GHCL Digest JUNE 2018

GHCL Digest JUNE 2018

GHCL Digest JUNE 2018


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Book Review<br />

Emo onal Agility<br />

Get Unstuck, Embrace Change, and<br />

Thrive in Work and Life<br />

To be emo onally agile is to be flexible with our thoughts and feelings, and not hold impenetrable, the<br />

concrete beliefs of our past, as this cannot lead to change. A seed cannot grow from concrete, only from<br />

a mixture of fer le soil, water and sunlight. In the same way, we must allow a combina on of different<br />

experiences and thoughts to shape us, and not be bound to a certain number of beliefs that we have<br />

always held.<br />

Susan David, PhD and psychologist on the faculty of Harvard Medical<br />

School, asks us to consider who's in charge – the thinker or the<br />

thought. Her point is that if we want to be emo onally agile in all<br />

areas of our life - that is, able to choose our response and not get<br />

hooked by thoughts and feelings that don't serve us, we need to be<br />

able to follow four basic principles outlined in the book.<br />

Susan David<br />

Dr. David cites four key concepts: showing up, stepping out, walking your why and moving on. These<br />

concepts emphasise the overall stance she takes in her book and are fundamental in crea ng emo onal<br />

agility and adap veness:<br />

Showing Up:<br />

To face your thoughts or feelings is arguably the most<br />

difficult thing to do but is also the most impera ve to<br />

facilitate posi ve change. David suggests being curious<br />

of them, accep ng the difficult and posi ve thoughts<br />

equally in order to see them for what they are.<br />

Stepping Out:<br />

This concept is all about detachment, a detachment<br />

from your inner monologue, thoughts and feelings, in<br />

order to see that they are just emo ons, not you. These<br />

emo ons are not bound to you and are not an essen al<br />

part of your being. To detach from them will result in<br />

you feeling far more autonomous over your ac ons and<br />

decisions.<br />

To be emo onally agile is to be<br />

flexible with our thoughts and<br />

feelings, and not hold impenetrable,<br />

the concrete beliefs of our past, as<br />

this cannot lead to change. A seed<br />

cannot grow from concrete, only<br />

from a mixture of fer le soil, water<br />

and sunlight. In the same way, we<br />

must allow a combina on of<br />

different experiences and thoughts<br />

to shape us, and not be bound to a<br />

certain number of beliefs that we<br />

have always held.<br />

Walking Your Why:<br />

You need to retain core values, as these are a fundamental part of who you are. You shouldn't give these<br />

up, but use them to dictate your ac ons. They provide you with your substance, your iden ty and roles,<br />

and as long as they aren't nega ve values then no refinement is needed. Your values are your driving<br />

force.<br />

June <strong>2018</strong><br />


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