Testimonies for the Church, Volume 9 - Ellen G. White

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and gentleness of Christ. Let <strong>the</strong> truth do <strong>the</strong><br />

cutting; <strong>the</strong> word of God is as a sharp, two-edged<br />

sword and will cut its way to <strong>the</strong> heart. Those who<br />

know that <strong>the</strong>y have <strong>the</strong> truth should not, by <strong>the</strong> use<br />

of harsh and severe expressions, give Satan one<br />

chance to misinterpret <strong>the</strong>ir spirit.<br />

As a people we must stand as did <strong>the</strong> world's<br />

Redeemer. When in controversy with Satan in<br />

regard to <strong>the</strong> body of Moses, Christ durst not bring<br />

against him a railing accusation. He had every<br />

provocation to do this, and Satan was disappointed<br />

because he could not arouse in Christ a spirit of<br />

retaliation. Satan was ready to misinterpret<br />

everything that was done by Jesus; and <strong>the</strong> Saviour<br />

would give him no occasion, not <strong>the</strong> semblance of<br />

an excuse. He would not turn from His<br />

straight<strong>for</strong>ward course of truth in order to follow<br />

<strong>the</strong> wanderings and twistings and turnings and<br />

prevarications of Satan.<br />

We read in <strong>the</strong> prophecy of Zechariah that<br />

when Satan with all his synagogue stood up to<br />

resist <strong>the</strong> prayers of Joshua <strong>the</strong> high priest, and to<br />


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