GHCL Digest JUNE 2018

GHCL Digest JUNE 2018

GHCL Digest JUNE 2018


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Moving On:<br />

David's next step of moving on involves making small, deliberate and purposeful tweaks to your mind set,<br />

mo va on, and habits to align them with your core values. In doing so, she says you can make a<br />

significant difference in your life. You should never be complacent, but should always seek change that<br />

will further develop and improve your being.<br />

This book examines adapta on and advocates for consistent values as the core of who we are – the only<br />

transient point for values is to refine them when necessary, in order to evolve. We can never s ck too<br />

strongly to an emo on, thought or feeling, and learn to accept these as flee ng and allow them to move<br />

on. Only when we do this, can we catalyse and bring about healthy change.<br />

Why This Method Is So Important<br />

As humans, we go through constant change, from our faces changing as we age and our changing<br />

financial situa ons as we go from students to adults in the 'real world', to perhaps having children and<br />

learning to priori se another human life before our own. In order to embrace these changes and cherish<br />

and u lise them to the maximum, we need to be able to be adapt.<br />

We cannot be impeded by our old beliefs, as these old mentali es do not inspire growth and<br />

adaptability. We cannot expect the same rules or ac ons to be applicable across the mul tude of<br />

experiences and circumstances that we go through in our lives. Therefore, in order to embrace change<br />

posi vely and experience posi ve emo ons surrounding these changes, we must be emo onally agile,<br />

shi ing our mind set to the new situa on at hand.<br />

scared of, but the change in themselves – in case they don't like the new person that they become. Many<br />

people claim they are scared of change, due to its existen al, environmental implica ons. Yet, perhaps it<br />

is not the changing of the world around them that they are<br />

Change confronts us during significant, inescapable life events such as death, causing us to face these<br />

inevitabili es, despite that we may want to hold on to a par cular me or state. In these moments we<br />

cannot do this, we are not frozen, but instead we are in constant evolu on and we must use our<br />

emo onal agility to facilitate a healthy transi on from one state to the next.<br />

“Be slow to criticize<br />

And fast to appreciate.”<br />

June <strong>2018</strong><br />


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