Fertility Road Issue 44 May/June 2018

Fertility Road Magazine Fertility Road Magazine


MIND Infertility is tough. Really tough. People just don’t understand what it’s like unless they have experienced it. A Harvard University study demonstrated that the stress levels of women experiencing infertility were equivalent to those with AIDS, cancer and heart disease. Now you can imagine why being told to relax makes you want to punch someone! It’s because no-one really understands it can be a very lonely journey. Friends and family mean well, but actually, they often say the most unhelpful things because they just don’t understand. So stop expecting them to. They mean well. Everything they say and do is motivated by love but they are limited by their own understanding and life experience. Even partners don’t often understand what it’s like for us. I know this can be truer for women more than men. My wife said to me eight years into our journey she didn’t feel understood. She felt lonely on the journey. I was shocked as I went to all the appointments. She explained she had no idea what was going on in my head. How I felt about things. Women connect emotionally. They want to be seen, felt, heard - understood. And they want to understand their partner. When I was living in my head she had nothing to go on, she had no idea what I was feeling and it left her feeling lonely. Stop running from the pain, anger and fear. Accept it’s tough. However, acceptance doesn’t mean giving up. I thought I had to stay strong and hopeful otherwise it would never happen. I believed losing hope and falling apart would mean defeat and I was not ready for that. I couldn’t imagine life without children and didn’t feel ready to start the journey of acceptance if it meant giving up. Accepting it is difficult doesn’t mean you are accepting defeat - far from it. Accepting the reality of any situation is key to creating something new. When running a marathon the runner can accept the pain, how difficult it is, but it doesn’t mean they are giving up. During our infertility journey, I felt disillusioned about life. I felt angry and fearful about never being happy. I was in a job I didn’t really enjoy but it paid well and was convenient. I was ignoring the disillusionment about my job and if I am honest other things in my life including our relationship. Keeping my head in the sand kept me from doing anything about it. It was familiar, I had worked in the same company all my working life and I was scared of changing; what happens if I move and the new job is worse? As I began exploring this, accepting my feelings, it enabled me to begin the process of creating something different and finding something I love doing. It was the same with our fertility. I was not accepting the pain, anger and fear that was inside me. Allow whatever shows up to show up. What if you didn’t need to be scared of any experience? Feelings are thought in the moment. They do not know anything about our circumstances now or in the future. The more we understand where our feeling is coming from, our thought, not our circumstances we don’t need to be scared of them. The more you resist your feelings (by resenting them, wishing you didn’t have them or trying the change them) the stronger they get. Acceptance is the WD40 of change. Once you allow what is to be you can begin to move on from it. Acceptance is not accepting failure. It is not accepting things will never change. Acceptance accepting what is today, knowing that nothing can predict the future so it doesn’t mean it is going to never change. Acceptance is not fighting reality because you think it needs to be different, or ‘should’ be different. Acceptance is recognising you have everything you need at this moment to be OK. Nothing can predict the future, come back to the here and now, that’s where you are. That’s where you find everything you need to be at this moment. We are only not OK when our minds take us out into our imaginary future, that is plausible and realistic but still, fantasy because nothing can predict the future. Belief When I talk about belief I don’t mean positive thinking and affirmations. This is about recognising what it is you believe, what is your thinking telling you about you, your life, whether you will have a baby or not. What are the stories you tell yourself? This is about recognising we live in the experience of thought. 100% of our experience comes from thought. Not just our emotions, every physical experience we have comes from thought. Even physical pain. The pain may be caused by a medical situation like a broken bone or infection in our tooth but our experience of that pain is caused by thought. Sometimes it’s agony, sometimes we are not aware of it but the source is constant. We live in the experience of what our thinking is telling us at any given moment. So great, that means if we change our thinking right we get a better experience? Good luck with that one! We cannot control our thinking. We are not thinking beings we are beings that have thought. Our thought is spontaneous and we have no control over it. But don’t worry, this doesn’t 36 | fertilityroad.com | fertilityroadmag | follow us @fertilityroad

MIND mean it’s all doom and gloom and we are destined to be on this emotional rollercoaster forever, that nothing will change. The more we recognise the nature of thought, that it’s thought, not truth or reality. That our experience is created by these spontaneous neutral thoughts we can begin to change our relationship with them. It’s not the content of thought that matters. It’s not our feelings that are the problem. It’s whether we think they matter or not. It’s our relationship with them. The more we see thought for what it is, it moves on. Fresh thinking is always behind it. We shift back to our innate wellbeing without doing anything. Think about the times you’ve felt most at peace. You drop into those moments without doing anything, when you stop trying to be OK. This is because we ARE OK in this moment. We have all we need to be OK and at peace in this moment. It’s only when we get caught up in our stories of the future (or past) we are not OK. Our thoughts create our experience. Which in turn can impact our physiology and chances to get pregnant. The more you see thoughts and feelings for what they are and the fact you are the observer of them, they are like clouds on a breeze but you are not the clouds, you are the sky that has the potential to have clouds. The more we see this the more we get connected to our innate wellbeing we were born with. When our thinking collapses we have a connection to our true self that has everything we need at this moment. A thought is like a snow globe. It settles all on it’s own when we stop trying to be OK. When we are no longer scared of our experience (by judging what it means for our future) it moves on, our mind settles, we come back to the here and now. We reconnect to our full range of resources that know we are OK. In this moment you are OK. This is the only moment that exists. Care By care, I mean self care. So often on this journey we can be striving for the next thing that can be ‘the’ thing that makes the difference. We are filling our day with so much to do and think about. Nutrition, supplements, herbs, acupuncture, yoga, losing weight, trying to relax, tracking cycle, journalling, mindfulness, the timing of sex, researching what else could be out there...as well as everything else in life. It’s not what you do it’s why you do it. If you are doing things out of fear of not doing enough or missing the thing that could make the difference then a) that fear will be undermining the good thing you are doing and b) it could actually be fuelling the fear. Do what you feel inspires you. Trust your instinct. Stop doing what you think you ‘should’ be doing, even temporarily, you may come back to it in the future but maybe giving yourself a break from some of these things will serve you most right now. What do you do for fun? For play? Play is doing something just for the hell of it because it feeds our soul. What do you do for you, your soul? Not your fertility. Your soul. What feeds your soul? Whether it be a long hot bath, amateur dramatics, meeting with friends, do more of it. These things often get left out of our lives when we are locked on to Project Baby. These things keep life flowing, which in turn keeps your body flowing. The mind and body are one system. A lovely relaxation technique I teach clients is a breathing technique that works by stopping your mind time travelling. It prevents you going into la-la land future in your head that is often scary, depressing but totally made up. It keeps you in the here and now because it gets you to focus on your breath and your body is always in the present moment. What I love about this technique is that you can do it with your eyes open and no-one needs to know you are doing it as it’s not a special breath, it’s a nice relaxed breath whilst you are counting in your head. As you breathe in count to 1-3 in your head. As you breathe out count to 1-5 in your head. Repeat over and over. Find a pace of counting that gives you a nice relaxed breathe. After 3 or 5 breaths you may notice how you are feeling more relaxed, more centred. You can practice with your eyes closed but it’s great to use any place, any time, anywhere! So dealing with stress is about understanding the cause of it. That it’s thought not our circumstances. The more we understand that feelings are thought and it is not telling us anything about whether we will or will not have a baby, it is our thought in this moment, our imagination we are feeling, we don’t have to be scared of it. When we stop resenting and resisting it we find a deeper sense of peace we never knew we could have in the toughest of circumstances. We are built to thrive in reality, whatever that reality in this present moment is. And this present moment knows nothing about the future. Nothing can predict the future not even thought and feelings. We were told we would never get pregnant naturally. One in a billion chance of it happening the doctors told us. It did. Russell is a fertility coach supporting couples on their journey. You can contact him via his website thefertilemind.net | fertilityroadmag | follow us @fertilityroad fertilityroad.com | 37

MIND<br />

Infertility is tough. Really tough. People just<br />

don’t understand what it’s like unless they have<br />

experienced it. A Harvard University study<br />

demonstrated that the stress levels of women<br />

experiencing infertility were equivalent to those<br />

with AIDS, cancer and heart disease. Now you can<br />

imagine why being told to relax makes you want<br />

to punch someone!<br />

It’s because no-one really understands it can<br />

be a very lonely journey. Friends and family<br />

mean well, but actually, they often say the<br />

most unhelpful things because they just don’t<br />

understand. So stop expecting them to. They<br />

mean well. Everything they say and do is<br />

motivated by love but they are limited by their<br />

own understanding and life experience.<br />

Even partners don’t often understand what it’s like<br />

for us. I know this can be truer for women more<br />

than men. My wife said to me eight years into our<br />

journey she didn’t feel understood. She felt lonely<br />

on the journey. I was shocked as I went to all the<br />

appointments. She explained she had no idea what<br />

was going on in my head. How I felt about things.<br />

Women connect emotionally. They want to be<br />

seen, felt, heard - understood. And they want to<br />

understand their partner. When I was living in my<br />

head she had nothing to go on, she had no idea<br />

what I was feeling and it left her feeling lonely.<br />

Stop running from the pain, anger and fear.<br />

Accept it’s tough.<br />

However, acceptance doesn’t mean giving up.<br />

I thought I had to stay strong and hopeful<br />

otherwise it would never happen. I believed<br />

losing hope and falling apart would mean defeat<br />

and I was not ready for that. I couldn’t imagine<br />

life without children and didn’t feel ready to start<br />

the journey of acceptance if it meant giving up.<br />

Accepting it is difficult doesn’t mean you<br />

are accepting defeat - far from it. Accepting<br />

the reality of any situation is key to creating<br />

something new. When running a marathon the<br />

runner can accept the pain, how difficult it is, but<br />

it doesn’t mean they are giving up.<br />

During our infertility journey, I felt disillusioned<br />

about life. I felt angry and fearful about never<br />

being happy. I was in a job I didn’t really enjoy<br />

but it paid well and was convenient. I was<br />

ignoring the disillusionment about my job and<br />

if I am honest other things in my life including<br />

our relationship. Keeping my head in the sand<br />

kept me from doing anything about it. It was<br />

familiar, I had worked in the same company all<br />

my working life and I was scared of changing;<br />

what happens if I move and the new job is worse?<br />

As I began exploring this, accepting my feelings,<br />

it enabled me to begin the process of creating<br />

something different and finding something I<br />

love doing.<br />

It was the same with our fertility. I was not accepting<br />

the pain, anger and fear that was inside me.<br />

Allow whatever shows up to show up. What if<br />

you didn’t need to be scared of any experience?<br />

Feelings are thought in the moment. They do<br />

not know anything about our circumstances now<br />

or in the future. The more we understand where<br />

our feeling is coming from, our thought, not our<br />

circumstances we don’t need to be scared of them.<br />

The more you resist your feelings (by resenting<br />

them, wishing you didn’t have them or trying the<br />

change them) the stronger they get.<br />

Acceptance is the WD40 of change. Once you<br />

allow what is to be you can begin to move on<br />

from it.<br />

Acceptance is not accepting failure. It is not<br />

accepting things will never change. Acceptance<br />

accepting what is today, knowing that nothing<br />

can predict the future so it doesn’t mean it is<br />

going to never change.<br />

Acceptance is not fighting reality because you<br />

think it needs to be different, or ‘should’ be<br />

different. Acceptance is recognising you have<br />

everything you need at this moment to be OK.<br />

Nothing can predict the future, come back to<br />

the here and now, that’s where you are. That’s<br />

where you find everything you need to be at this<br />

moment. We are only not OK when our minds<br />

take us out into our imaginary future, that is<br />

plausible and realistic but still, fantasy because<br />

nothing can predict the future.<br />

Belief<br />

When I talk about belief I don’t mean positive<br />

thinking and affirmations. This is about<br />

recognising what it is you believe, what is your<br />

thinking telling you about you, your life, whether<br />

you will have a baby or not. What are the stories<br />

you tell yourself? This is about recognising we<br />

live in the experience of thought. 100% of our<br />

experience comes from thought.<br />

Not just our emotions, every physical experience<br />

we have comes from thought. Even physical pain.<br />

The pain may be caused by a medical situation<br />

like a broken bone or infection in our tooth but<br />

our experience of that pain is caused by thought.<br />

Sometimes it’s agony, sometimes we are not<br />

aware of it but the source is constant.<br />

We live in the experience of what our thinking is<br />

telling us at any given moment.<br />

So great, that means if we change our thinking right<br />

we get a better experience? Good luck with that<br />

one! We cannot control our thinking. We are not<br />

thinking beings we are beings that have thought.<br />

Our thought is spontaneous and we have no<br />

control over it. But don’t worry, this doesn’t<br />

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