GHCL Digest JUNE 2018

GHCL Digest JUNE 2018

GHCL Digest JUNE 2018


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Introduction To Data Analytics<br />

Data science is a set of fundamental principles that guide the extrac on of<br />

knowledge from the data. With vast amount of data now available, companies<br />

in almost every industry are focused on exploi ng data for compe ve edge.<br />

Computers have become far more powerful, networking has become<br />

ubiquitous, and algorithms have been developed that can connect datasets to<br />

enable broader and deeper analysis than previously possible. The convergence<br />

of this phenomenon has given rise to increasingly widespread business<br />

applica ons of data science principles and data mining techniques.<br />

S. N. Deshpande<br />

Data analy cs (DA) is the process of examining data sets in order to draw conclusion about the<br />

informa on it contains. It is not a tool or technology, rather it is the way of thinking and ac ng on data.<br />


Predic on is booming. It reinvents the industries and run the world.<br />

More and more predic ve analy cs drives commerce, manufacturing,<br />

healthcare, Government, and law enforcement. In these spheres<br />

organiza ons operate more effec vely by way of predic ng behaviour i.e.<br />

Outcome of each individual customer, employee, pa ent, voter and suspect.<br />

High performance sales team is four mes more likely to already be using<br />

predic ve analy cs than underperformers.<br />


Predic on is power. Big business secures a killer compe ve stronghold by predic ng the future<br />

des ny and value of individual assets. In this case by driving mortgage decisions with predic ons about<br />

the future payment behaviour of homeowners, Chase curtailed risk, boosted profit are some of<br />

obvious benefits of data analy cs.<br />

Following are the few challenges which are best addressed with predic on. Will the pa ent's outcome<br />

from surgery be posi ve? Will the credit applicant turn out to be a fraudster? Will the home owner face<br />

a bad mortgage? Will the air fare go down? Will the customer respond if mailed a brochure? By<br />

predic ng these things, it is possible to for fy healthcare, combat risk, conquer spam, toughen crime<br />

figh ng, boost sales, and cut costs.<br />

Few examples out of large poten al which Data Analy cs can predict from data are as below:<br />

1) Australian energy company Energex predicts electricity demand in order to decide where to build<br />

out its power grid, and Con Edison predicts system failure in the face of high levels of consump on.<br />

2) Wall Street firm's trade algorithmically, buying and selling based on the predic on of stock prices.<br />

3) Companies predict which customer will buy their products in order to target their marke ng.<br />

4) The leading career- focused social network, LinkedIn, predicts your job skills.<br />

5) Clinical researchers predict infidelity and divorce. There's even a self help website tool to put odds on<br />

your marriage's long term success (www. Divorce probability .com )<br />

6) Obama was re elected in 2012 with the help of voter predic on.<br />

Shobhit Ninoria<br />

June <strong>2018</strong><br />


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