Testimonies for the Church, Volume 9 - Ellen G. White

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prepare Thy way be<strong>for</strong>e Thee. The voice of one<br />

crying in <strong>the</strong> wilderness, Prepare ye <strong>the</strong> way of <strong>the</strong><br />

Lord, make His paths straight." (Mark 1:2, 3)<br />

"Behold My servant, whom I uphold; Mine elect,<br />

in whom My soul delighteth; I have put My Spirit<br />

upon Him. He shall bring <strong>for</strong>th judgment to <strong>the</strong><br />

Gentiles. ... He shall not fail nor be discouraged,<br />

till He have set judgment in <strong>the</strong> earth: and <strong>the</strong> isles<br />

shall wait <strong>for</strong> His law." (Isaiah 42:1-4)<br />

God invites all men to <strong>the</strong> fullest investigation<br />

of <strong>the</strong> claims of His law. His word is sacred and<br />

infinite. The cause of truth is to go <strong>for</strong>th as a lamp<br />

that burneth. Earnest study of <strong>the</strong> word of God will<br />

reveal <strong>the</strong> truth. Sin and wrong will not be<br />

sustained, but <strong>the</strong> law of God will be vindicated.<br />

"Thus saith God <strong>the</strong> Lord, He that created <strong>the</strong><br />

heavens, and stretched <strong>the</strong>m out; He that spread<br />

<strong>for</strong>th <strong>the</strong> earth, and that which cometh out of it; He<br />

that giveth breath unto <strong>the</strong> people upon it, and<br />

spirit to <strong>the</strong>m that walk <strong>the</strong>rein: I <strong>the</strong> Lord have<br />

called <strong>the</strong>e in righteousness, and will hold thine<br />

hand, and will keep <strong>the</strong>e, and give <strong>the</strong>e <strong>for</strong> a<br />

covenant of <strong>the</strong> people, <strong>for</strong> a light of <strong>the</strong> Gentiles;<br />


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