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<strong>LIFE</strong> <strong>FOR</strong> A <strong>LIFE</strong><br />

alternative magazine<br />

SMART<br />

PRINT<br />



FEVER<br />

TRAVEL<br />


&<br />

TIPS<br />


IN YOUR <strong>LIFE</strong><br />

WE HAVE<br />



POEMS<br />

Travel by Edna St, Vincent Millay..............p.3-4<br />

We and They by Rudyard Kipling..........p.9-10<br />

EVS erasmus+<br />


My EVS experience<br />

(By Gkotsika Eleni).....................p.13-15<br />

EVS info..............................................p.16<br />

Step by Step!<br />

Evs mood photoshooting.......p.17-25<br />

Travel stories......................................p.5-6<br />

Why we need to travel................p.7<br />

The point of travelling.................p.11-12<br />

• Smart print.................................p.8<br />

• Colour correspondences............p.2

For purification, unity and all kinds of Blessings, improve your spirtuality<br />

To conjure the forces of planet Saturn, to expel negativity, get rid of bad habits and unwanted situations,<br />

unblocking<br />

For love, romance, friendships,peace, peace and health of mind and emotions, family relations<br />

For general use as it is the symbol of magical power, to conjure the element of fire and the forces of planet Mars,<br />

for passion, good luck, sex magic and health spells,if you want something to happen really fast,dark as defence<br />

To conjure the element of air and the planet Mercury, for communicatrion and contact with other spirits and<br />

realms<br />

For attraction spels, road opening and good luck<br />

To conjure the element of water and the forces of planet Jupiter, for dream magic, job spells, weather spells<br />

For success spells, to conjure the forces of the Sun, wealth spells<br />

To conjure the forces of the Moon, ypu may use along with silver and golden colored cords for money spells<br />

To conjure the element of the Earth and the forces of the planet Venus, for money and abundance spells,<br />

for health spells, for tranquality<br />

To empower your magical self and your magical abilities, for astra projection<br />

Peace, inspiration,spirit<br />

connection,psychic awareness<br />

Protection,warming,repelling or<br />

warning of negative<br />

energy,mystical wisdom<br />

Spirituality,angels,faith,protection,pu<br />

rification,hope<br />

Unconditional<br />

love,romance,caring,compassion,har<br />

mony,faithfulness,honor,inspiration<br />

Good<br />

furtune,passion,emotions,courage<br />

,money,security<br />

Energy,change,optimism,success,n<br />

ew ideas,creativity,physucal love<br />

Mental alertness,vision,joy,<br />

cheerfulness,intelligense<br />

Universal consciousness,spirtual<br />

connection, heightened spiritual growth<br />

Health,healing,nature,money,prosperi<br />

ty,success nature/plant/animal spirits<br />

Stability,grounding,endurance,home,res<br />


Travel Stories…<br />

Absolutely petrified. That’s one way of<br />

describing my anxiety before jumping out a<br />

plane at 15,000 feet. But I had never done<br />

anything like this before so that made it<br />

desirable. What makes traveling different is<br />

the unknown, the ability to experience new<br />

things without over thinking it. So that’s<br />

what I did; at 15,000 feet of course. And I<br />

can honestly say that it was the best<br />

experience of my life. Complete silence as I<br />

free fell into nothingness. It was exhilarating.<br />

We were in Kathmandu waiting for Kumari to<br />

come out of the palace. She is a goddess and a<br />

very young girl, chosen among a large number of<br />

Newari female candidates according to strict body<br />

figures and after frightful trials. She cannot lay her<br />

feet on the ground, so servants carry her on a<br />

sedan out of the palace. She’s not looking to<br />

anything in particular with her composed gaze,<br />

almost ignoring everyone. It’s a bittersweet<br />

condition: her destiny is already written, she soon<br />

will be a woman and will lose her goddess status,<br />

as another Kumari shall be appointed.<br />

Kumari Goddess on Kathmandu<br />

Joana Nielsen<br />

It’s true that it’s the people who make the difference!<br />

I’m lucky to be traveling with my best friend Hannah<br />

but don’t worry about doing it alone either because we<br />

have met the most incredible people….<br />

Like stopping for a bike break in Hoi An and ending up<br />

doing shots of rice wine at the insistence of Vietnamese<br />

War Veterans, some of which were missing limbs but<br />

still had the biggest smiles and funniest stories.<br />

Nela Nicolsenkya

This was it. What was I thinking? “Stephanie, you have<br />

never climbed a mountain in your life, never mind<br />

starting with Kilimanjaro.” At that stage there was no<br />

going back, it was time to take on the challenge. After<br />

spending two months living with a Massai Tribe, the<br />

decision came to tackle Kili with three friends.<br />

This was an experience I will never forget. These<br />

overwhelming feelings of happiness, fear, tiredness,<br />

excitement and anxiety all at once.<br />

Standing at the highest peak of Africa I told myself,<br />

this was my time. It was time to challenge myself and<br />

do it while seeing the world.<br />

One of my all-time favorite countries to travel in is India. If you have<br />

ever been you know that this is one of the craziest countries in the<br />

world to drive in. The streets are crowded, the cars share the road with<br />

cows, camels, horses, dogs, bicycles, huge trailers, tuk-tuks, buses and<br />

pretty much everything that moves.<br />

The rules: there are no rules. They use their horn for pretty much<br />

everything and if you want to drive past someone you just honk your<br />

horn and drive around. When we took taxis in the northern parts of the<br />

country I saw my life flash before my eyes every five minutes.<br />

In New Delhi we had an awesome taxi-driver that drove us around the<br />

city for a couple of days. In the world’s second most populous city you<br />

have to be pretty crazy to become a taxi driver. At least that is what we<br />

thought sitting in the backseat of his taxi listening to AR Rahman, the<br />

Mozart of Madras blasting threw the broken speakers whilst dodging<br />

cars and cows.<br />

I ask him: “so what makes a good taxi driver in Delhi?”<br />

He says: “a good taxi driver needs three things; good breaks, good horn<br />

and good luck!”<br />

Laughing and smiling after he gave us his words of wisdom he<br />

continued to drive us safely through the streets of New Delhi.<br />

Jacob Harlenkton<br />

I always use public transport; I believe it is the best<br />

way of getting to know a country. On route from Lake<br />

Wenchi to Addis Ababa in Ethiopia I had not only the<br />

bumpiest journey of my life but also the most bizarre.<br />

Chickens casually strolling around nibbling on my toes,<br />

two goats strapped on the roof, people sitting on my<br />

lap meanwhile the driver also acted as a DJ playing<br />

only ABBA tunes for 3 hours. Loved it.<br />

Samira Bredtse

Taste<br />

Travel<br />

Explore<br />

Feel<br />

Learn<br />

With these first independent steps away from the<br />

parental presence lies the atavistic or recurring<br />

wish to reach out beyond the current confines of<br />

space and relationship<br />

and see what is further away. And yet further again<br />

to see what is not visible, what is around the next<br />

corner, in the next room and eventually on the<br />

other side of our geographical or psychological<br />

world.<br />

Travel is more than going somewhere. It’s a<br />

psycological event!<br />

HUMANS LOVE to travel. Mentally or physically,<br />

they escape to other places. They crave adventure.<br />

They seek the unknown. They want to see new<br />

places, learn new things, enjoy new experiences<br />

and then return home to the familiar, the<br />

predictable, the secure, before taking off again on<br />

their travels.<br />

This departure-return behaviour has its origins,<br />

perhaps, in the early exploratory behaviour of the<br />

child. Research has shown that children who are<br />

"securely attached" to their parents, sure of their<br />

affection and protection, and who know that their<br />

parents will respond to their needs, are more<br />

independent, adventurous and exploratory in their<br />

play and behaviour.<br />

Observations of infants show that from the safe<br />

base of having a parent present and available, the<br />

infant dares to move away a short distance and<br />

then return to the parent, to move a little further<br />

and return, until in incremental and amazingly<br />

measurable distances it explores the environment<br />

that surrounds it and has the courage to move<br />

beyond it.<br />

This is a human need. It is why we have uncovered<br />

our world, travelled its length, hiked to the top of<br />

its mountains and the depth of its oceans. It is why<br />

we became discontent with exploring our own plant<br />

but had to move beyond it into the unknown. It is<br />

why, as poet TS Eliot reminds us, we will "not cease<br />

from exploration".<br />

It is our nature to travel. It is our joy to travel. It is<br />

our paradoxical psychological disposition to wish for<br />

the contradictory conditions of stability and change:<br />

to stay and to go, to be and to explore, to rest and<br />

to travel unceasingly.<br />

Travel is more than going somewhere. It is a<br />

psychological event. It requires motivation and<br />

imagination. It begins in childhood with faltering<br />

first steps and with imagination fired by the tales of<br />

"long, long ago in a faraway land".<br />

We emerge from these fantasies of childhood<br />

determined to cross the oceans, to find those<br />

faraway lands, the characters they containand the<br />

magic they hold. Determined to find the adventures<br />

they promise and the prospect of returning home<br />

triumphant with trophies having vanquished all<br />

fear, overcome all obstacles and live happily eve<br />

after.<br />

By Marie Murray, clinical psycologist and Irish times<br />

columnist<br />

This may be the first symbolic travel: the first<br />

departure, the first expedition and the possible<br />

beginning of the travel bug for those for whom<br />

their initial independent voyaging was successful.

pri nt<br />

Hand bag<br />

Passport/ID<br />

Cards(Business/credit)<br />

Notebook<br />

Pen/Pencil<br />

Hand lotion<br />

Water<br />

Wallet<br />

Sunglasses/Glasses<br />

Keys<br />

Clothes<br />

Tops<br />

Bottoms<br />

Dresses<br />

Cardigans<br />

Blazers/Jackets<br />

Undergarments<br />

Pajamas<br />

Socks<br />

Shoes<br />

Belts<br />

Hat<br />

Toiletries<br />

Toothpaste<br />

Toothbrush<br />

Hair brush<br />

Shampoo<br />

Conditioner<br />

Shower gel<br />

Face wash<br />

Deodorant<br />

Hair products<br />

Feminine products<br />

Ibufrofen<br />

Electronics<br />

Smartphone<br />

Charger<br />

I pad/Charger<br />

Laptop/Charger<br />

E-reader<br />

Camera<br />

Back-up battery<br />

Power bank<br />

Accessories<br />

Earrings<br />

Bracelets<br />

Necklaces<br />

Rings<br />

Handbags<br />

Extras<br />

Driving license<br />

Insurance<br />

Torch<br />

Cash<br />

Towel<br />

Wet wipes<br />

Games<br />

Sweet/Candy<br />

Snack<br />


We and they (by Rudyard Kipling)<br />

FATHER, Mother, and Me<br />

Sister and Auntie say<br />

All the people like us are We,<br />

And every one else is They.<br />

And They live over the sea,<br />

While We live over the way,<br />

But - would you believe it? - They look upon We<br />

As only a sort of They !<br />

We eat pork and beef<br />

With cow-horn-handled knives.<br />

hey who gobble Their rice off a leaf,<br />

Are horrified out of Their lives;<br />

And They who live up a tree,<br />

And feast on grubs and clay,<br />

(Isn't it scandalous?) look upon We<br />

As a simply disgusting They!<br />

We shoot birds with a gun.<br />

They stick lions with spears.<br />

Their full-dress is un-.<br />

We dress up to Our ears.<br />

They like Their friends for tea.<br />

We like Our friends to stay;<br />

And, after all that, They look<br />

upon We<br />

As an utterly ignorant They!

We eat kitcheny food.<br />

We have doors that latch.<br />

They drink milk or blood,<br />

Under an open thatch.<br />

We have Doctors to fee.<br />

They have Wizards to pay.<br />

And (impudent heathen!) They look<br />

upon We<br />

As a quite impossible They!<br />

All good people agree,<br />

And all good people say,<br />

All nice people, like Us, are We<br />

And every one else is They:<br />

But if you cross over the sea,<br />

Instead of over the way,<br />

You may end by (think of it!) looking on<br />

We<br />

As only a sort of They !

The point of travelling<br />

‘’Travelling, if i was to put a label on it, it’s (like<br />

life) a schizophrenic chameleon. It’s a party, it’s<br />

an escapist, it’s lonely as helland it’s beautiful.’’ –<br />

Paul Harrington<br />

Sometimes, i find my´self sitting in a bar full of<br />

young minds and beautiful people - all speaking a<br />

language that i cannot understand. Yes, i can<br />

interact, if i pull myself together. However, if i<br />

don’t, then i better prepare myself for another<br />

lonely Tuesday night in a strange city.<br />

People often ask, ‘’why did you start travelling?’’,<br />

and i’m sorry to reply that i don’t have a definite<br />

answer. However, isn’t it just cool to find yourself<br />

walking towards the train stationin Budapest<br />

when all of sudden, some backpacker you met last<br />

week in Krakow calls out your name? Hm, i didn’t<br />

even plan on staying another night, but i’m glad i<br />

did. Running wild, up and down the streets of<br />

Budapest with Nathan and some of his travel<br />

mates totally changed my overall view of the city.<br />

We were on the biliards table when i asked the<br />

barman to call us a taxi to some boat party we’d<br />

heard about. The oppurtunity to give the barman my<br />

business card, while inviting him to view one of my<br />

photo galleries around Europe. Lucky me, his<br />

girlfriend had just finished a photography course.<br />

Thus, a new friend was made. He then pulled out 4<br />

VIP passes to the boat party and handed them to me,<br />

just in case we needed to get in and yes, we did.<br />

Isn’t it funny how interesting we look while<br />

travelling abroad? We were more open to meeting<br />

new people and exchanging stories and ideas. Back<br />

home, not many people would randomly stop me in<br />

a pub, just to ask me where i’m from. So, is<br />

travelling my escape mechanism?<br />

The next morning, i was gone, again. Struggling to<br />

find a bit of sleep on the train, while passport control<br />

keeps flipping past every page and stamp as if he’s<br />

looking for an excuse not to allow me to enter the<br />

country. But he does and after he leaves, the cute<br />

Slovakian girl across the aisle finally speaks to me in<br />

my own native language – ‘’i take it that you are from<br />

America?’’ I return a smile before i speak, realising<br />

that her words and whatever happens next is just<br />

another brilliant reason behind the point of travelling.

1. Y ou feel more rested and restored.<br />

Getting away from everyday stress helps<br />

restore both body and mind, and having new<br />

experiences takes your mind away from the<br />

day-to-day problems and allows it to<br />

concentrate on taking in new sights, smells,<br />

tastes and sounds. After a couple of days, you<br />

can actually feel your body start to relax.<br />

3. Y ou create quality time with loved ones.<br />

With the hustle and bustle of everyday life,<br />

we often forget to make time for quality<br />

interactions with friends and family.<br />

Traveling together allows you to share and<br />

enjoy experiences together, plus it creates<br />

precious memories that will be recalled<br />

over and over again throughout the years<br />

to come. Be sure to take pictures for visual<br />

touchstones of special times.<br />

5. Y ou learn new skills.<br />

Travel itself creates new challenges and<br />

enables you to expand your skill set. In<br />

addition, trying new things such as Italian<br />

cooking school, water skiing or ziplining<br />

stretches your physical or mental aptitude<br />

and gives you both enjoyment and<br />

confidence at the same time.<br />

7. Y ou see the world through fresh eyes.<br />

Getting out into the world lets you see ways<br />

of life that may be different from your own.<br />

When you immerse yourself in the local<br />

culture and see how others live, it puts your<br />

life into perspective. Somehow, your<br />

problems don’t seem so overwhelming any<br />

more.<br />

2. You get to play.<br />

We have far too little play in our lives, so<br />

travel lets us channel our inner child and<br />

see the world with fresh eyes. Do<br />

something you haven’t done since<br />

childhood, like ride a carousel or swim in<br />

the cool blue ocean. You’ll find yourself<br />

smiling as the stress melts away.<br />

4. You find yourself again.<br />

When you’re out in the world, you see<br />

things in a new light, and with the<br />

stimulation of new surroundings, you can<br />

often have flashes of inspiration or insights<br />

into your own soul. You might be inspired<br />

to renew your interest in painting after<br />

visiting a gallery or sitting by a mountain<br />

lake, or you might remember a longforgotten<br />

goal that suddenly becomes a<br />

new focus.<br />

6. You have more time to think.<br />

Plan time to “do nothing” when you travel.<br />

Sit on a mountaintop, go fishing, bask in<br />

the sunshine or take a long nap. Let your<br />

mind wander as you reflect, meditate or<br />

dream. You’ll find yourself generating new<br />

ideas from your random thoughts.<br />

That is why we need travel. If we don’t<br />

offer ourself to the unknown,our senses<br />

dull. Our world becomes small and we lose<br />

our sense of wonder. Our eyes don’t lift to<br />

the horizon, our ears don’t hear the sounds<br />

around us. The edge is off our experience,<br />

and we pass our days in a routine that is<br />

both comfortable and limiting. We wake up<br />

one day and find that we have lost our<br />

dreams in order to protect our days.<br />

Kent Nerburn

Once upon a time…

Was (not) a litlle girl,<br />

named Eleni!

erasmus +<br />

The moment before,<br />

sitting in my comfortable coach with friends, speaking,<br />

laughing like always. Suddenly, for the first time i say it loud<br />

‘something is missing’. That was the first step.After few days<br />

with a magic way the solution was there! In front of my eyes<br />

EVS Denmark .<br />

-Hmmm! What is this EVS? - Is that only for university<br />

students? -And what is erasmus+ , is that different?<br />

-Oh! Yeah! This is for me!<br />

No seconds thoughts!<br />

So sudden, so magic!<br />

Sometimes one moment is enough to change your life!<br />

Let’s begin<br />

I am in Denmark, specifically in a small village<br />

named Løgstør! First thought: ‘What i have?’ Second<br />

thought: ‘What i don’t have?’ No language! No<br />

friends! No family! No idea from Løgstør! Good!<br />

Lucky me, i live in a flat with three others volunteers.<br />

Anna, Martina and Maria! First challence, share a flat<br />

with a strangers! -Come on! Why we are still here,<br />

let’s discover Løgstør! And the friends appear very<br />

quick in my new life!<br />

My project is with people with mental dissabilities. If<br />

you ask me, no special skills, no experience. But YES<br />

let’s try it! I am here to learn. I am here to offer my<br />

help and i am ready to try everything! A few weeks<br />

later, i am already In! My colleagues are the best!<br />

My colleagues are not my colleagues any more, are<br />

like a family. A really big family actually! I can trust<br />

them, i can say anything i want! And they hear me!<br />

But what happen till now with the language? 8<br />

months later i understand and i can speak the<br />

basics! No, i don’t have special magic skills to learn<br />

new languages! Is the EVS program again that makes<br />

the magic! Yeap! They offer you language lessons for<br />

free!! It’s true! Believe it!<br />

I will ask again my self ‘ What i don’t have?’ or<br />

better ‘What i have?’. -I have new friends!<br />

-I have people can trust like family -I have new<br />

language skills -And i know Løgstør better than my<br />

area in Greece!! Not so bad, for decision of the<br />

moment!!<br />

Many thanks to my<br />


European Voluntary Service<br />

Choose a project<br />

Find an organization<br />

Apply for it<br />

Start your journey!!<br />

Take a look!<br />

http://europa.eu/<br />

https://europeanvoluntaryservice.org/<br />

https://www.icye.dk/evs-projects-denmark/<br />

https://youineurope.gr/<br />

Don’t forget






ELEVER<br />


Anton Thana Birkedal ​<br />

Christian Damborg Petersen ​<br />

Erik Gustav Johan Rothausen Fernström<br />

Martin Brix Lyng​<br />

Sitthisak Titkia (Døng)​<br />

Thomas Kevin Christensen ​<br />

Astrid Guldbæk Møller Borup ​<br />

Cecilie Rask Rokkedahl<br />

Emilie Haslund<br />

Kasper Knudsen ​<br />

Maja Rørbæk Madsen ​<br />

Michelle Renberg Dalsager<br />

Mikkel Hejslet Knudsen ​<br />

Peter Hjermitslev<br />

Sasha Strandberg Kristensen ​<br />

Simon Lindstrøm<br />

Tilde Bonde Simonsen ​<br />

Tore Værum Kvist<br />

Bastian Laursen ​<br />

David Højberg Pedersen ​<br />

Emma Johanne Juul ​<br />

Jeppe Lisborg Christensen ​<br />

Katrine Yasmeen Tornved Olsen ​<br />

Maja Zacho Bach ​<br />

Maria Ali Thomsen ​<br />

Mathias Krath Christensen ​<br />

Olivia Bøgh Rosager<br />

Philip Graven Ammonsen<br />

Rikke Tollerup Junker ​<br />

Simon Rune Petersen ​<br />

Annika Tabro Jørgensen<br />

Caroline Korgaard Tranholm<br />

Hanna Karen Ericson Sigurdardóttir<br />

Josefine Krogh ​<br />

Mille Kieler Nielsen ​<br />

Anni Back<br />

Alex Bundgaard Jensen<br />

Anne Brun Kristensen<br />

Anne-Louise Wetche<br />

Annemette Nielsen<br />

Betina Vittrup<br />

Carina Nielsen Lausen<br />

Cecilie Mærsk<br />

Christian Melgaar Jørgensen<br />

Camilla Østergaard Eriksen<br />

Eva Bukh Rask<br />

Grethe Mosgaard<br />

Heidi Nielsen<br />

Jytte Goldschmidt<br />

Jacob Knudsen<br />

Jette Louise Jensen<br />

Jens Lyngby<br />

Jesper Toft Nielsen<br />

Jane Overgaard<br />

Kristina Moss Kristensen<br />

Karen Hald<br />

Karen Krebs<br />

Kasper Rein Lybæk Jensen<br />

Kirsten Ovenskou<br />

Karina Stilling Pedersen<br />

Kirsten Schultz<br />

Kent Lykke Jensen<br />

Lotte Bech Larsen<br />

Lisbeth Sejersbøl Jensen<br />

Lena Klit<br />

Mikkel Amager<br />

Mette Franch Hald<br />

Mette Grønborg Overgaard<br />

Majken Helmersen<br />

Mogens Tomra Laursen<br />

Maria Lyndrup<br />

Mette Randrup<br />

Marie-Louise Skovgaard Iversen<br />

Ole Madsen<br />

Pia Kristensen<br />

Søren Frydkjær<br />

Stina Hintze<br />

Susanne Nør<br />

Stine Skole Sørensen<br />

Sofie Taudal<br />

Tina Christensen<br />

Tinna Bjørn<br />

Thomas Krogh<br />

Ylle Yvonne Krone Sørennse

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