Kronshage is torn between enjoying the nest warmth of the "Hotel Mama" on the one hand - and<br />

age-appropriate aspirations for departure, separation and independence on the other...<br />

• The trauma of war: the bombing of the neighbouring farm "out of the blue" - with the killing of a neighbour and the serious<br />

injuries of a young man there and the almost complete destruction of this neighbouring farm as a whole... - the turmoil of war in<br />

general - the fears for her 4 brothers at the front -<br />

• the air-raid alarm and the bombing of a nearby factory...<br />

• Summary of possible causes from today's perspective:<br />

• physically overtaxed / intellectually undertaxed<br />

• "unable to work" - needs a "time-out<br />

• "Zero buck" phase (puberty - adolescence)<br />

• Burn-out syndrome (physical overload)<br />

• Depressive mood (no prospects for the future - no patience of friends of the same age - loneliness)<br />

Post-traumatic stress disorder (bomb attack on neighbouring farm)<br />

• Fear Syndrome (Fear of War - Worrying about the Brothers at the Front)<br />


Erna wants to enforce this supposed "recreation"<br />

stay against the will of her parents, who have<br />

custody.<br />

And so, probably on the advice of the "brown<br />

sister", she makes "nails with heads" with a daring<br />

"trick"...<br />

To achieve this, she chats off her father's admission<br />

papers from the public health officer - and hands<br />

them over to a police patrolman who parks his<br />

patrol vehicle nearby by chance.<br />

In this way, she can undermine the consent of her<br />

parents, because now, accompanied by the now<br />

alarmed "Brown Sister", she spontaneously takes<br />

the initiative - under the keyword: "Danger in delay!"<br />

- as a "self and a person endangering the general<br />

public" - direct into the sanatorium in Gütersloh.<br />

Even if one is at first astonished about this "selfinstruction"<br />

- but Erna tries for the first time actively<br />

to take her person & health into her own hands -<br />

and asserts herself for the first time against the will<br />

of her parents...<br />

illustrative visual material

On 24.10.1942 Erna Kronshage arrives at the provincial-sanatorium<br />

Gütersloh<br />

- here are some contemporary postcards to illustrate the "culture shock" between such a "healing factory" in the spirit of Nazi<br />

psychiatry and - for comparison - the rural and peaceful ambience of the parental "Mühlenkamp" farm...

Provincial-sanatorium Gütersloh

A real "culture shock": e.g. the comparison of your<br />

sleeping chamber under the "roof-juchhe" at home<br />

with the dormitory in Gütersloh, which permanently<br />

smells of a mixture of sweat, vapours and sagrotan...<br />

... and then the bare and sterile hospital corridors, in<br />

which the voices of fellow patients echo...<br />

illustrative visual material<br />


Diagnosis: „Schizophrenia“<br />


Erna’s first diagnosis is schizophrenia...<br />

Upon arrival in Gütersloh, "schizophrenia" is surprisingly diagnosed, also due to the dawdling and the inexperienced<br />

flapsy of the defensive attitude in the admission interview - but also the ominous 4-week stay of sister Frieda in the<br />

sanatorium in 1939 is now given a new status in the family anamnesis by pedigree by the local Nazi psychiatrists - in<br />

contrast, all external possible re-active or age and developmental trigger mechanisms for Nena's behavioural disorders<br />

are simply ignored...<br />

At that time, schizophrenia was understood to be a mentally conditioned hereditary disease that can develop slowly or<br />

suddenly from within and without external causes.<br />

According to today's understanding, schizophrenia is associated with an<br />

• Loss of inner perception for what<br />

• Reality or<br />

• Dream or<br />

• fantasy is and<br />

• these different levels of time and realities flow into each other and intermingle.<br />

The possibilities and channels to perceive oneself, to approach others and the environment - to be there for others or to<br />

develop sympathies, to inspire oneself... -<br />

... have suddenly and irretrievably fallen apart and fragmented in a schizophrenia as in many small snippets and shards<br />

without a direct external cause...<br />

And schizophrenia already at that time differs explicitly from all the temporary, sometimes peculiar states that are<br />

"psycho-somatic", reflex-like without any action of their own, are physically triggered as protective-reactions when<br />

48<br />

external events present themselves as threatening or incisive for the soul...

Heredity (eugenics) was the "scientific" basis for exploring hereditary diseases - and was already taught in schools in<br />

contemporary display boards at the time - and formed the basic theory for training in health, social and medical helper<br />

professions.<br />

illustrative visual material<br />


By means of relevant diagrams, the theory of heredity was to be made accessible to the population...<br />

illustrative visual material<br />


The diagnosis "schizophrenia" was<br />

then "alternatively" "calculated"<br />

with the highly popular eugenics /<br />

heredity and a family related<br />

ancestor and clan table - often only<br />

with the slightest "deviations from<br />

the norm/conspicuousness" or in the<br />

generation sequence far back in time<br />

- and thus justified as "scientifically<br />

proven" triggering possibility....<br />

Especially the 4-week stay of Ernas<br />

sister Frieda in Gütersloh three years<br />

earlier now becomes Erna's "fate":<br />

the "temporary state of excitement"<br />

that was triggered at Frieda's<br />

workplace at that time now becomes<br />

a "psychopathic state of excitement"<br />

in retrospect in the pedigree.<br />

´- (Schizophrenia)" reinterpreted ...<br />


Erna’s sister Frieda was released after 4 weeks stay<br />

(25.02-25.03.1939) from the institution as cured:<br />

In Frieda's medical history, the following criteria<br />

are explicitly underlined on a routing slip:<br />

2. Discharge promising<br />

2. b) not toxic for reproduction<br />

2. c) capable of reproduction<br />

= so no hereditary disease !!!<br />

Handwritten was added - but not filled out:<br />

• form of the disease:<br />

• Prospects of recovery:<br />

• Report to medical officer:<br />

• Resubmission noted to 4.4.39 -<br />

• (but Frieda has already been released from the<br />

sanitarium) –<br />

• The confusing conceptualizations of the Nazi<br />

doctors in retrospect for this "temporary state of<br />

excitement" of Erna's sister Frieda in 1939 were<br />

then reinterpreted in Ernas' documents:<br />

• "as insanity in sanitarium treatment<br />

• "as Psychopathic state of excitation<br />

(schizophrenia)"<br />

• "as transient psychological disorders that have<br />

been interpreted as schizoid psychopathic<br />

excitement.“<br />

• But there is definitely no evidence of real<br />

schizophrenia by Frieda...<br />


This Schizophrenia therapy in the<br />

course of "more active medical<br />

treatment" (developed in 1929 by Dr.<br />

Simon, then director of the Gütersloh<br />

institution) was carried out in Gütersloh<br />

around 1940:<br />

"cardiazol shocks" for the artificial<br />

triggering of epileptic seizures (which<br />

later become known as electro-shocks) -<br />

and the "Work therapy" (e.g. gardening<br />

in the "work-crew", potato peeling<br />

kitchen, etc.)<br />

illustrative visual material<br />

Erna is sent off to work therapy to peel<br />

potatoes and to work in the nursery - but<br />

she already knows that from home.<br />

Therapies:<br />

cardiazole shocks<br />

occupational therapy<br />


Artificial epileptic seizures are triggered to reduce<br />

internal tension in people with schizophrenia.<br />

This was done in Gütersloh with "Cardiazol", which<br />

was injected into the arm bends.<br />

A bite roll of gauze is grafted between the teeth to<br />

protect against tongue bites in the cramp.<br />

First there are strong feelings of fear - and then the<br />

attack breaks out with convulsions, cramps and a<br />

deep unconsciousness.<br />

Afterwards Erna feels completely weak and<br />

confused and can hardly remember anything.<br />

After some series of seizures a panic fear of further<br />

shocks arises.<br />

"Cardiazol shocks" are therefore more a<br />

punishment than a "relaxation" in the everyday life<br />

of an institution...<br />

illustrative visual material<br />


A Cardiazole administration to trigger a seizure - here reproduced with illustrative and illustrative scene photos from<br />

a film...<br />

The Cardiazole is administered in a certain dose<br />

Injection of the cardiazole into the vein of the arm bends<br />

fixation<br />

illustrative visual material<br />

Experiencing the onset of the seizure phase as<br />

so-called “aura" with often inner horror images...<br />


1<br />

The feeling of the traumatically experienced<br />

"aura" passes over …<br />

2<br />

… into the seizure with gradual<br />

Loss of consciousness...<br />

un-off phases<br />

with epileptic<br />

seizure<br />

3<br />

A bite roll of gauze is grafted between the<br />

teeth to protect against tongue bites in the<br />

cramp.<br />

5<br />

cramps of all limbs - including the toes<br />

4<br />

Muscle stiffeners with<br />

Stretching and vibrating phases<br />

6<br />

56<br />

Wake-up phase - fixations due to subsequent confusion

"After Cardiazole treatment, a little quieter“…<br />

Entry in the physician's report of the treating psychiatrist in<br />

Gütersloh on "activating" medical therapy with<br />

Cardiazole cramps at Erna Kronshage<br />

"After the cardiazole treatment<br />

somewhat calmer" - and - "already<br />

after the one-time suspension of the<br />

treatment immediately restless,<br />

almost constantly in motoric<br />

movement" - at night - "loud senseless<br />

talking..., twitching with the hands<br />

and the head"...<br />


Consequences and side effects of<br />

cardialzol shock therapy<br />

The "inventor" Ladislaus of Meduna suggests "regularly<br />

triggering 30 strokes at three-day intervals" - an extreme<br />

physical and psychological burden. ...<br />

Intravenous injections of Cardiazol fight a torture with a<br />

different torture suffered by the patients as a death or<br />

end of the world experience. "Feelings of annihilation<br />

arise," states the specialist literature dryly. Often enough,<br />

Cardiazole shocks throw patients completely off course,<br />

who feel the injection "like an electric shock". Others<br />

experience "photisms" in the form of flashes of light and<br />

red vision, or "pain up to the outermost end of the body".<br />

Dr. Ernst Adolf Schmorl writes in 1938 in the "Allgemeine<br />

Zeitschrift für Psychiatrie und ihre Grenzgebiete" about<br />

the "influence of cardiazole cramp treatment on the<br />

clinical picture of psychoses" using the example of 130<br />

cases: In almost all of them he notes a "clear<br />

disinhibition" or even a "linguistic unleashing".<br />

Employment would be easier to manage. He claims to<br />

have noticed a "certain grace of movement", but also<br />

"fax syndromes" with a high degree of confusion.<br />

Schmorl wants to suggest that the antispasmodic is<br />

suitable for "immobilising", he always recommends<br />

individual "cardiazole strokes". From the doctors' point of<br />

view, this effect in particular makes martyrdom justifiable.<br />

illustrative visual material<br />

• "Throw a person with a behavioral disorder from the roof of<br />

a skyscraper and let them suffer the dying experience to<br />

the last possible point of intervention and catch them with<br />

a blanket just before the impact.<br />

• Praise this method as a therapy that has a quality of<br />

experience that changes people at least for a certain<br />

time... (see also the medical entries in the documents<br />

about Erna Kronshage's sometimes spontaneous<br />

"ridiculous and confused behavior").<br />

• Such "final" chemically triggered experience models<br />

certainly change the biochemical metabolism in the brain,<br />

i.e. the messenger substances in the neurotransmitters,<br />

which then naturally - positively or negatively - change the<br />

behavioral possibilities of the brain in the future.<br />

• The disciplinary aspect of most of these therapies,<br />

especially the painful and dangerous forced shock<br />

therapies, emerges from psychiatric self-reports.<br />

• Benedikt Fontana, Director of the Waldhaus Psychiatric<br />

Clinic in Chur, said in 1988 in retrospect of persistent<br />

prisoners in his institution:<br />

Source: Jürgen Schreiber: A painter from Germany - Gerhard Richter - Das Drama<br />

einer Familie, Berliner Taschenbuchg Verlag, 2007, pp. 95-96<br />

• “If they bucked,<br />

• we had to shock them.”<br />


A necessary note on Nazi psychiatry<br />

In order to more or less understand psychiatry in the Nazi era, the image of man and<br />

society that became internationally accepted in the 1930s on a "scientifically founded<br />

basis" must also be taken into account. Eugenics - the doctrine of race and heredity -<br />

was not only a German special "invention", but determined what was then, one might<br />

almost say, "global" psychiatry knowledge...<br />

In Germany it was the myth of the "Volksgemeinschaft" and a racist idealization of the<br />

so-called "Ariertum", as well as the striving for a "healthy body of the people", which<br />

can only actually be realized through exclusion and exclusion.<br />

According to this ideological program, the "sick", the so-called<br />

"Asocial" and "people with disabilities" selected, treated inhumanely and finally<br />

liquidated and murdered.<br />

Doctors, nurses, officials and numerous helpers carried the system of this "killing<br />

unworthy life" with them...<br />

Erna Kronshage knew little or nothing about these connections between war, time<br />

spirit, eugenics and Nazi ideology and the fatal consequences, including the murder<br />

of patients at the time of her wish to go to Gütersloh, or interpreted this as a rumour -<br />

or suppressed it in order to finally assert herself against her parents in their quest for<br />

independence?<br />


illustrative visual material<br />

elder<br />

Psychiatry Straitjacket<br />


illustrative visual material<br />

„Infertilization - Forced sterilization“

The Law for the<br />

Prevention of Hereditary<br />

Offspring<br />

was adopted shortly after the Nazi seizure of<br />

power on 14 July 1933 as the first race law<br />

in a long series of repressive measures and<br />

came into force in January 1934.<br />

The idea of the law was thoroughly racist:<br />

"The aim of the inheritance and race care<br />

appropriate to the German people is: a<br />

sufficient number of hereditary healthy, for<br />

the German people racially valuable families<br />

with many children at all times. The idea of<br />

breeding is the core content of the idea of<br />

race. The future legal guardians must be<br />

clear about the breeding goal of the German<br />

people."<br />

so the comment of Gütt, Rüdin, Ruttke in: Law for<br />

the Prevention of Hereditary Offspring of 14 July<br />

1933, Munich 1934<br />

Title Page of the Law Commentary

In 1934, the Nazis<br />

enacted the "Law for<br />

the Prevention of<br />

Young Offspring with<br />

Hereditary Diseases".<br />

At that time it was<br />

assumed that the<br />

children,<br />

grandchildren or<br />

great-grandchildren<br />

of these people<br />

could also be<br />

mentally ill or<br />

handicapped.<br />

However, this has<br />

since turned out to<br />

be untrue.<br />

Dr. Hartwich, then<br />

head of Gütersloh<br />

Hospital, thus<br />

applied for<br />

"infertility" for Erna<br />

Kronshage.<br />

Left: Reproduction of the<br />

original application for<br />

"sterilisation" from Gütersloh

Adolf Kronshage with his favourite cow<br />

Since Erna is not yet of<br />

age (then 21 years<br />

old), Ernas father still<br />

has full custody.<br />

He vehemently<br />

opposed Gütersloh's<br />

application and the<br />

court's decision to<br />

sterilize his daughter.<br />

At the same time, he<br />

repeatedly demands<br />

that Erna be released<br />

from the Gütersloh<br />

institution because he<br />

believes that Erna will<br />

recover most quickly at<br />

her home in the<br />

"Mühlenkamp".<br />

For this reason,<br />

extensive<br />

correspondence<br />

developed between the<br />

institution, the<br />

"hereditary health<br />

courts" and the father<br />

of Erna.<br />

Despite his poor<br />

health, he fights<br />

vehemently for his<br />

daughter - and forces<br />

with his objections that<br />

at least two courts must<br />

process the application<br />

one after the other...<br />

to the right: Excerpts from the<br />

protest letters and resistance<br />

submissions of the father to the<br />

institution and the inheritance<br />

health courts.<br />


illustrative visual material<br />

On March 29, 1943, a judge and two<br />

psychiatrists sit at the table at Heil-Anstalt<br />

Gütersloh. They form the Bielefeld<br />

Hereditary Health Court and decide every<br />

20 minutes on the sterilization of a total of<br />

11 patients. Erna Kronshage is "presented"<br />

there as the third "case" from 8.40 a.m. to<br />

9.00 a.m.: without lawyer or help this last<br />

measure is decided.........<br />

Erna laughs with excitement and<br />

embarrassment at the hearing. To the<br />

question of the gentlemen why she laughs,<br />

she answers recklessly with the actually<br />

deep sentence:<br />

"My laughter is crying".........<br />

The minutes of the meeting then read:<br />

"Erna Kronshage made a tense<br />

impression at the hearing and<br />

laughed for no reason. She said<br />

that her laughter was crying” ...<br />

And this behavior is now pathologically<br />

interpreted in order to underline once again<br />

the "schizophrenia" questioned by Ernas<br />

father.<br />

But 20-year-old Erna laughs so as not to<br />

cry, for she would be ashamed of these<br />

men - to whom she is alone........<br />


Reproduction of the original decision to sterilise the Hereditary Health Court of Bielefeld as the<br />

first instance<br />


Reproduction of the original decision to sterilise the Hereditary Health High Court in Hamm as<br />

second instance<br />


The "hereditary strains" that lead to Erna Kronshages diagnosis of "schizophrenia" and<br />

thus to "infertility" through forced sterilization...<br />

Schizophrenia is defined as an "endogenous" event - i.e. occurring suddenly or slowly from within - and not "exogenously" - as a reaction to<br />

"external events"... - and consequently - according to the opinion of the time - there must also be a high genetically determined trigger<br />

mechanism in the "genome" for this...<br />

In the Erna Kronshage case, the Provinzialheilanstalt Gütersloh submitted the following information to the Hereditary Health Court in<br />

Bielefeld: 1. from the medical report on infertility:<br />

One of the father's<br />

sisters was in hospital<br />

for pregnancy psychosis.<br />

An older sister of the<br />

patients was in hospital<br />

treatment for mental<br />

illness.<br />

The "mental illness" named by the "older sister" Frieda is described very differently in the further course of the hereditary health file:<br />

• 2. entry from the "hereditary family tree": (the diagnostic suffix "schizophrenia" was added to Sister Frieda only upon<br />

application for Erna Kronshage...)<br />

(...) Gütersloh<br />

Sanatorium 25.2.39 to<br />

25.3.1939 due to<br />

psychopathic arousal<br />

(schizophrenia)<br />

•<br />

• 3. Friedas "schizophrenia" becomes a "schizoid psychopathic state of excitement" again from the decision to infertility in the<br />

2nd instance at the "Erbgesundheitsobergericht" Hamm - which was successfully treated in 4 weeks..:<br />

... temporary mental<br />

disorders have<br />

occurred that have<br />

been interpreted as<br />

schizoid psychopathic<br />

arousal.<br />


illustrative visual material<br />

The execution of forced sterilization<br />


illustrative visual material<br />

The father's objections are of no use:<br />

The Hereditary Health High Court in<br />

Hamm finally decides that Erna is<br />

operated on by a Dr. Stüwe on August 4,<br />

1943 in the hospital in Gütersloh and<br />

thus made "infertile".<br />

In the "Medical Report" (left) it says<br />

succinctly: "The wound healed in 7 days<br />

without side effects"...<br />


Deportation<br />

71<br />

illustrative visual material

illustrative visual material<br />

The bomb war and the front-line operation cause more and more deaths and serious injuries.<br />

Hospitals and hospitals are therefore overcrowded - and from 1943 onwards people are<br />

urgently looking for beds to treat the many injured. 72

Prof. Dr. Karl Brandt, Begleitarzt<br />

Adolf Hitlers<br />

Overcrowded spare hospital in a gym<br />

"The thought that a war wounded<br />

man has no bed because there is<br />

already a mentally ill man in it is<br />

unbearable for Hitler" –<br />

Prof. Dr. Karl Brandt,<br />

Adolf Hitler's personal physician and<br />

Reich Commissioner for the Health<br />

Service<br />

writes Manfred Vasold 2007 in the<br />

"Encyclopedia of National Socialism".<br />


Erna's father Adolf Kronshage has repeatedly demanded in the meantime that Erna be released from the<br />

institution, and this could have also formally happened after forced sterilization: Meanwhile, however, there are<br />

instructions from the Reich Ministry of the Interior - quote: "Prisoners who were ordered to the institution by<br />

the police can no longer be released home because these "mentally unstable persons in air-raid<br />

shelters... can very easily lead to disputes...". Therefore the "dismissal must be rejected"...<br />

Erna Kronshage is inevitably trapped...<br />

At the same time, in the course of the so-called "Aktion Brandt", beds are to be cleared in the psychiatric facilities<br />

for the acutely necessary care and nursing of bomb victims and war wounded - i.e. for general hospital and<br />

hospital needs.<br />

The guidelines and guidelines were handed over directly and centrally from Berlin to the individual nursing homes<br />

by the planners under the personal physician Dr. Karl Brandt, appointed by Hitler in 1943, as head of the entire<br />

medical care system and coordinator of medical research.<br />

There it was determined where and how much capacity should be redistributed accordingly - and according to<br />

which selection criteria this should be done - see the "secret" letter on the assignment of patients to the respective<br />

"service groups".<br />

Recent studies show that, at least in Gütersloh, it was perhaps not so much these service groups or "behaviours"<br />

or "sanctions" towards individual patients that were taken into account when drawing up the transport lists, but<br />

rather the need to vacate apparently suitable residential areas in the area of the facility.<br />

To what extent this deportation transport was communicated with the survivors on 12.11.1943 is not known...<br />


Such "secret" orders also reached Gütersloh<br />

illustrative visual material<br />

Deportation: Implementation instructions in accordance with the (special) action Brandt: The medical institutions are partly evacuated in order to get free<br />

places to care for civilian and uniformed war wounded by providing and converting them into military and civil hospital beds: And in this displacement process<br />

the psychiatric patients in question are systematically named locally on a decentralized basis and "hunted down" with the deportation...<br />

For this purpose there were "secret" implementation orders (see the two original letters above) to the individual hospitals involved. Thus, the patients to be<br />

separated should be assessed according to service groups: who is still useful and who is a "useless eater". Then, as a rule, the deportation groups were put<br />


Illustrating pictorial material:<br />

The" Grey Buses" -<br />

here for the trips of<br />

Institution to the railway station ...<br />

All deportation transports are carried out by the GEKRAT (alias: "Gemeinnützige Krankentransportgesellschaft"): a Berlin Nazi<br />

organization that precisely coordinates this carriage driving to death despite war and air raids...

illustrative visual material<br />

Erna Kronshage is deported on 12.11.1943 with 99 fellow patients.<br />

The transport leads via Hanover and Berlin to German-occupied<br />

Poland - to the "Tiegenhof", 630 km away - near the city of Gnesen. 77

From now on it's finally downhill: Erna Kronshage is part of the evacuation deportation to Gnesen<br />

on November 12, 1943: about 630 kilometers...<br />

illustrative visual material<br />


People become piece goods:<br />

Demonstration photo montage<br />

The deportation patients are marked with leukoplast strips between the shoulder blades,<br />

which cannot be manipulatively removed.<br />


Foto: nach imagenes.4ever.eu<br />


illustrative visual material<br />

Nazi euthanasia.<br />

annihilation<br />


illustrative visual material<br />

The historian Götz Aly<br />

has calculated:<br />

Approximately one in<br />

eight adult Germans is<br />

directly related to<br />

someone who was the<br />

victim of Nazi sick<br />

murders.<br />

And if you add the<br />

married relatives,<br />

almost everyone would<br />

find someone in the<br />

families.<br />

… jeder 8.<br />

erwachsene<br />

Deutsche …<br />

Most families didn't talk<br />

about it.<br />

The murdered are<br />

forgotten.<br />

Source: SPIEGEL<br />

discussion of 22 April<br />

2013<br />

Every 8th adult German …<br />


If only one minute's silence were allowed for each of the approximately 300,000 victims of the<br />

various "euthanasia" phases, it would be 5,000 hours of silence - well over half a year (0.57<br />

years) or almost 30 weeks (29.76 weeks) or 208 days (208.333 days).<br />


Nazi euthanasia-<br />

PHASES 1939 - 1945<br />

"Children's Euthanasia" 1939-1945<br />

approx. 8,000 victims (handicapped children)<br />

in approx. 40 "children's departments".<br />

Killing type: different<br />

"Action T 4" 1940-24.08.1941<br />

at least 70,243 victims (centrally controlled)<br />

6 killing facilities<br />

Killing type: Gas<br />

„Action 14f13" 1941-1944<br />

approx. 20,000-30,000 victims<br />

(concentration camp prisoners)<br />

various killer sites<br />

Killing type: different<br />

Prof. Dr. Karl Brandt,<br />

Adolf Hitler's accompanying surgical physician, SS<br />

Group Leader and Lieutenant General of the<br />

Waffen SS as well as Commissioner General for<br />

Medical and Health Services, has been entrusted<br />

by Hitler with the implementation and coordination<br />

of the actions...<br />

illustrative visual material<br />

"Wild Euthanasia"/"Decentralized Adult Sicricides" 1940-<br />

1945<br />

approx. 80,000 -120.000 victims (psychiatry and nursing<br />

homes)<br />

various killer sites<br />

Killing type: different<br />

"Action Brandt" 1943-1945<br />

Evacuation of sanatoriums to the facility<br />

of hospital beds for the war-disabled<br />

"Air War Evacuation„<br />

approx. 30,000-45,000 victims (psychiatry and nursing homes)<br />

various killer sites<br />

Killing type: „‘Luminal‘ scheme": reduced-calorie diet with slight<br />

barbiturate overdose

Mentally handicapped and Psychiatric patients<br />

are "useless eaters" for the Nazis, who only cost<br />

money - but bring nothing - which impair the<br />

"healthy body of the people".<br />

From 1939 Hitler pursued a simple and quick "solution" and<br />

gave the order to kill these people "by grace", "to redeem"<br />

them.<br />

A questionnaire is used to select the people for these murders<br />

of the sick by doctors:<br />

There are three things at stake here:<br />

• Who's the sick one?<br />

• How severe is the disease or disability?<br />

• Can and will he work?<br />

In 1941, the first phase of centralized murder is interrupted<br />

after a total of more than 70,000 murder victims ("T4"<br />

campaign) due to interventions by isolated church people.<br />

From the end of 1942, the "euthanasia" murders continued -<br />

but now behind closed doors: with the support of the "T4"<br />

organizations in Berlin, each sanatorium determined - for<br />

various reasons - which patients as death candidates were<br />

transferred to a killing sanatorium by special train. There are<br />

mass murders with sleeping pills and starvation. Only simple<br />

water soups are served, without nutrients, and dry bread with<br />

Pell potatoes as topping.<br />

At least 1,017 patients will also be deported from the<br />

Gütersloh sanatorium.<br />


Protests by churches through petitions, letters and sermons –<br />

by intervention of the churches, the centrally controlled "T4" sick murders in 1941 are first stopped - but then from 1942/43<br />

on, organized locally and continued on a large scale and in various phases of the process with the help of the central rope<br />

teams from Tiergartenstraße 4...<br />

Pastor Paul-Gerhard Braune,<br />

head of Lobetal in the v.<br />

Bodelschwingh Institutions -<br />

His fight against "euthanasia" is<br />

regarded as an important act of<br />

Protestant resistance under<br />

National Socialism. He<br />

succeeded in preventing the<br />

evacuation of the inhabitants of<br />

the Hoffnungstaler Anstalten.<br />

This fight against "euthanasia" and the conquest of the<br />

Inner Mission led to his imprisonment by the Gestapo on<br />

August 12, 1940. He was detained for three months in the<br />

Gestapo prison in Prinz-Albrecht-Straße in Berlin.<br />

In 1943 Braune stood up for arrested homosexual<br />

inhabitants of the Hoffnungstaler Anstalten and wrote,<br />

unsuccessfully, petitions for mercy for those condemned<br />

to death.<br />

Bishop Count von Galen, Münster –<br />

sermon from the pulpit that now also in the<br />

province of Westphalia sick people are<br />

being removed from sanatoria and nursing<br />

homes and the relatives were informed<br />

after a short time that the sick person had<br />

died and the body had already been<br />

cremated. He had the "suspicion,<br />

bordering on security, that one follows the<br />

doctrine that "one may destroy so-called<br />

life unworthy of life". ... "Poor people, sick people, unproductive<br />

people because of me! But did they forfeit their right to life? Do<br />

you, I only have the right to live as long as we are productive, as<br />

long as we are accepted as productive by others?"<br />

The sermons were initially spread throughout Germany - mostly<br />

by typewriting - within small Catholic groups, but very soon<br />

reached a wider public via workplaces and air-raid shelters.<br />

In particular, the killing of war invalids, which the bishop only<br />

described in subjunctive language as a possible consequence,<br />

was taken up as an assertion of facts and considerably intensified<br />

the effect of the sermons.<br />

Since those in power came to the conclusion that secrecy in the<br />

killing of the sick had failed and "euthanasia" had proved to be<br />

unacceptable among large sections of the population, Action T4<br />

was interrupted and only continued in a less conspicuous form a<br />

year later.<br />

illustrative visual material

from the cover picture of the DVD cover of the film "Tiegenhof", 2011

Gauheilanstalt Tiegenhof near Gnesen - in<br />

occupied Poland<br />

Name before and after the German occupation: Dziekanka/Gniezno<br />

Aerial view - bottom left: Typical pavilion - top right: Main house on a book cover for<br />

the 100th birthday 1994<br />

illustrative visual material<br />


illustrative visual material<br />

Above the pavilion roofs of Tiegenhof

illustrative visual material<br />

Above the pavilion roofs of Tiegenhof - in the background the silhouette of Gnesen/Gniezno

Block 13 in the Gauheilanstalt "Tiegenhof" in Gnesen - equipment for a Polish documentary -<br />

Photo: Martyr Museum in Zabikowo from the film "Tiegenhof - - 2011 (Film – click here)<br />


The Tiegenhof/Gnesen institution as a destination for deportation transport has<br />

developed into a killing centre under the direction of Dr. Victor Ratka since<br />

1939:<br />

• From the end of 1939 to the beginning of 1945 - in a good 5.5 years -<br />

almost 3,600 people were killed in "Tiegenhof/Dziekanka" according to<br />

publications of the current clinic management - i.e. about 700 people per<br />

year –<br />

• that is an average of almost 2 deaths per day in an institution with an<br />

occupancy rate of just over 1,000 patients from about 1943...<br />

• this corresponded to an average mortality rate of at least 70 % per year.<br />

• Especially in "Dziekanka" before the Nazi era, "normal" was a mortality rate<br />

of only 1 to 2 % per year.<br />

• From the end of 1939 to 1941, more than 1,000 Polish inmates were initially<br />

murdered in Dziekanka - partly in converted small trucks as gas wagons in<br />

which the exhaust gases were diverted to the loading area with the<br />

"passengers"... (“SS Special Command Herbert Lange”)<br />

• The latest research on Dziekanka/Tiegenhof assumes that 5,000 or more<br />

sick-killers have been killed...<br />


illustrative visual material<br />

93<br />

Dying Room, memorial plaque for the "Euthanasia" victims (1948),<br />

Entrance Women's Pavilion

Still from the film "Tiegenhof", 2011<br />


95<br />

According to testimonies of witnesses in the post-war period, violent attacks also took place in Tiegenhof.<br />

Administering the deadly drugs by the nursing staff... - Illustrating pictorial material

e.g. a fatless vegetable soup<br />

result in the "yellow soup" as<br />

creeping poison ...<br />

+ dissolved sleeping pills<br />

The mass killings of deportation patients from the "Reichsgebiet" from about the end of 1941 to the beginning of 1945<br />

mostly take place according to Prof. Dr. Hermann Paul Nitsche's "Luminal Scheme" - which he first "scientifically" tests on<br />

60 patients and then gradually refines and develops - and which he offers to the Nazi "euthanasia" directors of institution<br />

for the decentralized/"wild" actions from August 1943 - after the first killing action "T4" discontinued in 1941:<br />

The Luminal scheme consists of a so-called hunger diet with "yellow soup" = the administration of fatless food with<br />

dissolved sleeping pills (barbiturates - e.g. Luminal) in only a slightly increased dose = so that death only occurs after<br />

weeks or months. This death is then ultimately a creeping poisoning syndrome in the immune system weakened by hunger<br />

food - specifically, infections such as pneumonia or bronchitis are the "official“ "natural" causes of death - or simply a<br />

"complete exhaustion of the body" as with Erna Kronshage - without any external traces of violence - an almost "perfect"<br />

murder....<br />


Erna Kronshage is killed on 20.02.1944 in Tiegenhof/Gnesen.<br />

It takes exactly 100 days from the day they arrive from Gütersloh until they are<br />

murdered...<br />

Illustrating pictorial material<br />


Dr. Victor Ratka - Director Tiegenhof<br />

& T4 expert<br />

• born on 27.11.1895 Ober-Lazisk - + 05.04.1966 Heitersheim), late<br />

recognized Volksdeutscher as Upper Silesian and director of a Polish<br />

"sanatorium";<br />

• From 1918-1921 he studied medicine at the Albert-Ludwigs-University in<br />

Freiburg;<br />

• Preliminary medical examinations 1918-1921 (Archive: B 73/51);<br />

• Doctoral certificate of 01.10.1922 (Archive of the University of Freiburg under<br />

D 11/83, D 29/27/1427);<br />

• Ratka conducted studies within the framework of the David Julius Wetterhan<br />

Foundation*) from 1917-1922 (Archive: B 1/619) ...<br />

• ) .... in addition - from messages of the Jewish community of the city of<br />

Freiburg/Breisgau: The private man David Julius Wetterhan from Frankfurt a.<br />

M., who died here in September 1914, had established a foundation of<br />

168,000 marks in his will at the University of Freiburg to promote natural<br />

history and medical studies".<br />

• In 1928 Ratka became senior physician of the Lublinitz institution;<br />

• From 1934 director of DZIEKANKA institution in Gniezno/Gnesen (named<br />

"Tiegenhof" after occupation in 1939), during the war a pure murder<br />

institution;<br />

• Ratka was recognized ("Germanized") as a native of Upper Silesia and as the<br />

director of a first Polish sanatorium only later as a "Volksdeutscher"...<br />

• Admission to the SA.<br />

• From 01.09.1941 as assessor temporarily seconded to T4 headquarters,<br />

selection of patients and concentration camp prisoners ("Aktion 14f13" -<br />

selection doctor in concentration camps for the "segregation" of "antisocial<br />

prisoners").<br />

• 1943 Joined the NSDAP;<br />

• in spring 1945 timely departure from Gniezno first to Thuringia - then<br />

departing in the direction of the occupation zones of the Western occupying<br />

powers - denazification proceedings in Kassel - classified there merely as<br />

"followers";<br />

• Two judicial proceedings against him for his role in Nazi euthanasia activities<br />

and in the Tiegenhof clinical were closed for "inability to negotiate or after his<br />

death.<br />

• until his death on 05.04.1966 - at the age of 71 - retired as former director of<br />

a "German sanatorium".<br />


Fate of the deportation transport from the Provinzialheilanstalt Gütersloh to<br />

Tiegenhof/Gnesen on 12.11.1943<br />

• 12.11.1943: 50 men - 50 women - deportation destination: Gau-Heil- und Pflegeanstalt<br />

Tiegenhof/Gnesen im Warthegau -<br />

• 90 patients (42 men - 48 women -[including Erna Kronshage] are killed in Tiegenhof by the<br />

end of the war - 10 (5 men - 5 women) die in the post-war period...<br />

• The mortality rate of the deportation transport from Gütersloh to Tiegenhof from November<br />

12, 1943 to the end of the war was 90%.<br />

• (Source: Bernd Walter: Psychiarie und Gesellschaft in der Moderne, 1996, table p. 945 - excerpt)<br />


Original death<br />

certificate Erna<br />

Kronshage of the<br />

German occupation<br />

authorities in<br />

occupied Poland of<br />


At the request of her parents, Erna<br />

Kronshages' body is returned to<br />

Senne II.<br />

For this purpose, the coffin is<br />

transported 600 km in a Reichs-Bahn<br />

luggage van to the shunting tracks of<br />

the "Kracks" railway station - in other<br />

words, very close to Mühlenkamp,<br />

where Erna was born 21 years earlier.<br />

The family secretly opens the coffin<br />

and checks superficially and<br />

amateurishly whether traces of<br />

violence are visible on the body.<br />

On 5 March 1944 Erna Kronshage is<br />

buried in the family grave at the old<br />

cemetery in Senne II - today<br />

Sennestadt.<br />

Illustrating pictorial material<br />


Although the cause of death on 20.02.1944 is indicated "officially" with "general exhaustion" (in the family one also<br />

speaks again and again of "pneumonia") - writes Father Holzapfel of the community Senne II. on 05.03.1944 in the<br />

death register: "Cause of death unknown. She died in a mental hospital in Tiegenhof, Kr. Gnesen." - This is perhaps<br />

the silent protest of the priest who does not believe in a "natural" death.....<br />



Above: Panorama of the cemetery Tiegenhof, from where the coffin is transferred... - Below left: Obituary and right:<br />

Family tomb in Senne II - today this tomb unfortunately no longer exists...

• The tomb of the Kronshage family on the old cemetery<br />

in Sennestadt has been levelled and completely<br />

disappeared since 2013. Also the memorial in the<br />

background - from which however the inscriptions at<br />

another cross in the vicinity were taken over: In the<br />

truest sense of the word "grass has grown over the<br />

matter" -- because the old cemetery is mainly<br />

transformed into a green corridor without individual<br />

grave markings.<br />

• Meanwhile there are "official" considerations to<br />

preserve "historically valuable" gravestones - and yet<br />

perhaps also to install a memento of Erna Kronshage<br />

there on the grounds of the "Old Cemetery"...<br />

105<br />

Blumen am eingeebneten Grab Erna Kronshages – Video-Still aus dem WDR-Lokalzeit-<br />

TV-Beitrag zu Erna Kronshage 2014 ...

6.12.2012: On the 90th anniversary of her birthday a "stumbling block" will be laid<br />

in memory of Erna Kronshage<br />

The artist Gunter Demnig sets a so-called "stumbling block" for<br />

the victims of the Nazi regime's violence - in each case near<br />

the last "free place of residence":<br />

Here: near the residential building "Mühlenkamp" - at the<br />

pedestrian crossing towards Kracks station - at the traffic<br />

light/barrier crossing Verler Straße | Sender Straße |<br />

Krackser Straße - in D-33689 Bielefeld-Sennestadt<br />

(Germany)<br />

Mühlenkamp<br />

Stolperstein<br />

Gunter Demnig<br />

when laying the<br />

stumbling blocks

The stumbling block in memory of Erna Kronshage near the<br />

"Mühlenkamp" residential building<br />


Ribbon of lights with names as a memorial for 1,017 deported "euthanasia" victims in the<br />

hospital church in Gütersloh<br />


Central memorial and information centre for the<br />

Victims of the National Socialist "euthanasia" murders<br />

Tiergartenstrasse 4 - in Berlin

Culture of Remembrance: Virtual Memorial Site<br />

http://www.gedenkort-t4.eu/de/vergangenheit/kronshage-erna<br />


Click here:<br />

https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erna_Kronshage<br />

http://erna-4-teens.blogspot.de/<br />

http://erna-kronshage-lite.blogspot.de/<br />

http://erna-k-gedenkblog.blogspot.de/<br />

Film „Tiegenhof“, 2011:<br />

http://www.erna-k-gedenkblog.blogspot.de<br />

https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B4oqrOEgq<br />


On this inclined plane there was no longer any hold...<br />

Erna Kronshages 484 days of suffering in summary<br />

• Spring/autumn 1942 - Refusal attitude and behavioral abnormalities:<br />

• Admission "at one's own request" to the Provinzialheilanstalt Gütersloh on<br />

24.10.1942<br />

• The rapid diagnosis of 10/1942: "Schizophrenia" =<br />

• Application for "infertility" by the Gütersloh Sanatorium to the Hereditary<br />

Health Court according to the "Gesetz zur Verhütung erbkranken<br />

Nachwuchses" = 2/1943;<br />

• The father as guardian repeatedly raises massive and vehement objections<br />

• Decision in the 2nd instance: Forced sterilisation takes place in 8/1943<br />

• Deportation to Tiegenhof/Gnesen (in occupied Poland) in 11/1943 for "air raid<br />

protection reasons" or due to the provision of hospital beds for the care of war<br />

wounded in the Gütersloh sanatorium - a Nazi killing centre active since 1939<br />

within the framework of the various "euthanasia" waves.<br />

• Murder by hunger and barbiturates on 20.02.1944 in the "Heilanstalt" Tiegenhof

Author and design of this magazine: Edward Wieand -<br />

Mail: info(at)eddywieand-sinedi.de - extended update 7/2018<br />

Translated into English with DeepL-Translator<br />


Lecture on Erna Kronshages' ordeal at the Albatros School in February 2017 - a special needs school in Bielefeld-Senne

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