Fertility Road Issue 44 May/June 2018

Fertility Road Magazine Fertility Road Magazine


BODY d if a oule as a omiatio of four egatie lifestyle fators iludig teaoffee smoig ad alool it a tae a oule see times loger to get regat Fertility Boosting Supplements e ow tat ertai utriets irease te aes of gettig regat ad stayig regat Folic Acid t is well ow tat foli aid a reet sia ifida oli aid is udoutedly imortat ut it is ust art of te ery imortat omle family of itamis tat are eessary to rodue te geeti materials ad Zinc i is te most widely studied utriet i terms of fertility for ot me ad wome t is a essetial omoet of geeti material ad a i defiiey a ause romosome ages i eiter me or wome leadig to redued fertility ad a ireased ris of misarriage i is foud i ig oetratios i te serm ad is eeded to mae te outer layer ad tail of te serm ad is terefore essetial for te ealt of serm o sow you ow owerful tese utriets are me wo were sufertile were gie a omiatio of i ad foli aid ad it sowed a irease i total serm out Selenium eleium is a atioidat tat els to rotet your ody from igly reatie emial fragmets alled free radials or tis reaso seleium a reet romosome reaage wi is ow to e a ause of irt defets ad misarriages ood leels of seleium are also essetial to maimise serm formatio eleium sulemetatio gie to ifertile me ireased serm out motility ad te umer of ormal serm Vitamin E itami is aoter owerful atioidat ad as ee sow to irease fertility we gie to ot me ad wome it me itami els to irease fertilisatio rates durig treatmets f a woma oer te age of is told tat er fertility rolems are aused y er age te it is liely tat se ould eefit from taig ot itamis ad ese atioidats ae ee sow to sigifiatly redue agerelated oulatio delie Vitamin C itami is also a atioidat ad we ow tat wome wo tae itami wile tey were doig ae a sigifiatly ireased regay rate itami is also good for me a it el to irease serm outs y u to a tird tioidats i geeral ad tat iludes i seleium itami ad itami ae ee sow to ae a maor imat o male fertility reiew of studies wit me goig for yles as sow tat we me tae atioidats teir arter is fie times more liely to ae a lie irt omared to a laeo Amino acids wo amio aids argiie ad aritie are artiularly imortat for male fertility e argiie is essetial for ealty serm rodutio ad rotets te serm agaist oidatie damage e iger te leels of aritie i serm ells te iger te serm out ad motility Vitamin D itami els to alae te immue system wi as we ae see is imortat i gettig ad stayig regat itami lie te mega fatty aids dereases te autoimmue resose ut it also els to romote te ells wi te womas ody eeds to maitai a regay y delierately maig mie defiiet i itami tey a atually mae tem ifertile itami is also imortat for male fertility as low leels of tis utriet is assoiated wit low serm motility ad more aormal forms Co-enzyme Q10 oeyme is a itamilie sustae tat is otaied i early eery ell of te ody eause of its role i eergy rodutio it is a sigifiat utriet for me if serm motility is oor oeyme is oetrated i te area etwee te ead ad tail of te serm te eergy for moemet ad all oter eergydeedet roesses i te serm ell deed o it ower leels of oeyme ae ee foud i me wit oor serm motility ad sulemetig wit tis utriet led to a sigifiat imroemet t is also useful for me wo ae a iger roortio of aormal serm or serm wit ig amouts of damage or wome it is ow tougt tat oeyme may e elful for wome wo maye ae ee told tey ae old eggs eause of teir age ad tis utriet ould e elful i imroig egg uality ae a good sulemet desiged for fertility otaiig all te imortat utriets metioed aoe iludig oeyme ad itami see s daed ertility uort for ome ad daed ertility uort for e naturalhealthpractice.com | fertilityroadom | fertilityroadmag | follow us @fertilityroad

BODY Omega 3 fatty acids The Omega 3 fatty acids have far reaching effects for both male and female fertility. Sometimes immune problems may be affecting a woman’s ability to get and stay pregnant. The theory is that in order for her body to stay pregnant, her immune system has to quieten down because half the baby’s DNA is not hers. Normally if the body detects something foreign it aims to reject it and expel it from the body. For some women, their immune systems do not quieten down and so they can’t get or stay pregnant. One of the immune antibodies measured is called antiphospholipid antibodies (APAs). These bloodclotting antibodies can prevent implantation and cause recurrent miscarriage by attacking the cells that build the placenta. The medical treatment for this is blood thinners like aspirin and heparin. But research has shown that fish oil given to 22 women with APAs who already had 3 or more miscarriages went on to have 23 pregnancies (one woman has twins) without a miscarriage. Omega 3 fatty acids are also important for male fertility because semen is rich in prostaglandins, which are produced from these Omega 3 fatty acids. Men with poor sperm quality, abnormal sperm, poor motility or low count, can have inadequate levels of these beneficial prostaglandins and by supplementing with Omega 3 fish oils there was a significant increase in sperm count compared to a placebo. I know making these changes requires an effort on the couple’s part but as research in 2010 in the journal Andrologia stated ‘There is strong evidence that complementary treatment with an appropriate nutraceutical improves the natural conception rate of infertile couples and increases the success rate of assisted reproductive techniques. Combating obesity, correcting inappropriate diet and banning the abuse of tobacco and alcohol are part of the integrated approach’. Dr Marilyn Glenville PhD is the UK’s leading nutritionist specialising in women’s health. She is the Former President of the Food and Health Forum at the Royal Society of Medicine and the author of a number of internationally best selling books including ‘Getting Pregnant Faster, ‘Natural Solutions to PCOS’ and ‘The Natural Health Bible for Women’ see marilynglenville.com. Dr Glenville runs a number of women’s health clinics in Harley Street, London, Tunbridge Wells and Ireland. If you are interested in a consultation, you can contact Dr Glenville’s clinic on 01892 515905 or by email: health@ marilynglenville.com | fertilityroadmag | follow us @fertilityroad fertilityroad.com | 25

BODY<br />

Omega 3 fatty acids<br />

The Omega 3 fatty acids have far reaching effects for<br />

both male and female fertility. Sometimes immune<br />

problems may be affecting a woman’s ability to get<br />

and stay pregnant. The theory is that in order for<br />

her body to stay pregnant, her immune system has<br />

to quieten down because half the baby’s DNA is not<br />

hers. Normally if the body detects something foreign<br />

it aims to reject it and expel it from the body. For<br />

some women, their immune systems do not quieten<br />

down and so they can’t get or stay pregnant.<br />

One of the immune antibodies measured is called<br />

antiphospholipid antibodies (APAs). These bloodclotting<br />

antibodies can prevent implantation and<br />

cause recurrent miscarriage by attacking the cells<br />

that build the placenta. The medical treatment<br />

for this is blood thinners like aspirin and heparin.<br />

But research has shown that fish oil given to 22<br />

women with APAs who already had 3 or more<br />

miscarriages went on to have 23 pregnancies (one<br />

woman has twins) without a miscarriage.<br />

Omega 3 fatty acids are also important for male<br />

fertility because semen is rich in prostaglandins,<br />

which are produced from these Omega 3<br />

fatty acids. Men with poor sperm quality,<br />

abnormal sperm, poor motility or low count,<br />

can have inadequate levels of these beneficial<br />

prostaglandins and by supplementing with<br />

Omega 3 fish oils there was a significant increase<br />

in sperm count compared to a placebo.<br />

I know making these changes requires an effort<br />

on the couple’s part but as research in 2010 in<br />

the journal Andrologia stated ‘There is strong<br />

evidence that complementary treatment with<br />

an appropriate nutraceutical improves the<br />

natural conception rate of infertile couples<br />

and increases the success rate of assisted<br />

reproductive techniques. Combating obesity,<br />

correcting inappropriate diet and banning the<br />

abuse of tobacco and alcohol are part of the<br />

integrated approach’.<br />

Dr Marilyn Glenville PhD is the UK’s leading<br />

nutritionist specialising in women’s health.<br />

She is the Former President of the Food<br />

and Health Forum at the Royal Society of<br />

Medicine and the author of a number of<br />

internationally best selling books including<br />

‘Getting Pregnant Faster, ‘Natural Solutions<br />

to PCOS’ and ‘The Natural Health Bible for<br />

Women’ see marilynglenville.com. Dr<br />

Glenville runs a number of women’s health<br />

clinics in Harley Street, London, Tunbridge<br />

Wells and Ireland. If you are interested in a<br />

consultation, you can contact Dr Glenville’s<br />

clinic on 01892 515905 or by email: health@<br />

marilynglenville.com<br />

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fertilityroad.com | 25

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