Testimonies for the Church, Volume 9 - Ellen G. White

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all that come unto Him."--Pages 49, 50.<br />

In some of our conferences <strong>the</strong> leaders have<br />

hesitated to introduce <strong>the</strong>se practical methods of<br />

instruction. Some are naturally inclined to<br />

sermonize ra<strong>the</strong>r than to teach. But on such<br />

occasions as our annual camp meetings we must<br />

never lose sight of <strong>the</strong> opportunities af<strong>for</strong>ded <strong>for</strong><br />

teaching <strong>the</strong> believers how to do practical<br />

missionary work in <strong>the</strong> place where <strong>the</strong>y may live.<br />

In many instances it would be well to set apart<br />

certain men to carry <strong>the</strong> burden of different lines of<br />

educational work at <strong>the</strong>se meetings. Let some help<br />

<strong>the</strong> people to learn how to give Bible readings and<br />

to conduct cottage meetings. Let o<strong>the</strong>rs bear <strong>the</strong><br />

burden of teaching <strong>the</strong> people how to practice <strong>the</strong><br />

principles of health and temperance, and how to<br />

give treatments to <strong>the</strong> sick. Still o<strong>the</strong>rs may labor in<br />

<strong>the</strong> interests of our periodical and book work. And<br />

let chosen workers take a special interest in<br />

teaching many how to handle Christ's Object<br />

Lessons and Ministry of Healing .<br />

Many have never learned how to sell <strong>the</strong> books<br />


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