'Family Bible' written in 1972 by Bill - Caligari Family Home

'Family Bible' written in 1972 by Bill - Caligari Family Home

'Family Bible' written in 1972 by Bill - Caligari Family Home


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fntroductlon<br />

The Faplly 0rlgln<br />

Fron Tlrc of Arrlval ln Auetrella<br />

fhe Death of Antonlo Ce).lgarl<br />


Renarrlage of }lary Ann Callgari and Record<br />

Tbe Felolly Grave - Eganstoyn R.C. Cenetery<br />

Gencral Infoma.tion<br />

Battlsta Callgari<br />

Lucrezla Nugont {nae Lucrezla Rlghettt)<br />

Ciacono Callgari<br />


of her Death<br />

1. fnfornatlon concarnlng the S.S, "Great Brlta<strong>in</strong>".<br />

2. Llet of farnlll"as fron the centon of rlcrni, svltzarl,and, who<br />

anlgrated to Auetralle : 1851 - 1851.<br />

,. Ca1l6arl Farally Trlc.<br />

4. lrordlng of laet vlIl and tasta&ent of Antonlo cal.tgeri.<br />

5. wordlng of laet vlll and teatanent of l'{ary Ann colbourrre.<br />

Pargrrauhg<br />

1- 4<br />

5-12<br />

1r-2a<br />

21 -26<br />

27-29<br />

ta<br />

,1*45<br />

)2-rq<br />

55-41<br />

42-4'<br />

5. Docuruente referred to 1n the narlatlve or ueed ln lta prcparatlon<br />

and their locatlon,<br />

7. Liat of photographe held <strong>by</strong> Shlrley Joy Flsher of 5O Andrew Street,<br />

Northcote, )Q7A"<br />


1N'IRODlicI'I()i{<br />

This record of the Callgari Farnily has been prepared <strong>by</strong><br />

Leo \{l-L}larn <strong>Caligari</strong> of 2? Klngeton Street, East }"'lalvern, Vlctoria, t145.<br />

\ For a number of years I had been contenplatlng the preparatlon<br />

of thle record. Recently, when I noticed that my grandparente were<br />

narried on the {th l}ecember, 1812, I began ny task and thls docurent can<br />

be regarded as one whlch cornmenoratee the centenary ol that occaaion.<br />

The'rldea" of thls record had lts orlgln <strong>in</strong> the late 1940ts vhen the<br />

late !lr. John liclnerney - the husband of the late Amadea Elvira Mclnerney<br />

gave me a eheet of note paper vhich contalnpri llre data of marrlage of<br />

Antonlo and llary <strong>in</strong>n Ca).19ar1, the full nane and date of blrth of each<br />

of thelr chlldren and the dates of death of certa<strong>in</strong> farnlly menbers.<br />

The avallablltty of this <strong>in</strong>formatlon,uas ol prlme lmportance and<br />

materially facllitated the vork <strong>in</strong>volved.<br />

,.<br />

Drrri-ng the course of this +"ask lt r.as neeessary to contact<br />

nany fa<strong>in</strong>ily menbers; to each one contacteC I express ury s<strong>in</strong>cere thanks<br />

for the help and co-operatlon eo readily extended. I arn certaj-n that<br />

this work could not have been cornpleted vithout their ready assistance<br />

and lt is appropriate, also, to express slmil;ir sentiments ln terme<br />

of other thal "faml).y membere't who were contacted <strong>in</strong> this connectlon.<br />

4. I reallee that much more lnform;ttlon coulci be available to<br />

make this record more conplete. In the event of anyone who reads these<br />

fev pages and the accompany<strong>in</strong>g attachments hav<strong>in</strong>q <strong>in</strong>formatlon rvhich ls<br />

believed to be of <strong>in</strong>tereet, f would be gratefui if I could be contacted.<br />

TIIi TA}1I],Y OKICIN<br />

,. Antonio 3aligari vas borrr <strong>in</strong> .jomeo, Dlstrlct of Valmaggia,<br />

Canton of Tlc<strong>in</strong>i, Switzerland <strong>in</strong> 184); his father was Battista Callgarl,<br />

a farmer, and hls motherrs maiden name vas ielest<strong>in</strong>a Righetti.<br />

6. llomeo is a villa6e ln the i{a51,:ia Valley and ls approxfunately<br />

12 mllee from Locarno vhlch ls sltuated on Lake Xaqgiore. Ticlni,<br />

vhlch is one of the Jantons that rnake up the Sviss "-onfederation, vaa<br />

admltted to the Confederation 1n 1e01. Ticlnl has an area of 1rO8{;<br />

square ml1ee and a pcpulation of 2)5,]00 (1969,\. Itrs capital is<br />

Belllnzona and Italian ls the langlage spoken.<br />

1. Antonio <strong>Caligari</strong> was<br />

nigrated to Australla <strong>in</strong> the gold<br />

1n Auetralia <strong>in</strong> Hay, 1861 and the<br />

the Shipplng Llst cc,ncerned whlch<br />

Na.rce of Vessel : :i.S. "Great Brita<strong>in</strong>"<br />

Me i trorr rrre Agents<br />

Mastert r; Name<br />

one ol sone 2,IOO :Jwiss peasants who<br />

rush years 1B!1 - 1861. He arrlved<br />

lollcwlns details vere obtalned fron<br />

is held <strong>by</strong> the Latrobe Litrrary, I'lelbourne<br />

( rwne rs ia,nee ila<strong>in</strong>cs and Company, Liverpool<br />

voyage Departure and Arrival Deta:"1.s : Departed Llver-oool 15.2,1861<br />

ilright iirothere nnd 0o.<br />

John Oray.<br />

Arrived Y^slbourne 2.5.1861

t- 2 -<br />

8- The s.s. "Great BrLtaln"r 1n '1851, vae llceneed to carry<br />

429 statute Adults excluslve of llaster, crev and cabln paesengere.<br />

The sumary of Passengers on the shipplng Ltst for thle partlcular<br />

voya€€ le recordad as follove !-<br />

Adulta<br />

Chlldren<br />

betveen<br />

and 12<br />

Infante<br />

Total<br />

Plue<br />

87 l'lrst Class Cab<strong>in</strong> Paseengere made up of :-<br />

Adulta z 7)<br />

Chlldren betveen 1 and 12<br />

Infants !<br />

9. There brere seven deaths drrr<strong>in</strong>g the course of the voyag? -<br />

one adult, flve chlldren betveen 1 and 12 years and. one <strong>in</strong>fent.<br />

'10. The shipplng List for thle voyage of the s.s. "Great Britarn'f<br />

recorde the details of Antonlo Callgarl and some, lf not all, of the other<br />

Swiss passengere ae follows : -<br />

G. Tonag<strong>in</strong>l<br />

Dromlnlca Righettl<br />

Antonio Callgari<br />

Auetachlo Morganti<br />

Batista Pezzionl<br />

Marco Righettl<br />

Guiseppl Rlghettl<br />

Mrs. M. Tomass<strong>in</strong>i<br />

Mrs. L. Glacornetti<br />

Nunber of Sou1e Equal to<br />

Ergllsh Scotch Irish 0ther<br />

Countrles Total<br />

2)t<br />

56<br />

7<br />

1t<br />

,<br />

12<br />

1B years S<strong>in</strong>gle Parmr<br />

21 rllrt<br />

18 tr It n<br />

zoilIil<br />

15rtrrr<br />

15 rr il I<br />

15 rr 1r tl<br />

28 " Mstron<br />

,O<br />

64<br />

5<br />

,<br />

rr tr<br />

21 ,tl<br />

65<br />

10<br />

Statute<br />

Adults<br />

tt1<br />

,?L<br />

290 16 71 21 406 ,6ri

-)-<br />

11, In Attachment 1 I have recorded certaln detalle about the<br />

S.S. "Great Brlta<strong>in</strong>". Thle lnforuration <strong>in</strong>tereeted xne and I <strong>in</strong>clude lt<br />

as it nay be of <strong>in</strong>terest to others wtio read thls docurnent, ihqulriee<br />

I nade of the National harltlme liuseum, Greenwich, Englarrd, lndicate<br />

thet the Febnrary/May 1851 voyage of the S.S. "Gre&t Brttaln" to<br />

Australla was alnost certa<strong>in</strong>ly roade na<strong>in</strong>ly under sai1, uslng the eng<strong>in</strong>ee<br />

only when neceseary. At that polnt <strong>in</strong> time vessels were elnpl.y unable<br />

to carry enough coal to undertake long voyages \rnder steen only.<br />

12, Dur<strong>in</strong>6 the course of ny enquirlee I contacted a Mise Glen<br />

Tomssetti who is resident ln Melbourne and also a descendant of a<br />

Svlee eorigrant and ehe provided me vith certa.<strong>in</strong> docunentary <strong>in</strong>forn",ation.<br />

Thie <strong>in</strong>formatlon ls lncluded <strong>in</strong> Attachrnent 2; thle Attachraent contalne<br />

the surnames and vi).1a9:es of orig<strong>in</strong> of some Swiss emigrants over the<br />

perlod 1811 - 1B('1.<br />

1r. I have not been able to<br />

flrst arrived <strong>in</strong> Australia or where<br />

date I have established vas the 4th<br />

Callgari rnarried Yary Ann Lucae.<br />


estabLieh what<br />

he lived. The<br />

December,1872<br />

Antonio dld when he<br />

flrst eigniflcant<br />

- the date Antonio<br />

14. Tlie followipg details are recorded, ln respect of tireir<br />

marriage, on the Certificate of l-a.rriage vhich I obta<strong>in</strong>ed fron the<br />

Offlce of the Governrnent Statist, Melbourne, on the 1Oth April' <strong>1972</strong>:-<br />

i'lun her <strong>in</strong><br />

Vhen ar:d<br />

Details regardlng<br />

Antonio <strong>Caligari</strong><br />

Details regardlng<br />

l'1a,ry A-r<strong>in</strong> Lucas<br />

Nnme of I'1irister<br />

Req<strong>in</strong>ter:171<br />

vhere rnarried I December 4th, 1872 - Daylesford.<br />

Witnesses to l.arrla*re<br />

: A Bechelor.<br />

Born Soneo, Switzerland.<br />

Occupation - Mlner.<br />

Age - 29 Years.<br />

Address at t<strong>in</strong>e of i"'arriage - Deep Creek' Vlctorla.<br />

A Sp<strong>in</strong>ster.<br />

Born iiobarton, Taer,ania.<br />

Age - 1l Yeare.<br />

Addrese at time of t4arrj.a*e - lelegraph-<br />

Saw -l1,il-]-s ,- Victoria.<br />

Parente of ljrlde ! -<br />

. Charles Lucas - A Storekeepe4<br />

. llary Lucae - flormerly l,ary Orleary.<br />

Janee il .il. iroyce<br />

Mary Lucas (Bri,ie'e liother)<br />

Jane C. lioyce .<br />


15.<br />

-4*<br />

Antonio Callgeri was naturallsed on the ltth<br />

Certlflcate Nunber lOBB' Cosnrnonwealth Record Series A7?7,<br />

fndax Volune 1Jn A727 ' Naturallsation Certlf'lcat.e Book 1B<br />

Archlvee Offl.ce, Canberra - refers.<br />

December, 1A75.<br />

I'latural lsatlon<br />

- f,gmmgpr,,realth<br />

15. Antonio and l"iary Ann had twelve childrerr - slx g1rIs and slr<br />

boya. The first chlld, l{avla Celeetlna Fllvezla Callgari, vas born on<br />

the 1 )th Nove mber, 1 ttl ) and the las t, l,

-r-<br />

But he confessee he dld better at sleeper cutt<strong>in</strong>g at Collle and tobacco<br />

growlng ln the Manjfuomp dletrict ln the south-vest of l,/est Australla.<br />

(NOIII: The nevspaper article carries a photograph of the<br />

late Messrs. Antonio John and ltichard Alhert<br />

t)aI iiqari . )<br />


21. Antonio Callgarl died on l.ionday, 27th l4ay, 1907 at the age<br />

of 64 yeara, although the date sho'*n on the family g?ave ls 28th ltay, 1907.<br />

The photocopy of the Certlficate of Death vhich I obta<strong>in</strong>ed. fron the<br />

0fflce of the Government Statiet, Melboume, on the lBth Aprl1, <strong>1972</strong>, shoye<br />

that he died at the ilospltal Gipps Ward, City of Melbourne, County of<br />

Bourke.<br />

22. The followlns<br />

Antonlo Caligarl appeared<br />

I'iay ]Oth, 19O7 i -<br />

luneraL notlce artd report of the death of<br />

<strong>in</strong> The D4yleeford Advocate iseue of Thursday,<br />

!\neraI I'iotice<br />

The Frlende of the late Mr. Antonio Callgari are respectfully <strong>in</strong>vited<br />

to follon hls remalns fron his late residence, Eastern Fi111, to the<br />

ilgenetovn R,C. Cenetery, Thie nay (Ttrureday), )Oth !lay. !\rneral<br />

to move at half-past Two orclock.<br />

Death of F1r. Callgar-l<br />

i. Verey<br />

Undertaker<br />

A very highly respected resident of ilastern H111, ltlr. Antonlo Callgari,<br />

dled ln f.elbourne on }iondqy nlght, and his remalns y111 be lntered<br />

ln the Eganeto,rn R.C. Ceuretery at half-past tvo orclock thle afterrloon.<br />

The deceased gentlsm&n hrae a native of Someo, Swltzerlanrl, and had<br />

been a resident of thls dlstrlct for ttre paet lorty years, belng<br />

engaged <strong>in</strong> far;nlng at Eastern H111. Great synnpat\y ls felt for the<br />

bereaved vldov and family of eleven f. The daughters are<br />

Mre. John Coutte, of Iidd<strong>in</strong>gton; Ivlrs. John l'lclnerney, of llaryborough;<br />

['rrs. C.F.0ouqh, of tsa1larat; Mre. A. l]tewart and Piise Callgarl , of<br />

Iiastern }lill. T'he eldest son, Antcnio, le ln Weatern Australla, and<br />

the other gons reslde at the homestead, the youngest be<strong>in</strong>g Bix year6<br />

of age.<br />

(nOfn: f, Incorrect; tirere vere twelve ln the faml1V{<br />

( note : afuvo avhAe LoYvePf vs<br />

U)ashho I'vdcwased he7 Frn* )

-6-<br />

21, The follovlng report of the funeral appeared ln The Dayleeford<br />

Advocate issue of Saturd.ay, June 1, 19Ol :-<br />

I1r. Callqari<br />

The lntersrent of the rema<strong>in</strong>s of the late Hr. Antonio Caliqarl of<br />

Eastern Hl]], took place at the i)ganstovn R.C. Ceuretery on Thursday<br />

afternoon, Md a )"arge attendence of nourners testlfied to the<br />

esteem <strong>in</strong> vhich he vas he1d, there bej,ns tl'irty-flve vehlclee and a<br />

number ol horeemen and pedeatrlans. Twenty rrienbers of Court<br />

0tterburn, Ancient Order of i.'oresters, to vhlch deceaeed belonged,<br />

preceded the hearse. The bearers vere Meesrs. S. tselllne,<br />

M. Glacornettl, l'1. Morganti, l,afranchi, J. Tomaelni, a.rld R. Bernasocchli<br />

the cord-bearers be<strong>in</strong>g four eons ol deceased, l'lessrs. Peter, Bert,<br />

Harry and W1l1lan Ca1lgarl, and the Xessre. B. and S. Righettl. ?he<br />

Rev. Father E1Ile performed the Last rltes of the 0athollc Church,<br />

and 1,1r. Verey vas the undertaker.<br />

24. The underroentloned notlce appeared <strong>in</strong> The Dayleeford Advocate<br />

lssue of Saturday, June 1), 1907 :-<br />

Bereaveroent Notlce<br />

I'lre, <strong>Caligari</strong> and Farqily desire to Return their S<strong>in</strong>cere THANKS to thelr<br />

nrany Klnd F'rlends for Lettere , Teleframs, Floral Tributee and other<br />

iixpresalons of liympathy at the tlne of thelr recent Sa.d. Bereavenent.<br />

25.<br />

of Antonio<br />

26.<br />

had knovn<br />

Attaci:rnln L 4 contalns the word <strong>in</strong>rz ol the lar:t vl11 and testafient<br />

Ual lgar1.<br />

In undertaklng thie exercise I encountered tvo persons who<br />

Antonio Ca1lgari. Their recollectlons of him vere :-<br />

"He uore a big beard, a very t'<strong>in</strong>e and wonderful snrr.<br />

very quiet disposit j.on. "<br />

27. Frary Ann Caligarl rer.arried sone time<br />

Antonlo Callgarl . She rnarrled llenry 0olbourne, a<br />

at Ballarat.<br />

zLt. I'l;"ry Ann Colbourne died on January 2nd<br />

report of hcr death was recoried <strong>in</strong> The Dayleslord<br />

of Friday, January Bth, 1925 :-<br />

He had a<br />

"A vonclerful o1d nan, srnal I <strong>in</strong> bui 1d, ver.v rrl.easant perecnal ity<br />

and k <strong>in</strong>d )iearted. "<br />

lrl.l.ti'l'i {<br />

after the death of<br />

farrner of Eastern lliIl.,<br />

, 1926 and the follovlng<br />

Advocate ln the lssue

-7 -<br />

I'Ir._s. Colbourrre<br />

--,:'".-.e: old and respected resldent of Easteur HflI (Bl*rrpfed) trea paesed<br />

z;'zt;t this belng Mra, !1, Colbounne, wlfo of f,enrT Col,bonsre, uho dlecl<br />

.--. .':.e Creenick Hospital on Saturda{t 4t tha a8e oI 69 f,€BrEr $he<br />

:- seen ail<strong>in</strong>g for sone tlne paet. The relatLves have the deep<br />

=;--;athy<br />

of nany frl"ends <strong>in</strong> thelr ead bereaverent. llhe fiureral<br />

:::k pl,ace on !{onday last, the renalna belng <strong>in</strong>terred ln the Eganstorm<br />

r?E'v€Tf,o there was a large gather<strong>in</strong>g at the graveeld.e. llhe coff<strong>in</strong>-<br />

:ea:ers were Megsrg. P., 8., H. I Ir., md W. Callgarl a.nd F. Mclnerney.<br />

-::---bearerE were Cr. $. Egan, lvlegsrs. T. lJa1eh, J. Dlckson,<br />

:. .':arleson, H. Sterartl J, Pedrottir F. George, J. EllLgett;<br />

:'. l-.cusci:, L. llorgantlr O. Taitr J.B. l@er; D. Lafranchl,<br />

!.:r', iather M, Broenan cond.ucted the burlal eenice at the graveside.<br />

' :. Attaehnent 5 contalns the detalls of the last s111 and teata^nent<br />

i --a:; "Ln Colbougne.<br />

: --'<br />


The followlug ls the rozd<strong>in</strong>g recorrled, on the headstone of the<br />

faally grave <strong>in</strong> the Eganstown E.C. Cenetery :-<br />

Sacred<br />

to<br />

the nemory of,<br />

Battista <strong>Caligari</strong><br />

Bonr at Soneo, Suitzerlanal<br />

The lst January' 1846<br />

Died at Eastern 8111 25th Febnrarry' 1874<br />

Ageil 28 years<br />

Also<br />

A,ntonio Callgarl<br />

Died llqy zBth, 1907<br />

d,ged. 54 year6<br />

ille Daughter<br />

Celest<strong>in</strong>a<br />

Died ,1st January' 1898 AeBd 25 year:s<br />

Lucrezla Sugent<br />

Died. 27th Januaty, 1898 AgBd 58 yeare<br />

Also hls wlfe<br />

Mary Ann<br />

Dled 2nd JanuarXr, 1!26 Aged,69 yeaya

-B-<br />


)1 . Tvo nnmes <strong>in</strong>cluded on the headstone of the farnl1y grave -<br />

Battlsta CaJ.igari and l,ucrezla llugent - have not previously been nentloned<br />

ln this document. In the paragraphs that follov reference le nade to each<br />

of these persons,<br />

)2. Battist,a Cali5;ari was born at Soneo, Switzerland, on the<br />

1st Januar;', 1845 and, accorri<strong>in</strong>g to the photocopy of hie Certificate<br />

of Death, he arrlved <strong>in</strong> Vlctorla eeven years previously (145/ 1,e.<br />

5 years ]ater than Antonlo) after spend<strong>in</strong>g five years <strong>in</strong> Nen Zealand.<br />

Accordlng to the forego<strong>in</strong>g Battista vould have been 15 vhen he left<br />

Switzerland.<br />

)5.<br />

Battista <strong>Caligari</strong>, a bachelor brother of Antonlo, dled at<br />

iiaetern ll1l.1 on the 21th l'ebruary, 1874. ile was 28 yeers of ag'e and<br />

he vas a nlner at the tlme of hie death.<br />

)4, The Daylesford Mercur-v and Dxpress - ttre issue of Thursd.ay,<br />

February 26th, 1874 - conta<strong>in</strong>ed the luneral notice relat<strong>in</strong>g to Battistars<br />

death. The detalls recorded n€r€ :-<br />

F\urera] Notlce<br />

The friends of the late tsattista Ca]lgari. are respectfully lnvlted<br />

to fol]ow hls reriiaj-ns from his brotherrsr resiclerrce, lJaetetrt ill11,<br />

to the Deep (.-reek Cemetery, thls day, I'ebruary 25. f,\rneral to move<br />

at three orcl-ock.<br />

16. If Antonio filgltetti<br />

vere brother and sister, a fact<br />

Lucreeia Nugent woul.d have been<br />

Caligarl.<br />

and Celest<strong>in</strong>a 0aL<br />

vhich f have not<br />

a first coueln of<br />

'l):rrnag Verey<br />

I!n11 crt;r!:er, llowe Street<br />

)r. Lucrezla Nugent was born at liomeo, :lw i r zerland . iier date of<br />

blrth is d i f f lcu] t to calculate due to con l'L i c t<strong>in</strong>g dates on her lt4arriage<br />

and Death Certlficatee. ft wae, hovever, not earller than 1BJO and not<br />

Later than 1B)2. l,uct€ziare malden name was H ir.lre r"t1; her father vae<br />

Antonio Rl,clhetti, a farmer, and her mother wag i)atherrne Riqhettl.<br />

,7.<br />

igarl ( nee R113het ti )<br />

been able to establleh,<br />

Antonio end Battiste<br />

Af 29 years of ase Lucrezia vas narried to Felic.t Giaconettl.<br />

They vere narried at Someo, Svitzerland.<br />

tB.<br />

S.S. "Great Brltaln" ae Antonio Callgari - her name Lppears on the sanng<br />

Shlpplng Llst.<br />

Lucrezla arrived <strong>in</strong> Australla on the same 1851 voyate of the<br />

19,<br />

ln Auetralia - ceLest<strong>in</strong>a, born 186d, Pletro, born ls5) and rl4assln<strong>in</strong>o,<br />

born 1856.<br />

40.<br />

Lucrez.ia and Felici Ct.acornr l.ti had three chlldren, all 6orn<br />

Lucrezla was wiCowed ln August, 1i]80 and on the 2)th Febmary,<br />

1884, ehe renarrled; l,ucreziaf s second narriage was to Daniel llugent<br />

ald lt took place at St' leterrs Cathollc Church, Uay).esford. There were<br />

\.o chlldren of thls narrlage.

-9-<br />

41. Lucrezia Nugent died at Daylesford on the 27th January, 1898<br />

and the follovlng funeral notice vhich appeared ln The Dayleeford<br />

Advocate - thei lnsrte of 3aturda,y, Jnnrurry ?')Ih, 1B9B - concernod hor<br />

death r -<br />

I,'uneral llotice<br />

The friends of l4r. Daniel Nu.qent are respectfu]ly <strong>in</strong>vited to follon<br />

the remalns of iiis late beloved *ife fron lrie ileeidencel Nev<br />

ilacecourse, to the Ilga:rstown Catirollc Cemeter;/ ?iiIS I)AY, January 29fh.<br />

Funeral to move at a quarter paet two o'cIock.<br />

Verey Bros.<br />

Ilndertakere.<br />

42. At the tlne I contacted the Commonwealth Archlves Office,<br />

Canberra, to obtaj.n details of Antonio Callgarirs naturallaation, I<br />

uaa provlded vith details of a Giacomo CaIigari. Glacomo Caligarl<br />

was bom tn 1842, aleo at Someo, Dlstrict of VaLmaggia, Canton of<br />

Ticlnl, Svltzerlzurd. He arrlved ln Australia on the 22nd Febmary,<br />

1858, on the vessel "He!ald". Giacono Callgari vas naturalLeed<br />

on the'l2th August, 1B/2 and at that time his addrese vas Bullarook,<br />

Vlctoria. Naturallsatlon Certlfleate Nunber 540, Cormonwealth Record<br />

Seriee A7?7, Natura]leatlon fndex Yolume 11, A727, Naturalleatlon<br />

Certlflcate Book 1B - Commonweelth Archives Office, Cariberra - refers.<br />

4). The Shipp<strong>in</strong>g List for that yoyage of the "Herald',, whlch ls<br />

held <strong>by</strong> the Latrobe Llbrar.y, l,lelbourne, conta<strong>in</strong>s tire fo]lov<strong>in</strong>g details !-<br />

Nane of Vessel "ileraldtt"<br />

Vo.yage Departure and Arrival Deta l ls<br />

l"'ias ter t !r Niui,.<br />

Tonnage<br />

Paseengere<br />

Callgari, Giacomo<br />

Tomas<strong>in</strong>l, Giovannl<br />

Perrari, Batista<br />

Thos. llalvert<br />

'l , 'l!6 tone<br />

There were ]10 passerr6ers :<br />

10 Scotch, B) Irlsh and J4<br />

Countrles,<br />

l)eparted Liverpool 28.10.1857<br />

Arrlved Melbourne 22, 2.1e58<br />

1IJ ilngllsh,<br />

froo Other<br />

44. The followlng nzunes and other <strong>in</strong>lormation are recorded. on<br />

thle partlcular l,Lr<strong>in</strong>ntrr* tt", .-<br />

18<br />

1B<br />

19<br />

years Labourer<br />

ll rr<br />

lt<br />

4r. I have not been able to establish the relationship, if any,<br />

betveen Giacorno <strong>Caligari</strong> and Antonio and Battlsta Callgari.<br />


Attachrnent 1<br />


Tire follorr<strong>in</strong>g cournents appear on page 526, Volune 20,<br />

Dncyclopaedla Brittanlca - 195t Pr<strong>in</strong>t :-<br />

"Great Brltaln was laid dovn <strong>in</strong> dry dock at Bristol <strong>in</strong><br />

18)9 and floated out ln 184,. She vas notevorthy not<br />

onLy because of her dlneneione, vhlch vere )22 feet<br />

<strong>by</strong> 51 feet <strong>by</strong> )2 feet,5 <strong>in</strong>chee depth of hold shlch<br />

gave her a tonna6e of ),270 accord<strong>in</strong>g to the old<br />

burden neasurem€nt, but also becauge ehe wag<br />

constructed of iron 1n splte of the great preJudiee<br />

of the navy agalnst that nraterial. She vas desi6ned<br />

<strong>by</strong> I.K. Bmne1, whose <strong>in</strong>tention vae origlnally to<br />

make her a paddle eteamer. But he r.as so greatly<br />

lmpreeeed <strong>by</strong> the perforna.nce of the "Arch<strong>in</strong>edeg'r on a<br />

c:rrlee round the Brltlsh coast that he altered the<br />

"Creat llrita<strong>in</strong>" and fltted screv macir<strong>in</strong>ery, relnforced<br />

<strong>by</strong> a blg sail. area on elx maste.<br />

Her mach<strong>in</strong>ery consisted of a simple eng<strong>in</strong>e with four<br />

cyllnders each 88 <strong>in</strong>chee <strong>in</strong> dlarneter, vlth a stroke of<br />

72 and vlth lndicated horeepover ol about 1r100 at<br />

15 lb. per square lnch pressrrre, a epeed of 11 knots<br />

be<strong>in</strong>g obtalned on tria1. iier strand<strong>in</strong>g on the Irlsh<br />

coaet In 1845, when ehe )rad to vithstand the gales of<br />

a vhole w<strong>in</strong>ter 1n an erposed positlon, f<strong>in</strong>ally<br />

conv<strong>in</strong>ced shlpowners that 1r.on constructlon vas both<br />

etrong and practicable."<br />

The follov<strong>in</strong>g comments.:r.re i"ncluded <strong>in</strong> a s;mopsle of a B.B.C.<br />

proi{riurme, "The Greiat Iron lihip" shcrwn on 4.3.C.-T.V, )"n 1)12:-<br />

"The story of the S.S. "Creat ilrita<strong>in</strong>", the anaz<strong>in</strong>g lron<br />

shlp deel;ped <strong>by</strong> Isambard Klnqdom BruneL, whlch after<br />

thlrty years on a beach ln the Falkla,nd falende hae been<br />

refloated and toved back to Bristol - vhere she was<br />

launched <strong>by</strong> Pr<strong>in</strong>ce Albert on 19th July, 184).<br />

Thls extraord<strong>in</strong>ary project has taken years of plarur<strong>in</strong>g :<br />

at t<strong>in</strong>ee i.t looked impossible. Two amd a half years ago<br />

I')van Corlett, a naval arcltitect, vrote to The Tlmee saylng<br />

that the S.S. "Great tsrita<strong>in</strong>" could and should be eaved.<br />

A connltteo vas foru:ed, and ln Febn-rary 1)lO, after several<br />

false starts, an Anglo-German consortiun f<strong>in</strong>ally went <strong>in</strong>to<br />

action. The operation was lariely flnanced <strong>by</strong> Jack ilayward,<br />

a Bahamas rnilliona.lre and stsunch patriot.

Iiay Sutcltffe, the directot', wi,o s:titrtt'd research for thj.s<br />

fllm ln 1968, spent tvo months <strong>in</strong> the Falkland Islands ln<br />

the sprlng of 1970 fllnlng the salvage operation as lt vent<br />

along. He 1s full of admlration for the ship - an astonlehln6<br />

thlng for the age, the flret Iarge iron ship ln the vorld,<br />

much bigger than anyth<strong>in</strong>g else afloat, amri constmcted<br />

dlrectly from lJrrnelf s design without any teets or prototypes :<br />

she was twenty-five years airead of her t<strong>in</strong>e. Bnrne] bullt<br />

the ship vhl1e work<strong>in</strong>g on the ?reat \'{estern Railroad: she was<br />

part of hie grand design for an iron road from Padd<strong>in</strong>,lton tc<br />

Nev York. The S.S. "Great Brlta<strong>in</strong>" wae )'OOO tons, the flrst<br />

ship to have a double bottom and the first wlth watertlght<br />

bulkheads. Although Brunel <strong>in</strong>ten


l'll4I(;R 'li':D<br />

THlt cAll,l'(rN oir<br />

T() AUI;'I'ITALIA -<br />

Attachnent 2<br />

:ICINI , ll}IITZ?Iil"dlID, 1'1110<br />

1 e51 -1 861<br />

AURTGENO: Barca, Bondiett!, Dellagarur"' 9io:Tetti, Grosslnl', Jorlo'<br />

fr'.g*gfii, t'larteggia, Pellandr"i' -pJi"erioi' Pisonl' Spa'donl' Stefanacci'<br />

Vanoni, Zanettl'<br />

AV].X}No: Btarrchl, B1zzlnl, Bondiettl, Crisp<strong>in</strong>i'<br />

ffiti, Petterr"n"tt"'i"", Stoira' Tomasettl'<br />

PIGNAIICO: Degasparls, l'errari ' Gubbi ' Fadovani '<br />

B-OSCO: Bronz, Dellapietra, }Jlzi, Jzurner, iiossi'<br />

IiROCI:JO: Irr'llntnnria' i)onat'i' llaz t'*' Podran+"{"<br />

f:f*-!l1!!!t lrerurrt ltr r ' !'iori ' ')iaccni;:i '<br />

rlAIr l\'lr llglt.t'cltl, r'rt::,rrottl, l)elLf Avo, !'a:Ij'nat 1-]oi'.bl' Cuglle]monl' Ieechl'<br />

i;#,: i;"ar"r"iir, ponrtrnl, Fcrta, Spa::o1<strong>in</strong>i, tosettl, Tunzlol.<br />

t.-{\,}--ii.i\r\i l}aI.Ir, :ieitranl , lsdo, Daless:3, lu;ii e\=\ta, Ir'Eelf,'tr'1, La!rali':4,<br />

tl"r-ceJ*rt<strong>in</strong>i, ScuielI'ari, ?onl:1, l';::. '-a:i:i '<br />

r.':Ji;.ii,'lNt': .Eassi, ileroSgi, Buzzl, Capponi, Cassar<strong>in</strong>l, Conettl, Franzl,<br />

Ft"rr]n", Giovenni, Ciu11anl, GugIleLooni, Janner, Leonl , YorcltLn|,<br />

Panzera, Pasqual<strong>in</strong>o, Fei razzi . Sartoris . --c- i i: .<br />

.'riYIJ: Antonol. l, Balzar<strong>in</strong>i, Botta, Calanch<strong>in</strong>i, Cerln1, Conlsto, Crietofanlni,<br />

Denonti, Dolclnl, Fattorl, Filipp<strong>in</strong>i, Gu*qlieln<strong>in</strong>i, ilart<strong>in</strong>oia, Mattei,<br />

Moretti, Pal1a, Re, Resp<strong>in</strong>i, Rusca, Sartori, Scarpell<strong>in</strong>j., Traversl, Zanol<strong>in</strong>i.<br />

C0GLIO: Guglielmettl, Lafranchi, PezzaglLa, Pozzi.<br />

FUSIO: Filos, Franc.iechl, Gugllelnoni, Ressiqa, Tabacchl.<br />

GIUMAGLIO: Adami., tsonetti, Cer<strong>in</strong>i, Gasparlnl, Glum<strong>in</strong>i, Les<strong>in</strong>a, Pedrottit<br />

lffiFozzi, sartori.<br />

'* GORDEYI0: ;ilb<strong>in</strong>l, Bellonl, Blanchl, Bianch<strong>in</strong>i, r'lregugLla, tllipplnit<br />

Gagglonl, Giorgi, Laloli, lladdalena, lluscietti, ll icola' 0ttol<strong>in</strong>l'<br />

Tnrtaglla, l1anol1.<br />

LODANOr Debernardi, Tomae<strong>in</strong>J., l\rnzi.<br />

I'lLGGIAr Bonetti, Borl<strong>in</strong>l,0ampi,oli, Chedar,)eberneirdi, Delmaetro, Garzoli,<br />

Qenazzl, Glacomazzi, Yaslstocchi, Mart<strong>in</strong>el) i, tlei:r'ant1, Pr:drazz<strong>in</strong>l, Petroni,<br />

Quanchl, Rlcclo11, Stocchi, Stoccir<strong>in</strong>i, Tonmaei, Tlan jni,<br />

l'lIlNZONI0r Casrcsl, Canepa, Giacon<strong>in</strong>i, Grandi, Testor<strong>in</strong>l.<br />

'r,'antonl, Jorio, Nlcolat<br />

Zaroaronl.<br />

'loqnir'fonlni, Vlcari'<br />

liartori, Tomanichel '<br />

I':OGH!)ONQr Blnsacca, [t.rtosslr t'anscioni, Giacomazzi, Leonl, l{<strong>in</strong>etti,<br />

Mr;ffi Plnclnl, Rarneltl, Rianda, Tavemetti.<br />

PI)CCIA: Beq:gi, Bagnov<strong>in</strong>i, Bert<strong>in</strong>oja, Fladlci, (liulieri, l,ia.ttei, Notti,<br />

Patocchl, Rotanzi, Spagnoli, Vedova, Zoppi.<br />

PiiATO: Mignanl, Pedroia.

-2-<br />

SOY|,'Or llettanta, llonetti,Cellgari, Caporqnl, Coppi, l)al idlo, i.'errarl.,<br />

Claconottl, Cuerra, La.nottl, llor',gantl, l'ltrst:io, J'r'tl r<strong>in</strong>a, Ferlnonl,<br />

PezzonL, Rlghetti, Tognazz<strong>in</strong>l, Togn<strong>in</strong>l, Tonas<strong>in</strong>l.<br />

S0iti{ICOr Cnrre.sl, (}razzl, I'eltonlnlr'l'amb.'r.<br />

I0CARNO: Arnoldi, Bustelli, Deglor4i, Franzoni, F\reco, PozzL, Simona, Taglio.<br />

LOSONEl Bla"nda, Canova, Carrrlne, OavaI11, Haseera.<br />

ASCONA: Carnisi, Cattomlo, Caia, Ore1li, Pancaldi-Fenetti., Pisonl,<br />

Ponclnl, Poro}l, Splgaglla, Str<strong>in</strong>ga.<br />

I,IINUSIO: Balemi, Balleml, Bandera, Biscara, Colciaghi, Colonbo, Fenaccl, Frlzzl,<br />

Claeometti, Mart<strong>in</strong>oni, Merl<strong>in</strong>i, I{ondada, Parqanetti, Pleclan,<br />

BRIONil SA'1.: Biond<strong>in</strong>a, Cadlo1o, Coneolascio, Pocchetti, Franecella, Laffranchl,<br />

Marco1lo, l[art<strong>in</strong>ett<strong>in</strong> Padllna, Pedroja, Pedroia, Sclaroni, Yaleggla, Yalleggia.<br />


CnltltA VI,iIiZASCA: iilanchl, lireechlni ,<br />

ffifl-FEdl6zzt, Porra, l'idanze.<br />

LAVI.IRTIiZZ0: Bacciarlnl, Barloggio,<br />

ItsBciorl"i, Mottada, i'ornetta.<br />

3ra,qhs1i3, Corlppo, Jo1a, Yrart<strong>in</strong>l,<br />

lliiltcOsCIA: Andre<strong>in</strong>i, Beretta, Andre<strong>in</strong>i-Cadra, Bianconi, Bu1ottl, Cadra,<br />

Camp<strong>in</strong>i, CapeIla, irranca, Chisla, Ciann<strong>in</strong>i, F'aplna, Papplna, Pedronc<strong>in</strong>l,<br />

Pedronl, Bullotti, i'er<strong>in</strong>l, Str<strong>in</strong>,;a, Piaggi, i.j.cci, Rusconl, Serrl, Scerri,<br />

Varozza.<br />

ONS}J{NONE: Speziall, Euzzlnl, (}arbanl, Domenigoni, Forgar ?errlbl1<strong>in</strong>1,<br />

SONOCNO: Gianettoni, Itiataeci, Fata, lelucca, l<strong>in</strong>ana, Sonogn<strong>in</strong>i, Tamo.<br />

VOGORNO: Arrselni, tserri, Carpell<strong>in</strong>i, Polet',a, l\ozzt, Polita.<br />

IiiLO{il V};RZ.: Bedolla, 8londa, Pabretti, Periro}i, Cnesa, Morascl,<br />

Marzor<strong>in</strong>i, Mor<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>i, Panscera, Scolari.<br />

C!}JTCVALLI r|irlL{G}iA: ;1.vost1, Baccala, Brunoni, Bruzzettl, Cavalli, Dilena,<br />

Garubettar ll,aget1, l'laggetti, llattoni, llod<strong>in</strong>i, Monotti, i'edrazz1, Pedrotta,<br />

Pel1anda, Piazzoni, Rosei, Tonasola, tunl.<br />

BCRGNONE: Delte.<br />

Bravo, Calzascia, Giulieri, Pellascio, Plffer<strong>in</strong>i.<br />

LOCARIIESE: llonaco, Della, Glacorna, Franconi, Giovarrnoni, Adan<strong>in</strong>a, F,ariotta,<br />

Pantel1lni.<br />

TENffi0-CONTRA: Barlogio, Canevaec<strong>in</strong>i, i)al1icciotti, Lan<strong>in</strong>l, Matacci, Storni.<br />

GOIiDOLA: Laf franconi .<br />

GAivllJAitOGN0: Parlanetti, li;rrgenti, Rep,,azz.i, To;rrrc'tti, Ilranca, Tonnaslna, Moro.<br />

VALLII Vi.XIZASCA: Codonl, Scilacc1,<br />

FIiASC-O: Jop, Ciotton<strong>in</strong>i, l.lartella.<br />

Garnbetta, Oodoni, Arcotti, Scettr<strong>in</strong>l.<br />

F'oletta, Frnnch<strong>in</strong>l , FroI11, Oneoa,

-1-<br />

ONSERNONE: Borg:a, Buzzlnl, Garbani, Zanicoli,Ors1, Moeehlni, Terriblllnl,<br />

RueconL.<br />

BIILLINZ0NIiSE: I3orsa, ZaneIl1, Bemasocco, Cippa, l'1lnottL, Mlnoll, l.lozzlnl,<br />

ffiIlTffia, Barioni, Mlnettl, Paganlni, Agostl, Gernettl, Locarr:lno,<br />

Roeal, Bassottl, Dolnenlco, Glanocca, Snrlna, Locarrrlnl, l'loae1, Tattl.<br />

BIASCA: Caprara, Capriroll, Casoll, Delnrue, Debre, Fogllani, Franzonl,<br />

l1aglnetti, Honlghettl, Pellanda, Iiodonl, Rlvera, Rossettl, Strozzl,<br />

Svleico, T<strong>in</strong>ettl, Van<strong>in</strong>a, Vanzetta.<br />

SEllIOMl: Barasel, Bouta, Ferrari, Jemol1i, Jzuno1i, Peduzzl, Salvla, Sollva,<br />

ffiInl, Tognl.<br />

LIIDIANO: Cavagna, Ferrari, Fusi, Ca11iz1a, Schegqla, Zanelll.<br />

"...LOTIIIGNA:<br />

Andreazzi, Neri.<br />

Bertoni, Carcano, Jemlni, Peciuzzi, BoIla, Bn:ni, Ghlela,<br />

IIAwAGLIA: Baggetti, Baggl, Benzonelli, Cadra, Cavargna, Heloesi, l4onlcon<br />

ffi"s"-oni (o Joni?) , -Righenzl.<br />

LEVD}ITINA: Jori, Iliotta, Pedr<strong>in</strong>i, D I Agost<strong>in</strong>l, Rodletti, Giudicl, Gobbi,<br />

@anzl, Pedr<strong>in</strong>i, Guacetti.<br />

SOftOCiil{llRI: Cal"legarl, Ceretti, Bonetti, Bia6g<strong>in</strong> tsrocchl, Battagllni,<br />

B"enrill"*lne11i, Casanova, Ross<strong>in</strong>l, Paper<strong>in</strong>l, Genazlnl, Glanoblnl,<br />

Moresi, Caldidoni, Bottani, Galetti, Cagliardl, llanteganl, Caslanl,<br />

Noseda, Besozzl, Bigonl, Annotta, A1ro1di.<br />


Attachment 4<br />


22lrD FEBRUAiiY, 19O7<br />

'.1'h1s le the Laet lJ1lI and Testament ol me Antonio Callgarl<br />

of iiastern llil.L <strong>in</strong> the litate of Victoria, farmer. I glve devlse and<br />

beqr"reath aI1 rny property both real and pelsonal unto and to the use<br />

of qy wife l.'iary Ann Callgari and trLv son ltlchard Albert <strong>Caligari</strong> both<br />

of llaatern II111 aforeeaid upon truet to irold tiie eame for qy eald wife<br />

Mary Ann Callgar1 dur<strong>in</strong>g trer vidowhood or until her death and upon<br />

the death or remarrlage of my aald vife to eonvert the vhola of ny real<br />

and personal eetate <strong>in</strong>to money and tlivlde tho l;ame <strong>in</strong>to five shares<br />

euch ehares to be divided as follovs. Unto ny BonB iilchard Albert<br />

Callgari one part Uilliam Jamee Callgari one part Harry Francis <strong>Caligari</strong><br />

one part and Leo liienzl <strong>Caligari</strong>. tvo parte. fihou]d r\v eald son Leo<br />

itlenal not have atta<strong>in</strong>ed the age of tvent;'one years upon the death or<br />

rernarlage of r4v said wlfe then I dlrect that a sum of flve shill<strong>in</strong>gs<br />

per week shall be paid tovards the ma<strong>in</strong>tenance and support of rry sald<br />

son Leo Rienzl. I revoke all prlor vl}1s made <strong>by</strong> ne and declare thls<br />

to be qy last vil}. I appo<strong>in</strong>t nry vife Piary Ann Callgarl and qy eon<br />

Rlchard Albert <strong>Caligari</strong> exeeutrlx and executor of thLs ny vlll. In<br />

vitnees vhereof f have hereto set u1y hand this 22nd day of Febmary<br />

One thoueand Nlne hrurdred and Seven.<br />

Signed <strong>by</strong> the sald Testator Antonio <strong>Caligari</strong> and <strong>by</strong> him<br />

declared to be hie Last vlll and testament <strong>in</strong> the<br />

presence of us both present at the sane time who at hls<br />

request ln his slght and presence and ln the si,ght and<br />

presence of each other and after he had uo signed the<br />

same as aloresald have hereunto set our nameg aa<br />

vi+"negseg.<br />

Signed i,.!1. Leggo, Agent, Daylesford<br />

Slgned A.C. Tanner, Clerk, I)a.vleslord<br />

)<br />

)<br />

) Stgr,ed<br />

) lntonio Callgarl<br />

)<br />


Attachment 5<br />


22trD DI|Ci,;l'3ilR, 1925<br />


of Eastern U "ot",nffi<br />

of all ury just debts fr.rneral and other expenses I give devise and<br />

bequeath unto rV dear eon Battista l'atrick <strong>Caligari</strong> of iiastern i1111<br />

Flfty pou:rds To nty dear son Richard Albert Callgari of Melbourne One<br />

hundred and tventyfive pounds To my dear son Harry Francle Callgarj.<br />

of Melbourrre One hundred and seventyfive pounds To ny dear eon Leo<br />

Rlenzl <strong>Caligari</strong> of llenalla One hundred and seventyfive pounds To ny<br />

dear Grandson Francis Mclnerrrey of Stawell Fifteen pounds To ny old<br />

frlend Mre. I?retful] of l'ielbourne Ten pounds To ny friend Harrlet<br />

Clark of Trentham Ten pounde To my dear sort William Cali6arl of<br />

Eastern Hill Ten pounds To my dear SranCson John l{ogan of Melbourne<br />

Ten pounds and f direct that Ten pounds be siven to the Parieh Prlest<br />

at Daylesford for Masses for ury eotrl and I iilso 61ive n1y iixtenelon<br />

Dirr<strong>in</strong>g Table to ury son Battista I'atrick <strong>Caligari</strong> and I here<strong>by</strong> revoke<br />

and cancel all previous \{111s nade <strong>by</strong> me And I hereb.v appo<strong>in</strong>t<br />

,,Tl{8 ilAt,l,i\irA,f 'fittilj.ti.;;.lt; lj,ii:jcu1,0li:, AliD Aili.jNCy (:()i":}'AiJy LIHITUD" I,,'xecrrrorg<br />

of thls n1r \{il I lll {Il'N.'fSli whereof i have utrto se t rqy hand this<br />

22nd day of Decenber <strong>in</strong> the year of our Lord One tnoueand nlne hr:ndred<br />

and tventyfive.<br />

SI'-;NiD <strong>by</strong> the said I'iiltY Ai'i)i CiLB(IUIiNI the Testatrix<br />

and <strong>by</strong> her declared to be her last Will and Testament<br />

ln the preaence ol us present at the same ti.me who<br />

<strong>in</strong> her presence at her requeat and <strong>in</strong> the presence<br />

of each other h;rvp hnrertnto strbscribed ()\lr nailes as<br />

lJi tneeeee<br />

lJi.gned n.i'j . iii.,u1k. (l'Jurse)<br />

iigned J . il. Hader ( donmiss ion Ap:ent, )<br />

ltatt<br />

)<br />

)<br />

)<br />

Signed 1"1.A. Colbourne


AND TI{EIR<br />

Attachrnent 5<br />



I.n the custody of Leo htillian Ca).igarir 2J K),ngston Street, East<br />

l"lalvern, Ylctoria, )145 :-<br />

Certifled copy of the entry ln a Register of Marriages ehow<strong>in</strong>g<br />

the detalls recorded ln respect of the narriages between :-<br />

- Antonio <strong>Caligari</strong> a-nd i'iary Ann Lucas<br />

- Daniel Nugent and Lucrezia Giaconettl<br />

Certlfled copy of the entry <strong>in</strong> a Register of<br />

detalls recorded <strong>in</strong> respect of the deaths of<br />

- turtonio <strong>Caligari</strong><br />

- Battlsta <strong>Caligari</strong><br />

- Lucrezia llugent<br />

- Mavia Celest<strong>in</strong>a Elvezie <strong>Caligari</strong><br />

- Antonio John Callgari<br />

Photocopiea of the Letters of Naturallsation<br />

- Antonio Caligarl<br />

- (ilacomo Callgarl<br />

Copy of the laet wlll and testament of :-<br />

- Antonio Caligarl<br />

- Mary Ann Col.bourne<br />

Deaths ehon<strong>in</strong>g the<br />

!-<br />

for ;-<br />

. Affidavit <strong>in</strong> errpport of an appllcation lor probate <strong>in</strong><br />

reepect of the vill of Antonio Callgari.<br />

Avallable for reference at the Latrobe Library, Latrobe Street, l{elbourne r-<br />

. Shlpp<strong>in</strong>g Llst for the voyages of :-<br />

- S.S. "Great Brita<strong>in</strong>'f Liverpool/Xelbourne 15.2,1851-?.r.1861<br />

- "Ilera1d", Llverpool/Melbourne 28.10. 1S57-22.2.1858<br />

. The Dayleeford l',ercury and lJxpregs lssue ol 26.2.1874<br />

. The Daylesford Advocate lasues of ]0. r.19q, 1 .5.1907, 1r.6.1907,<br />

8.1.1926, 29,1.1898.<br />

. The MeLbourne Sun lssue of 5.6,19qt,<br />


Attachnent ?<br />


sTRffir, NoRTIiCOIE, VICT0RIA,<br />

Antonlo Caligarl<br />

ltary Ann CoLbourne<br />

Aritonlo John Caligarl {2)<br />

Fl,rs t- .Generatlon ilenbere<br />

Antonlo John Cnllgarl anrl irls wlfe NeIl. ( 1g14)<br />

'O7O<br />

Battleta Patrick, Harry Francre and Leo Rrenzi calrgnrl and apparentry<br />

one of thelr slstore - taken ln a tr;roup.<br />

Canlltra Ylrg<strong>in</strong>l"a liogan {t9OS)<br />

llary Ann Eugennle Stewart and her daughter lillen<br />

Vl1l.lan .Iansee Call8grl (2)<br />

Ul1l"len Eric Coutts<br />

Alerander V/l11larn Stenart<br />

Second Generatlon_ Meobere<br />


) I<br />

I<br />

1<br />

I<br />


ANTONIO CALIGARI 1843 - 27.5.1907<br />

Born Someo, Switzerland, Buried Eganstown, Yictofia<br />

Mowied at Daylesf ord, Y ictoila on 4.12.t872 to<br />

MARY ANN LUCAS 1855 - 2.T.1926<br />

Born Hobatt , T asmania, Buried Eganstoum , Y ictofia<br />

r*-+dr-r,e<br />

Attachment 3<br />


Mavia Celest<strong>in</strong>a Elvezia <strong>Caligari</strong><br />

13.11.1873 - 31.r.1898<br />

Buried Coolgardie, Western Austra lia<br />

Antonio John <strong>Caligari</strong><br />

16.1.1875 - 21.7.1948<br />

Buried Manjimup, Western Australia<br />

Luisa Sub<strong>in</strong>a Coutts<br />

23.2.t877 - 24.12.1936<br />

Buried Spr<strong>in</strong>gva le, Victoria<br />

Lav<strong>in</strong>a Christ<strong>in</strong>a Anastasia Gough<br />

Is.9.1878 - 18.11.1967<br />

Crematbd Spr<strong>in</strong>gvale,.<br />

Ashes scattered Eganstown, Victoria<br />

Amadea Elvira Mclnerney<br />

3.5.1880 - 18.11.1960<br />

Buried Bal larat, Victoria<br />

No lssue<br />

No lssue<br />

William Eric Coutts<br />

Charles Alexander Coutts<br />

Phyllis Ellen Celest<strong>in</strong>a Bumpstead<br />

George Calthorpe Gough<br />

Francis Henry Mclnerney<br />

John Patrick Mclnerney<br />

Eileen Mary Harr<strong>in</strong>gton<br />

Kathleen Elvira Mclnerney<br />

Amadea Elvira Mary Shugg<br />

Michael Wi I liam <strong>Caligari</strong><br />

Antonio John <strong>Caligari</strong><br />

' Hazel Wright<br />

I<br />

Aust<strong>in</strong> George Gough<br />

I noet nooney cougtr<br />

Maria Paula Stuart<br />

Ann Amadea Harr<strong>in</strong>gton<br />

Calv<strong>in</strong> John Shugg<br />

Graeme William Shugg<br />

Geoffrey William Shugg<br />

Neville Anthony Shugg<br />

Bany John 0aligari<br />

Lynnette Joan Heenan<br />

Lise Myra Gough<br />

Julian Alfred Gough<br />

Stephen John Gough<br />

Anthony James Gough<br />

Mark William Gough<br />

Alison Louise Gough<br />

Damien Grant Stuart<br />

Rebecca Nicola Stuart<br />

Carol Ann Shugg<br />

Barbara Mary Shugg<br />

Graeme lYilliam John Shugg<br />

Jillian Margaret Shugg<br />

Roxanne Mary Shugg<br />

Michael Anthony Shugg<br />

Rotran Shugg<br />

Rodney Peter Shugg<br />

Jasm Neville Shugg<br />

Karen Patr<strong>in</strong>a Shugg<br />

John Graham <strong>Caligari</strong> +<br />

Sandra Joy <strong>Caligari</strong><br />

Annette Bernad<strong>in</strong>e <strong>Caligari</strong><br />

Dianne Lesrey x".n.n-{4ft;l<br />

Michael John Heenan wzil"4rle.r<br />

ivrv*5<br />

lil*tfrrtrtr,?'at{^i},<br />

lrtnnerortse Cahl*'L<br />

'firca'&rcis<br />

Tavn4! 6t455

4.5.IUUZ - i/./.IYttb<br />

Buried Ballarat, Victoria<br />

Camilla Virg<strong>in</strong>ia Hogan<br />

24.9.1883 - 27.11.1939<br />

Buried Footscray, Victoria<br />

Anne Eugennie Stewart<br />

- 2.6.1945<br />

Eganstown, Victoria<br />

hard Albert <strong>Caligari</strong><br />

.1887 - 20.10.1957<br />

Preiton, Victoria<br />

iam James <strong>Caligari</strong><br />

- 28.10.19s1<br />

Eganstown, Victoria<br />

Francis <strong>Caligari</strong><br />

1.1890 - 16.9.1971<br />

Spr<strong>in</strong>gvale, Victoria<br />

Rienzi <strong>Caligari</strong><br />

- 4.7.1939<br />

Benalla, Victoria<br />

Kather<strong>in</strong>e Gertrude McDonald --l<br />

Joyce Edna Mart<strong>in</strong><br />

-| I<br />

Peter Francis <strong>Caligari</strong> ---f<br />

John Francis Hogan I<br />

Leo James Hogan I<br />

RoderickrosephHosan<br />

JeanMary cuny<br />

Ellen Pearce<br />

+<br />

Evelyn Dorothy Walsh -+<br />

-il I<br />

Alexander William Stewar, I<br />

Mary Maher<br />

Emily <strong>Caligari</strong> I<br />

Adele <strong>Caligari</strong> I<br />

[-eo Albert <strong>Caligari</strong><br />

Veronica O'Connor<br />

Er<strong>in</strong> Carmel May May<br />

Patricia <strong>Caligari</strong><br />

Shirley Joy Fisher<br />

Roderick Richard <strong>Caligari</strong><br />

No lssue<br />

DorisL<strong>in</strong>da-r,.. #rg<br />

d\.<br />

Norma Louise O'Keeffe<br />

Leo lYilliam <strong>Caligari</strong><br />

Margaret lmelda Hammond<br />

I<br />

lr<br />

lr<br />

I'<br />

I<br />

I<br />

i<br />

Peter Anthony <strong>Caligari</strong><br />

Margaret Anne H ickey<br />

Helen Alexia Bowker.<br />

Francis John Mart<strong>in</strong><br />

Kev<strong>in</strong> Patrick Mart<strong>in</strong><br />

Kenneth James Mart<strong>in</strong><br />

MichaeI Patrick <strong>Caligari</strong><br />

Anne Elizabeth Ca ligari<br />

Bernadette Mary Hogan<br />

Paul Roderick Hogan<br />

Kev<strong>in</strong> Francis Hogan<br />

Brian John Hogan<br />

Stephen Leo Hogan<br />

Carmel Mary Cuny<br />

Brendan Richard Curry<br />

Patricia Louise Cuny<br />

Kathleen Anne Curry<br />

Alan Burton Pearce<br />

Leo Joseph lYalsh<br />

Paul<strong>in</strong>e May Davidson<br />

Maureen Maher<br />

Gilda Victoria May<br />

Darryl Charles Leo Fisher<br />

Richard K<strong>in</strong>gsleigh Fisher<br />

Dianne Mary White<br />

G-6orge Francis O'Keeffe<br />

Julie Anne O'Keeffe<br />

Adrian Malcolm O'Keeffe<br />

Michelle Louise O'Keeffe<br />

Peter Thomas 0'Keeffe<br />

Timothy Gerard O'Keeffe<br />

Anne Louise <strong>Caligari</strong><br />

David Keith <strong>Caligari</strong><br />

Helen Judith <strong>Caligari</strong><br />

Elizabeth Joseph<strong>in</strong>e Hammond<br />

len Frrncis Hammond<br />

s,S4.,Lt$g4y^fia rieari - -Ned<br />

Leanne MargarEt Hickey<br />

Fiona Elizabeth Hickey<br />

Katr<strong>in</strong>a Louise Hickey<br />

Elizabeth Anne Bowker<br />

Bradley Alexander Bowker<br />

T<strong>in</strong>a Maree Mart<strong>in</strong><br />

Nicole Joyce Mart<strong>in</strong><br />

Kerry Louise Mart<strong>in</strong><br />

Aileen Veronica Mart<strong>in</strong><br />

Dianne Ellen Fawzy<br />

Ela<strong>in</strong>e Joy Pearce<br />

Dianne Joy Dalton<br />

Geoffrey David Walsh<br />

David Martid Davidson<br />

Alan Paul Davidson<br />

vlaal<br />

Mathew Alan Fawzy<br />

Andrew John Fawzy<br />

Lisa Nicole Dalton

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