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S74 S. Bäärnhielm et al. / European Psychiatry 27 (2012) / supplement n°2 / S70-S75<br />

Finally, a fi nancial evaluation <strong>of</strong> cross- cultural training is<br />

missing [7]. In order to evaluate the economic benefi t <strong>of</strong> training<br />

from the perspective <strong>of</strong> an institution the direct and indirect<br />

costs <strong>of</strong> training have to be considered. To further enhance the<br />

quality <strong>of</strong> cross- cultural training the development <strong>of</strong> quality<br />

standards will be an important aspect. With the help <strong>of</strong> such<br />

quality standards the conceptualisation <strong>of</strong> future training will<br />

be upgraded. This will also make it easier to compare studies<br />

and study outcomes.<br />

5. Implications<br />

In order to adapt mental health care systems to globalisation<br />

and migration in Europ ean countries like Sweden and Germany<br />

a general awareness <strong>of</strong> cross- cultural issues and a shared<br />

knowledge base among pr<strong>of</strong>essionals can provide a plat<strong>for</strong>m<br />

<strong>for</strong> improved care and also new knowledge. To give an example,<br />

both the diagnostic systems DSM- IV and ICD- 10 have the ambition<br />

<strong>of</strong> universal validity. For DSM- IV some ef<strong>for</strong>ts have been<br />

made to incorporate cultural awareness. However, the validity<br />

<strong>of</strong> western psychiatric categories <strong>for</strong> non- western populations<br />

is questioned [44]. Cultural sensitivity among pr<strong>of</strong>essionals and<br />

working with structured models taking culture into account,<br />

like the Cultural Formulation, can contribute to obtaining more<br />

in<strong>for</strong>mation about variety in the phenomenology <strong>of</strong> mental<br />

illness. This might in turn shed more light on the discussion <strong>of</strong><br />

universal validity <strong>of</strong> psychiatric categorisations and how to adapt<br />

treatment to the existing variety in the population.<br />

In an essay on multicultural medicine, Kirmayer [22] argues<br />

that intercultural health care services can contribute to the larger<br />

project <strong>of</strong> building a pluralistic society that allows the coexistence<br />

and co- evolution <strong>of</strong> diverse traditions. He points out that<br />

the clinical encounter <strong>of</strong>fers a space <strong>for</strong> exploring ways <strong>of</strong> living<br />

and working with cultural differences and it can promote trust<br />

that encourages the other to consider a new point <strong>of</strong> view.<br />

Acknowledgement<br />

The current manuscript has been the result <strong>of</strong> an inspiring<br />

and fruitful German- Swedish co- operation in the research<br />

project on “Mental Health and Migration” (www.segemi.de)<br />

founded by the Volkswagen Foundation.<br />

Confl ict <strong>of</strong> interest statement<br />

The authors declare that there is no confl ict <strong>of</strong> interests.<br />

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